100字范文 > 认知历程 cognition processes英语短句 例句大全

认知历程 cognition processes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-27 08:42:15


认知历程 cognition processes英语短句 例句大全

认知历程,cognition processes

1)cognition processes认知历程


1.This undergraduate course is designed to introduce students to cognitive processes.该项大学课程旨在向学生介绍认知历程。

2.PASS Model and Applications to Children with Reading Disability;PASS认知历程模式及其在阅读障碍儿童中的运用

3.Development of Perception about People Attribute of Journalism since 1949 in China试析新闻事业人民属性六十年认知历程

4.Our Party s Understanding Course, Experience and Enlightenment to the Intellectual s Problems;我党对知识分子问题的认识历程与经验启示

5.Implicit learning of motor skill and exploitation of brain potential无意识—内隐认知理论的演变历程回顾及展望

6.The Course of Technological Cognition in the West:From the Fringe to the Centre西方技术认知的发展历程:从边缘走向中心

7."To perceive to be, after experience or consideration:"经历或考虑之后认知.

8.On the Party"s Understanding of the Class Nature of Intellectuals and Their Impact (1956-1966)1956—1966:党对知识分子阶级属性的认定历程及其影响

9.Gradual reform, Cognitive Inertia and the Path Dependence--Based on the Case of the Reform in the Circulation Field渐进式改革、认知“惰性”与路径依赖——兼论流通领域改革历程

10.Social Advancement and the Re-cognition of the Role Transformation: One Kind of History Re-examining to Zhou Libo’s Creation社会进程的历史性与角色转换的再认知——对周立波创作的一种历史再审视

11.perceptual motor process知觉动作过程 知觉动作历程

12.Narrative Structure and Cognition Process: On Cognitive Narratology;叙事结构与认知过程——认知叙事学评析

13.An Analysis of Cognitive Process and Mechanism in Consecutive Interpreting交替传译的认知过程与认知机制研究

14.Thinking Process of the Relationship between History and National Condition Awareness--A Historical Investigation of the Social Function of History (1);历史学与国情认识之关系的思索历程

15.a student of cognitive processes.研究认知过程的学者。

16.Aspect acquisition of children develops from category of cognition, then to category of semantics, and eventually to category of function.儿童时体习得经历了一个从认知范畴向语义范畴,再向功能范畴扩展的过程。

17.ii. Cognitive process of resume screening for expert and novice could bedivided into five phases: excepting mission, setting up the recruitedposition"s schema, matching resume, evaluating aptness of position,decision-making. iii.简历筛选认知加工过程的第四阶段——评价应聘者职位合适度,专家、新手存在极其显著性差异。

18.Diachronic Investigation and Cognitive Explanation of the Locality-Marks "Li" "Nei" "Zhong";方位标“里”“内”“中”的历时考察及认知解释


process of cognition认识历程

3)Knowledge Storyboard知识历程

1.The paper expounds the essence principle of establishing ECS and explains the process of implementing the ECS:marking the related information of business strategy byKnowledge Storyboard;transforming the information to documents by establishing the content asset inventory;establishing content catalogue to organize the documents in effect.文章具体阐述了建立企业内容服务的战略设计的原则与要素以及企业内容服务的战略实施步骤:通过描绘知识历程来标识与企业的业务战略密切相关的信息;通过创建内容资产目录将标识出的信息转化为具体的文档;通过建立统一内容编码体系来有效组织这些文

4)cognitive process认知过程

1.The harmony ofcognitive process of the subject of scientific creation;论科学创造主体的认知过程和谐

2.Explore on method paradigm in studying athletes advancedcognitive process;运动员高级认知过程研究的方法范式探析


1.Feasibility on ImprovingAwareness of Cerebral Palsy by Health Education in Countryside;卫生宣教提高基层群众对脑性瘫痪认知程度的可行性研究

2.The objective of this study is to research the awareness; acceptance of vegetable farmers on biopesticide, based on the survey data collected vegetable farmers in Hebei province.为了考察我国农户对无公害农药的接受程度,从源头上保障农产品质量,笔者以河北省为例,通过问卷调查和访谈具体考察了蔬菜种植农户对无公害农药的认知程度和购买意愿。

3.So it is very important to evaluate the non-market value of cultivated land resources according to residents awareness and willingness to pay for preserving cultivat.对武汉市480户居民家庭进行随机抽样调查,分析社会公众对耕地外部效益、保护目的、保护工作存在问题、耕地减少对家庭生活的影响预期等方面的认知程度,了解居民自愿参与耕地保护的支付意愿,并运用CVM对武汉市耕地资源的非市场价值进行评估。

6)Course Knowledge课程认知

1.Effects of Integrating Teaching Method on Experimental Design of Pharmacology andCourse Knowledge of Medical Students;贯通式教学对药理实验设计及课程认知的影响


