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Free英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-23 10:00:07


 Free英语短句 例句大全



1.A Study on the Acceptance ofFree Health Education Prescriptions by Outpatients;患者接受医院免费健康教育处方状况分析

2.Readers in College Obtaining Approach aboutFree Network Database;高校读者获取免费网络数据库的途径

3.Free Patent Datebase and Search in Internet;Internet上的免费专利数据库及其检索


1.Berthing at Free of Charge免费靠泊于......

2.but free cars, free houses, and free trips round the world as well.而且还提供免费汽车,免费住房,免费周游世界。

3.Free Storage 5MB免费储存空间 5MB

4.offers Both free and pay services.提供免费和收费服务

5.· "Freemium" What"s free: Web software and services, some content. Free to whom: users of the basic version.免费品:网络软件和服务,部分内容。免费对象(对谁免费):普通(简版)用户。

6.800,81,"International Freephone Service","","",""81,"国际免费电话服务","","",""

7.He was exempt from charges by virtue of his youth/of being so young/of the fact that he was so young.他因年幼而获得免费.

8.are now free to everyone.…现免费向公众开放…

9.Free samples are offered By this factory.本厂提供免费货样。

10.It"s free there every Thursday.那里每个星期四免费,

11.One eight hundred number美国的免费电话号码

12.a sample for ten days free trial; a trial of progesterone failed to relieve the pain.样品可以免费试用十天。

13.Is the lunch at school free?学校提供免费午餐吗?

14.The house was largely filled with paper.场内免费来宾拥挤不堪。

15.free postage [election advertisement]免费投寄〔选举广告〕

16.You may carry your luggage on broad without charge.您可免费携带行李上船。

17.Free for accompanied children under 16 years of age.所带16以下岁儿童免费

18.could collect a free meal voucher,可以领取一张免费餐券,


free of charge免费

1.The policy of compulsory education which isfree of charge has influenced the development of martial art schools in some degree.免费义务教育政策在一定程度上影响着武术馆校的发展,也成了研究武术馆校运营的切入点。

2.Free public goods is the public goods that arefree of charge when the taxpayer consume it.免费公共产品,是纳税人可以不支付任何费用而享受的公共产品。

3.Museums, memorial museums and National Educational Bases for Patriotism have gradually opened to the publicfree of charge.博物馆、纪念馆、全国爱国主义教育示范基地相继对社会公众免费开放,科技馆对社会公众人开放也仅仅是个时间问题,本文就科技馆为什么要对社会公众实行免费开放,怎样开放,在开放中如何赢得更大的发展,作了一些思考。


4)free cooling免费供冷

1.Cooling by cooling towers(also calledfree cooling ) is a means to cool buildings in winter or transitional seasons when the weather allowed.冷却塔供冷又称“免费供冷”,是一种在过渡季节和冬季当室外气候条件允许时,使用冷却塔为建筑物供冷的系统形式,具有很大的节能潜力。

2.The application condition of evaporative cooling assist to mechanical refrigeration system was analyzed combined with the weather data and wet air psychrometric chart,And a quantitative calculation of the potential of itsfree cooling is brought forward.结合湿空气焓湿图,分析了在非干燥地区蒸发冷却与机械复合全年运行空调系统中蒸发冷却"免费供冷"的应用条件,并定量计算出了其免费供冷的潜力。

5)reduction or exemption of tax税费减免

6)free treatment免费治疗

1.Objective:To observe the effect of thefree treatment on schizophrenics from community.目的:观察免费治疗社区精神分裂症患者的疗效。


