100字范文 > 西口文化 Xikou culture英语短句 例句大全

西口文化 Xikou culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-12 16:06:04


西口文化 Xikou culture英语短句 例句大全

西口文化,Xikou culture

1)Xikou culture西口文化

1.This paper defines various factors of Xikou as a cultural phenomenon by comparing connotation and denotation of culture,that is,Xikou phenomenon satisfies all the requirements of being a culture and also the exact definition ofXikou culture is given.文章通过对文化的内涵与外延的比较,确定了西口作为文化现象的各种因素,即西口现象符合作为一种文化所应具备的条件,并给予西口文化以确切的定义。


1.Xikou Culture: Alienation and Dissemination of the Chinese Cultural Tradition in the Course of Evolution;西口文化:中国文化传统演进中的异化与传承

2.Impact of Western Consumer Culture on Import of China;西方消费文化对我国进口构成的影响

3.The Comparison of Cultural Connotation between Zouxikou and Shawalei;《走西口》与《沙娃泪》的文化内蕴对比

4.On higher education and the scientific and cultural qualities of the west population;论高等教育与西部人口科学文化素质

5.The Cultural Orientations of China and the West through the Eyes of "Agreement" between Written Symbols and Oral Tradition;从中希文字与口传的“通约”看中西文化的取向

6.a city in southwestern Spain; a major port and cultural center; the capital of bullfighting in Spain.西班牙西南部城市;一个主要的港口和文化中心;西班牙斗牛的中心。

7.This metropolis of 600,000 is the cultural center of Siberia.这个大城市是西伯利亚的文化中心,有60万人口。

8.Orality and writing in pre-Hispanic nahuatl culture;前西班牙时代那哇特尔文化的口头性与书面性

9.Effects of the Custom of Going to the Western Pass in Shanxi and Shannxi Provinces on the Construction of Village Culture in the Intersection of Chinese and Mongolian Areas;“走西口”习俗对蒙汉交汇区村落文化构建的影响

10.Inward Population Migration and Education and Culture of Guangxi in Anti-Japanese War;抗战时期人口内迁与广西的教育和文化

11.The Influence of the Different Mode of Thinking Between Western and Eastern Culture on Teaching Oral English;中西思维模式差异对英语口语教学的文化影响

12.To Develop Educational Undertaking for Improving Cultural Quality of Population around Western Develo pment of China;围绕西部开发,发展教育事业,提高人口文化素质

13.Sino-western Cultural Differences and Tourism Interpretation--With Meizhou as an Example中西文化差异与英语导游口译——以广东梅州为例

14.The Analysis of Population Cultural Quality Difference Between East and West in China;从人口受教育程度看我国东西部地区人口文化素质差异

15.Developmenting Chinese Population Culture and Construction of Population Culture;发展中国人口文化与人口文化学构建

16.They Believe that a perfect command of the English language equals a good understanding of the Western culture.他们以为一口操标准英语就等同了解了西方文化。

17.Hankou is exactly this one of the representative city where the Chinese culture hand over to melt to the foreign culture.汉口正是这种中西文化交融的一个较为有代表性的城市之一。

18.Analysis of the Effects of Traditional Culture and Custom on Sexual Ratio at Birth in Rural Areas of Guangxi;传统文化习俗对广西农村出生人口性别比的影响分析


Chinese and Western cultures中西文化

1.Discussion on the different natural view betweenChinese and Western cultures;从城市和建筑及园林看中西文化自然观的差异

2.Differences and Similarities of the Views of Chinese and Western Cultures in Chen Duxiu and Liang Shuming;陈独秀与梁漱溟的中西文化观异同论

3.The development of the Chinese football as seen from the comparison ofChinese and Western cultures;中西文化比较看中国足球的发展

3)western culture西方文化

1.The Function of Taoism in the Process of Chinese Modern Literature Accepting the Western Culture;论道家思想在中国现代文学接受西方文化过程中的作用

2.Silver Age:A Blend of Western Culture and Russian Culture;白银时代:西方文化与俄罗斯文化的融汇

3.Olympic movement in the connection between oriental andwestern cultures;东西方文化对接中的奥林匹克运动

4)Hexi culture河西文化

1.The Rational Thoughts of Regional Traditional Culture and Technology Transfer of Western Development——TakeHexi culture of Gansu province for example;地域传统文化与西部开发中技术转移的理性思考——以甘肃河西文化为例

2.The lag and obstruction ofHexi culture of Gansu province causes the conflict between traditional culture and forestry development of Western Development.由于甘肃河西文化的滞后性和封闭性,使西部开发中林草业发展与其传统文化产生了摩擦,超越传统文化,克服陈旧意识,转变思想观念,不断创新,营造先进的文化环境,为林草业发展培育强劲的文化内动力,是消除林草业发展与传统文化摩擦的有效措施。

5)Chinese and western culture中西文化

1.On the nationalization and internationalization of dressby contrast betweenChinese and western culture;从中西文化比较看服饰民族化与国际化

2.Fusion and Opposition——The contrast betweenChinese and western culture in terms of ideology;融合与对立——从意识形态方面比较中西文化

3.Differences betweenChinese and western culture from the perspective of the semantic connotation of special words;从特殊词汇的语义内涵看中西文化的差异

6)western cultures西方文化

1.This paper processes from the new perspective,the relationship betweenwestern cultures and the designing of English advertisements,in the re-exploration of the tie between advertisements and culture.本文通过西方文化与英语广告创意的联系这一新角度来重新思考广告与文化的关系。

2.As the liberal thought ofwestern cultures has had an influence on the intellectuals of the "Bei-jing"school, the ideological trend of liberalism in literature and art is manifest in the literary and artisticnotion of the "Beijing" school from its ontology through the notion of creation to its notion of criticism.西方文化中的自由主义思想影响着“京派”知识分子,于是“京派”文学也呈现出自由主义文艺思潮:从文艺的本体观到创作观再到批评观可以看到“京派”文艺观念和风貌。

3.The exchanges of the Eastern and Western cultures, and the impac.自从鸦片战争以来就发端的东西方文化交流方向的逆转 ,至今仍远远没有结束 ,在新世纪 ,我们要实现中华民族的伟大复兴 ,也包括文化的复兴。


西口1.指山西省长城诸口。以别于"北口"。 2.张家口的别称。
