100字范文 > 植物细胞程序化死亡 Plant cell programmed death英语短句 例句大全

植物细胞程序化死亡 Plant cell programmed death英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-05 17:15:51


植物细胞程序化死亡 Plant cell programmed death英语短句 例句大全

植物细胞程序化死亡,Plant cell programmed death

1)Plant cell programmed death植物细胞程序化死亡

2)plant PCD植物细胞程序性死亡


1.Function of ROS In Environmental Stress Induced PCD of Plants活性氧在环境胁迫诱导的植物细胞程序性死亡中的作用

2.Study on Programmed Cell Death of Plants in Environmental Stress植物在逆境胁迫中的细胞程序性死亡

3.Programmed Cell Death in Plant Growth and Development;植物生长发育过程中的细胞程序性死亡

4.Programmed Cell Death in plant Somatic Embryogenesis植物体细胞胚胎发生发育过程中的细胞程序性死亡

5.Programmed Cell Death in Higher Plants Growth and Development and Morphogenesis;细胞程序性死亡与高等植物的生长发育及形态建成

6.Research on Programmed Cell Death and Regulation of PCD with Plant Growth Regulators during the Development of Cotton Fiber;棉纤维发育过程中的细胞程序性死亡及植物生长调节剂调控的研究

7.The Morphological Anatomy and Phenomenon of Programmed Cell Death during the Development of Leaf of Three Cyperaceae Plants;3种莎草科植物叶片形态解剖学及发育过程中细胞程序性死亡现象

8.Apoptosis is a more orderly process of cell death in which there is individual cell necrosis, not necrosis of large numbers of cells.细胞凋亡是一种程序性细胞死亡,属于单个细胞死亡,而不是大量细胞死亡。

9.Programmed Cell Death Independent of Caspases细胞程序性死亡的非Caspase依赖型途径

10.Studies on the Programmed Cell Death during Mutant Short Catkin Development in Chestnut;板栗短雄花序发育期间细胞程序性死亡研究

11.Studies on Programmed Cell Death of the Symbiotic Cyanobacteria within Azolla Microphylla小叶满江红共生蓝细菌的细胞程序性死亡研究

12.Bacterial Programmed Cell Death Mediated by mazEF System Under Stressful ConditionsmazEF系统介导胁迫诱导细菌细胞程序性死亡

13.Cytologic Obvervation of Programmed Cell Death in Anther of Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Cotton;棉花细胞质雄性不育花药中程序性细胞死亡的细胞学观察

14.Programmed Cell Death during Cotyledon Senescence in Cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum L.);棉花子叶衰老过程中的细胞程序性死亡

15.New Therapeutic Way to Immunity Diseases:Induction of Programmed Cell Death;免疫性疾病治疗新途径:诱导细胞程序性死亡

16.Studies on Programmed Cell Death of Elm Seeds家榆种子细胞程序性死亡相关事件的研究

17.Studies on Programmed Cell Death in Wheat-Wheat Leaf Rust Fungus Interaction;小麦与叶锈菌互作中细胞程序性死亡的研究

18.Programmed Cell Death Induced by Ce~(4+) in Suspension Culture of Arachis Hypogaea and Porphyridium Cruentum;Ce~(4+)诱导的花生、紫球藻悬浮细胞程序性死亡


plant PCD植物细胞程序性死亡

3)Programmed cell death程序化细胞死亡

an development and programmed cell death;器官发育与程序化细胞死亡

2.The 2002 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, the history of researching programmed cell death,the methodological characteristic and historical lessons in both epistemology and methodology are discussed.运用科学认识论和方法论,围绕2002年诺贝尔生理医学奖,讨论了程序化细胞死亡的研究过程及方法特点,得出了几点重要结论,对于未来生物学新现象的探索具有积极作用。

3.Programmed cell death (PCD) involving in embryogenesis and organ formation has been verified, but the reports of PCD of development in temporomandibular joint(TMJ) have not been found.为了探讨程序化细胞死亡 (PCD)在颞颌关节的发育中的作用 ,利用原位末端标记法 (TUNEL) ,对胚胎及生后 1周SD大鼠颞颌关节发育不同时期的PCD进行了观察 。

4)programmed cell death细胞程序化死亡

1.Programmed cell death (PCD) is an active and gene_regulated process which plays an important role in normal growth and development of plants.细胞程序化死亡 (PCD)是一种由基因控制的、主动的细胞死亡过程 ,它在植物正常生长发育过程中起着重要作用。

2.Fumonisin B1 (FB_1)inducesprogrammed cell death (PCD) and hypersensitive reaction (HR) in plant,providing a good system to study innate immune response,chemical stress andsphinglipids function in Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis).一方面,腐马素对某些牲畜有急性毒性及潜在的致癌性,如引起马脑炎、猪肺水肿或大鼠肝癌,还能引起人类食道癌和神经管缺陷,由于该毒素污染广泛,在玉米、玉米制品以及芦笋等农产品中都有报道,严重威胁食品安全及人类和动物的健康;另一方面,腐马素可以诱导植物的细胞程序化死亡以及过敏性反应,在模式植物拟南芥中腐马素诱导细胞程序化死亡是研究植物对化学胁迫的抗性、植物免疫机理以及神经鞘脂功能的良好体系。


1.Programmed cell death (PCD) is an inte-gral part of plant development.作为植物有性繁殖器官——花的花瓣通常生命周期短,其中有一个敏感的、严格控制的细胞程序化死亡过程。

6)programmed cell death (PCD)程序化细胞死亡

1.Processes such as cell maintenance, uncoupling, Programmed Cell Death (PCD), starvation, and predation are reviewed, and state-of-the-art information about these processes is summarized.随后,分别对内源过程中的细胞维持、解偶联、程序化细胞死亡、饥饿状态、高等微生物捕食等过程作了综述,总结了其在污水生物处理领域的研究进展。


