100字范文 > 语境多维性 multi-dimensions of context英语短句 例句大全

语境多维性 multi-dimensions of context英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-13 05:12:50


语境多维性 multi-dimensions of context英语短句 例句大全

语境多维性,multi-dimensions of context

1)multi-dimensions of context语境多维性

2)multi-dimensional context多维语境

1.However,if we re-interpret it by putting this article in themulti-dimensional context,we can discover that his true viewpoint about the literature is unlike what he said in the book.如果将《典论·论文》置于汉魏之交的多维语境中重新解读,我们会发现曹丕对文章的真实看法并非如其《论文》中所言;其"文气"说的提出也是因循借鉴的成分较大,开创意义并不显著。


1.An Analysis of the Dimensional Context in Yang Bi s Translation of Vanity Fair;浅析杨必译《名利场》中的多维语境意识

2.Multi-dimensional Studies of Context--A Survey of the Studies of Context in Recent 10 Years in China;语境的多维研究——国内语境研究十年发展综述

3.Multi-compensation of lost context-cultural information in translating nation s specific silk-expressions;民族特有“丝”语英译中语境信息的多维补偿

4.Multi-dimensional Research on College English Classroom Teaching in Mutli-media Era多媒体环境下大学英语课堂教学的多维探求

5.A Multivariate Perspective on CMH Hypothesis;“语境——纯理功能耦合假说”的多维关系研究

6.Discussing about English Classroom Instruction Mode of Multi-dimensional Interactive Situated-teaching;开放教育多维互动英语情境教学课堂模式探讨

7.Multimedia Language Laboratory’s Teaching Surroundings, Funtional Exploiting and Its Maintenance;多媒体语言实验室教学环境、功能开发及其维护

8.Contextual Dimension and Discourse Translation语境维度与语篇翻译

9.Mary Barton:The Ambivalent Consciousness in the Victorian Cultural Context维多利亚文化语境中矛盾意识的突显——评盖斯凯尔夫人的《玛丽·巴顿》

10.On the Dynamic College English Teaching Management Model under Network Culture;网络教学环境下大学英语多维动态教学管理模式初探

11.The change of the appreciation of beauty in the vision culture under the context of consumerism;消费主义语境下视觉文化的审美嬗变和多维思考

12.A Probe into English Teaching Strategies from the Perspective of Teaching Procedure and Multimedia Environment;从教学环节和多媒体环境维度构建英语教学策略

13.The Composing Thoughts and Technique Method in Zhu Shirui"s Mini Variations on Grass-Lyric多元语境中的作曲新路——朱世瑞《草-词的微变奏》之创作思维与技法

14.On the Role of Age Differences in Compliment and Compliment Responses in Chinese Context;汉语语境中恭维语和恭维应答年龄差异研究

15.A Dynamic Study of the Context;语境的动态研究——维索尔伦的语境适应论评介

16.Varieties of "New Englishs" in Multicultural Contexts;多元文化语境中的“新英语”语言变体

17.An Empirical Pragmatic Investigation of Chinese Compliment Responses in Family Settings家庭情境下的汉语恭维答语语用实证研究

18.Three Dimensions of Context and Translation Research -A Case Analysis of the Two Versions of a Source Text within the Theory of Three Dimensions of Context;三维语境观与翻译研究——应用三维语境观进行译文比较例析


multi-dimensional context多维语境

1.However,if we re-interpret it by putting this article in themulti-dimensional context,we can discover that his true viewpoint about the literature is unlike what he said in the book.如果将《典论·论文》置于汉魏之交的多维语境中重新解读,我们会发现曹丕对文章的真实看法并非如其《论文》中所言;其"文气"说的提出也是因循借鉴的成分较大,开创意义并不显著。

3)contextual dimensions语境维度

4)three dimensions of context三维语境

1.Translation of a single word,phrase,sentence,text,and so on,should invariably be analyzed from thethree dimensions of context,that is,communicative transaction,pragmatic action and semiotic interaction.本文从三维语境的特点和功能出发,阐述其在翻译理论和翻译实践中的重要性。

5)multi-context language environment多元语境

6)Multilingual situation多语环境


