100字范文 > 漫游资费 roaming charge英语短句 例句大全

漫游资费 roaming charge英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-14 18:43:06


漫游资费 roaming charge英语短句 例句大全

漫游资费,roaming charge

1)roaming charge漫游资费

2)wandering fee漫游费用

1.Through studying on thewandering fee of the wireless communication market,this paper analyzes on how thewandering fee to influence the local communication fee of mobile communication and the level of social welfare,draws some conclusions and puts forward some suggestions.通过对无线通信市场漫游费用的研究,分析了漫游费用如何影响移动通信本地通信费用和社会福利水平,得出结论并给出一些建议。


1.The Effect of the Wandering Fee of Mobile Phone on the Competition of Communication Market;移动漫游费用对通信市场竞争的影响

2.The high roaming fees, two-way charging mechanism and high monthly rental charges have all drawn complaints from Chinese consumers.高额双向收费的漫游费用以及每个月月租,使中国的消费者感到很不满。

3.China plans to set price caps and cut domestic mobile roaming fees this year, said an official of the Ministry of Information Industry (MII) on Tuesday.信息部官员在星期二发表中国将于今年建立价格最高限制,并且减少手机漫游费用。

4.The Solution of International Roaming by Prepaid Service UsersGSM预付费国际漫游业务技术解决方案

5.Note: Data connections may incur additional cost while roaming. Contact your service provider for additional information.\0注意: 漫游时的数据连接可能导致额外费用。请与服务提供商联系获取其他信息。\0

6.Note: Data connections may incur additional cost while roaming. Contact your service provider for additional information.注意: 漫游时的数据连接可能导致额外费用。请与服务提供商联系获取其他信息。

7.)IDD & Roaming Subscription Fee(one-off)IDD长途电话/国际漫游开通费(一次过支付

8.Open the Roaming Access preferences pane to enable Roaming Access and enter your User Name.打开"漫游访问" 首选项窗格,启用"漫游访问"功能,然后输入"用户名"。

9.Creating 3D Walkthrough Animations in AutoCAD--A Sample of Creating Walkthrough Animation利用AutoCAD实现三维模型的动态漫游——建筑物三维漫游动画的制作实例

10.Enable Roaming Access for this profile对我的简要表启用"漫游访问"

11."When users with roaming profiles log off,""当注销带漫游配置文件的用户时,"

12."Do not check for user ownership of Roaming Profile Folders""不检查“漫游配置文件夹”的用户所有权"

13.Development of Multi-resolution Scene Roaming System Based on Performer;利用Performer开发多分辨率场景漫游系统

14.Programming the animation of building travels with the technique of three dimensions;使用三维技术制作规划建筑漫游动画

15.Using Director MX to Realize Roam in Virtual Scene用Director MX实现虚拟场景漫游

16.The roaming function of a mobile phone Brings convenience to the users traveling Beyond the service area手机的漫游给外出旅游的用户带来了便利

17.adapted to wandering or roaming.适合于漫游或漫步的。

18.Taking about how to process policy analysis by using the data of total expenditure on health;漫谈如何利用卫生总费用数据进行政策分析


wandering fee漫游费用

1.Through studying on thewandering fee of the wireless communication market,this paper analyzes on how thewandering fee to influence the local communication fee of mobile communication and the level of social welfare,draws some conclusions and puts forward some suggestions.通过对无线通信市场漫游费用的研究,分析了漫游费用如何影响移动通信本地通信费用和社会福利水平,得出结论并给出一些建议。

3)roaming fee漫游费

1.Takingroaming fee as an example,the author discusses the importance of the protection of consumer rights to the construction of a harmonious society.文章以手机漫游费为典型,讨论消费者权益保护对构建和谐社会的重要性,遵循理论与实践相结合,分析了产业规制中存在的不足,借鉴了国外的经验,提出了手机漫游费挤占社会福利的"坚冰"应早日打破,提出了保障社会福利健康有序发展的途径与方式。



1.Solution to Protract Conflict between the Movement Simulation andRoaming during NC Machine Working;虚拟数控机床加工运动仿真与漫游场景实时绘制间冲突问题的解决方法

2.New authentication protocol of roaming for wireless mesh network;一种新的Mesh网络漫游接入协议

3.Scene roaming modeling technique inside digital ship cabin based on Multigen-Paradigm Creator;基于Multigen-Paradigm Creator的数字船舶舱内场景漫游建模方法的研究


1.Seamlessroam and security in wireless network;无线网络的安全无缝漫游

2.Research and implementation ofroaming network management in WLAN;无线局域网内的漫游管理的研究和实现

3.A Real Time Roam System in Electric Industry Based on Geometry-And-Image;电力系统中基于多边形与图像绘制相结合的实时漫游


漫游1.亦作"漫游"。 2.随意游玩。
