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领导能力 leadership英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-26 07:13:42


领导能力 leadership英语短句 例句大全



1.Leadership Development Program of the US Institutions of Higher Learning——A Pproaches of Civic Education;美国高校的领导能力发展计划——一种公民教育的方式

2.Study on the Relationship between Leadership and Individual Working Performance;领导能力与员工个人绩效的关系研究

3.In this article, I will introduce and generate both the native and foreign correlated studies about social intelligence from 5 aspects, that is, social intelligence and aggression, social intelligence andleadership, social intelligence and education, social intelligence and interper.本文试图从社会智力与攻击行为、社会智力与领导能力、社会智力与教育、社会智力与人际关系和心理健康以及社会智力与其它方面5个方面来介绍与总结国内外对社会智力的相关研究。


1.6. Leadership Don"t get blinded by the cult-hero worshipof "Big L" leaders;领导能力无须盲目崇拜“大人物”领导者。

2.school leadership competency profile for school principals校长领导能力概览表

3.On the Innovation of Leadership Culture and the Ability ofLeadership to Build a Harmonious Society;论领导文化的创新与构建和谐社会的领导能力

4.Briefly on Enhancing the Art of Leadership and Abilities of Administration of County-level Leader;略论提高县级领导干部领导能力和执政水平

5.Creating a studious leadership for raising their ability and level;建设学习型领导集体 提高领导能力和水平

6.And the only valid test of leadership is the ability to lead, and lead vigorously.而对领导人的惟一有效考验,是他有没有领导能力,能不能提供强有力的领导。

7.Leadership training must focus on aquiring skills at leading combined arms combat.领导能力训练必须集中到获取领导诸兵种联合作战的技能方面来。

8.but I didn"t think her leadership skill was very strong, either.也不认为她有足够的领导能力。

9.International Institute for Leadership Development国际培养领导能力研究所

10.achievements, leadership, job skills, sense of humor, and intelligence.有成就,有领导能力,有手艺,幽默,聪明的。

11....who has shown outstanding leadership....一个有杰出领导能力的学生

12.The goal of HBS is to prepare students for the challenges of leadership.哈佛商学院旨在培养学生领导能力。

13.Vroom-Yetton leadership trainman维罗姆-耶顿领导能力训练

14.Ability of leadership and being an active team player.具备领导能力,积极的团队协作精神。

15.So you need decisive leadership.因此你需要拥有决定性的领导能力。

16.Study on the Relationship between Leadership and Individual Working Performance;领导能力与员工个人绩效的关系研究

17.Artistic Auality: An Indispensable Element for Leadership;艺术素养:领导能力中不可或缺的元素

18.A Study on Leaders Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Effectiveness in Companies;企业领导者情绪智力与领导效能关系研究


leading ability领导能力

1.Theleading ability and executing ability of leading carders in colleges and universities play a decisive role in developing the colleges and universities.高校干部的领导能力与执行能力是决定高等学校生存和发展的重要因素,提高高校干部的领导能力与执行力是加强高校领导人才队伍建设的重要内容。

2.The effectiveness of leading behavior is directly determined by theleading ability.领导能力模式直接决定着领导行为的有效性,海尔成功的根本原因在于海尔创新领导理念,实现了由传统型领导能力模式向量子型领导能力模式的跨越。

3)leadership capacity领导能力

1.Cooperation andleadership capacity in repeated games——A cooperation theory frame of analysing management in dilemma;重复博弈的合作与领导能力——一个分析管理困境的合作理论框架

2.Throughout the War,the(Chinese) Communist Party sleadership capacity was brought into full play,expanded and improved.抗日战争胜利的决定性因素为全民族的英勇抗战和共产党领导成为中流砥柱,其领导能力得到充分实现、迅速拓展和根本性升华。



6)the capacity of being led被领导能力

1.While the latter is the main part of the leading team,the capacity of being led is not negligible.人们在谈执政能力时,更多地关 注正职领导的领导能力,而忽视副职领导的被领导能力。


领导者创新能力领导者创新能力leader"s creative capability领导者创新能力(leader’5 ereative eapa-bilitv)领导者在各种领导活动中,善于捕捉新事物的萌芽,提出新的设想、新的方案,创造性地进行工作的能力。创造是领导活动的根本属性,一个称职的领导者,应当是创造新世界的先锋和组织者。勇于开拓创新是现代领导者的基本特征。富有创新能力的领导者具有如下特征:(l)兴趣广泛,能从平凡中发现奇特,从人人习以为常的现象中找到“异常”之处。(2)具有敏锐的洞察力,能及时找出实际存在和理想模式之间的差距,能察觉到别人未注意到的情况,不断地发现人们的需要和本部门的潜力。(3)善于创造性地思维,敢于怀疑,不墨守成规,善于运用与众不同的原则和方法使问题得到圆满地解决。(4)对事物具有深思熟虑,严密推敲的科学态度。(5)处理问题灵活多变,对于党的路线、方针和政策,上级的指示,不是消极地、被动地“照章办事”,而是善于从实际情况出发,灵活地加以贯彻执行。(6)意志坚强,在各种困难面前不动摇,有坚定的信心和信念。(黄志机撰王树茂审)
