100字范文 > 畲族音乐 the music of She Nationality英语短句 例句大全

畲族音乐 the music of She Nationality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-22 13:56:29


畲族音乐 the music of She Nationality英语短句 例句大全

畲族音乐,the music of She Nationality

1)the music of She Nationality畲族音乐

2)She nationality畲族

1.Clinical analysis and inquire into interfere measure of 15 casesShe nationality children with β-thalassemia in the east of Fujian Province.;闽东地区畲族小儿β-地中海贫血15例临床分析及干预措施探讨

2.Investigation of bone mineral density in middle-aged and oldShe nationality people in east Fujian;福建省闽东畲族中老年人群骨密度调查

3.The Features of Lip Patterns of Juveniles of She Nationality;畲族青少年红唇分型特征


1.Lotus as Medium: Ethnic Relation Study of Shezu and Hanzu in Liucheng Shezu Town花为媒:柳城畲族镇畲汉民族关系研究

2.She under Chinese Culture Interaction"s Shezu Ancient Times Educated the Research畲汉文化互动下的畲族古代教育研究

3.She People"s Characteristics and its Formation---Taking She People in Guixi of Jiangxi Province as an Example论畲族的民族特性及形成原因——以江西省贵溪市樟坪畲族乡为例

4.The Song of Gaohuang: The Double Interpretations of SHE Ethnic Culture;《高皇歌》:双重表述下的畲族族群文化

5.Develop She Nationality Area via Tourism--Field Survey Report on She Nationality Area in Guangdong Province;对广东畲族乡旅游扶贫的思考——广东漳溪畲族乡田野调查报告

6.The Characters and Exploitation of the She Tourist Resources--Taking Jingning She Autonomous County As Example;畲族旅游资源的特色及其开发——以景宁畲族自治县为例

7.People of the She nationality mainly live in China"s Fujian and Guangdong provinces.畲族主要分布在我国的福建和广东。

8.The Protection and Exploitation of the She Nationality"s Cultural Relic略论畲族文物的保护、开发和利用

9.Evaluation and Development on Tradition Sports Tourism Resource of the She Nationality畲族传统体育旅游价值评价及开发

10.Research on Costume Art and Cultural Connotation of the She Nationality in Fujian Province;论福建畲族传统服饰艺术及文化内涵

11.Artistic Characteristics of "Shuang Tiao Luo"--the Se Nationality s Folk Songs;福建畲族民歌“双条落”的艺术特点

puter measurement study of craniofacial about She Nationality in Jiangxi;江西省畲族人体头面部微机测量研究

13.Investigation in Zhejiang Shes Phoenix Coronet,Veins-of-Phoenix and Phoenix Cultural;浙江畲族凤冠凤纹及其凤凰文化探讨

14.On the Feature, Cause and using for Reference of the Marital Culture of the She People;论畲族婚育文化的特点、成因及借鉴

15.A textual study of the She ethnic group s history of taxes and corvée: a few points to discuss with Mr. Jiang Bingzhao;畲族赋役史考辨──与蒋炳钊先生商榷

16.The Research of the She"s Riral Communities Changes Since 1978改革开放以来畲族乡村社区变迁研究

17.On the Taboo of Bell in Picture-Story Book of Jinzhong Bianshen of She Ethnic Group从畲族祖图中的“金钟变身”论“室”的禁忌

18.Begging in Villages of the She in East Fujian Province in Late Qing Dynasty:With the "Begging-Forbidden-Stele" of Jiutong Village as the Example;晚清闽东畲族乡村的乞丐问题——以九通畲村“禁丐碑”碑文为中心


She nationality畲族

1.Clinical analysis and inquire into interfere measure of 15 casesShe nationality children with β-thalassemia in the east of Fujian Province.;闽东地区畲族小儿β-地中海贫血15例临床分析及干预措施探讨

2.Investigation of bone mineral density in middle-aged and oldShe nationality people in east Fujian;福建省闽东畲族中老年人群骨密度调查

3.The Features of Lip Patterns of Juveniles of She Nationality;畲族青少年红唇分型特征

3)The Shes畲族

1.Map of the Shes’ culture in Eastern Fujian: process of connecting the traditional culture with the modern civilization;闽东畲族文化地图:传统文化与现代文明对接的过程

2.Among them, the Shes who originally lived on the borders of Jiangxi, Fujian and Guangdong Provinces gradually changed into the Hans in the long-term reciprocal action of the Shes and the Hakkas after their national uprising of resisting feudal rule.明清以来,散居各地的畲族纷纷走上了汉化的道路。

4)she minority畲族

1.On Law Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage of She Minority——Take Zhejiang Jingning She Minority Autonomous County as A Case畲族非物质文化遗产法律保护研究——以浙江景宁畲族自治县为考察对象

5)the She nationality畲族

1.A research into phoenix worship ofthe She nationality and its origin;畲族凤凰崇拜及其源流初探

2.This paper discusses the ballad "Ode to the Ancestors" in Shanyangge and other historical ballads as well as the historical origin,attitude to life and ethnic characteristics ofthe She nationality.山羊隔《祖公歌》等历史歌谣与畲族的历史源流、生活态度和民族特色。

6)She people畲族

1.A study on present situation and characteristics of traditional sports of She People in Southwest District of Zhejiang Province;浙西南山区畲族传统体育状况与特点的研究

2.She People"s Characteristics and its Formation——-Taking She People in Guixi of Jiangxi Province as an Example论畲族的民族特性及形成原因——以江西省贵溪市樟坪畲族乡为例


畲族音乐畲族居住在中国福建、浙江、江西、广东、安徽 5省的部分山区,人口368832人(1982年统计)。畲语属汉藏语系苗瑶语族苗语支,仅广东东部极少数畲族使用苗瑶语族的布努语。民间音乐主要是民歌,其中又以山歌居多,通称"果",亦称"霞果"(即畲歌)。每年有盛大的歌会。节期各地不尽相同,分有会亲节、分龙节以及农历二月二、三月三、六月一、七月七、八月十五、九月九。男婚女嫁时有一系列的婚礼歌。畲族民歌按历史时期分传统民歌、革命山歌和新民歌3种。传统民歌有长篇叙事歌、小说歌和杂歌3类。长篇叙事歌有歌颂祖先的《盘匏歌》、《麟豹王歌》,有揭露旧社会统治阶级罪恶的《末朝歌》等;小说歌大都由汉族章回小说和评话本改编而成,如《梁山伯与祝英台》、《白蛇传》等;杂歌内容广泛,形式活泼,包括十条起、散条、叙事杂歌、字歌、分字歌、谜歌、嫁女歌、小令等多种。革命山歌是第二次国内革命战争期间在福建省福安、霞浦等老革命根据地产生的,有《共产党恩情深》、《十送郎》、《心头恨》等。1949年后产生了许多歌唱新生活的新民歌。畲歌的演唱形式除对唱、独唱、齐唱外,还有重唱(畲语称双音或双条落),主要流行于福建东部的宁德及霞浦。宁德的双音带轮唱性质,声部进行以模仿为主,间或出现支声式、接应式、和音式;霞浦的双条落为领和式。它们都带有较大的即兴性,低音声部常作下三度自由模仿。畲族山歌有3种唱法:一种用真声唱,称为平讲;一种用假声唱,这是畲族人喜爱的一种唱法;一种是在假声唱法上再提高音区,称为放高音。由于唱法不同,在唱同一首歌词时,可出现平讲调、假声唱和放高音3种不尽相同的曲调。如平讲调,音调低平,与语言结合紧密,情绪平稳。如下例:假声唱,音区比平讲调提高四、五度,节奏宽广、情绪开朗。如下例:放高音,音区进一步提高,音域扩展,感情奔放。如下例:由于畲族以大分散、小聚居的形式与汉族杂居,因而各地的畲歌曲调又都具有各自的个性特征并形成当地的基本调。在畲族人口分布稀疏的地区?湟衾值拿褡逄厣蚕嘤Φ。厍氐阍蛳喽栽銮俊H绺=ㄚ驳念锤璐忻瞿弦衾址缥叮愣念锤柙蚪咏迕窀杌蚩图疑礁琛?畲族民歌的特点:①多采用五声音阶,商调式为多见,少数用宫调式。②曲式结构严谨,大都为2或4个乐句组成的单乐段。结构大致有起承转合式、上下句体变化反复式、单句变化式和自由衍展式等。③音域不宽,多在八度以内,旋律无大幅度的低回和华彩乐句,但音程进行中常见五、六度的大跳和细碎装饰音。④在节拍上除有2拍、3拍、4拍子外,更多的是比较自由的非均分律动,如庒、戸、彎等小节的无规律连接。福建罗源、连江及浙江泰顺的民歌,句首常细分强拍,尾音拖长;在浙江云和、建德常细分弱拍或弱位置。⑤双数乐句多终止于主音,单数乐句有的结束于主音,有的结束在上五度或下二度音上。⑥词曲结合上大都是一字一音。
