100字范文 > 黄疸 jaundice英语短句 例句大全

黄疸 jaundice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-09 14:16:28


黄疸 jaundice英语短句 例句大全



1.Interventional Therapy for Malignant Obstructive Jaundice in Elderly Patients;老年恶性梗阻性黄疸的介入治疗

2.The Reasons and Treatments of Jaundice after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy;腹腔镜胆囊切除术后黄疸的原因及防治

3.Clinical application of serum total bile acid determination in neonatejaundice;新生儿黄疸期血清总胆汁酸测定的临床价值


1.Relating to or affected with jaundice.与黄疸有关的或患有黄疸的

2.chronic acholuric jaundice慢性无胆色素尿性黄疸

3.Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae出血性黄疸钩端螺旋体

4.chronic familial acholuric jaundice慢性遗传性溶血性黄疸

5.Post-transfusion jaundice may occur.可发生输血后黄疸。

6.Yellowness of the eyes is one of the symptoms of jaundice.眼睛发黄是黄疸病的症状之一。

7.affected by jaundice which causes yellowing of skin etc.患有黄疸,导致皮肤发黄等等。

8.Distinguishing between Jaundice and Yellow Fat,and Disposal in Meat Product Inspection肉品检验中黄疸与黄脂的鉴别与处理

9.120 samples with different degree icterus and different concent BUN were collected.收集制备不同黄疸程度和BUN含量高低不一的黄疸血清120份。

10.The infection bleeds Huang Dan is the end helicoid causes by hemorrhagic Huang Dangou, mainly encroaches upon the young dog.传染性出血黄疸是由出血性黄疸钩端螺旋体引起的,主要侵犯幼犬。

11.acholuric hemolytic icterus with splenomegaly巨脾性无胆色素尿性溶血性黄疸;巨脾性无胆色素尿性溶血性黄疸

12.Influence of icterus on hexokinase(HK) method for determining urea nitrogen.黄疸对酶偶联法测定尿素氮的影响

13.Abdominal swelling or pain and jaundice are the presenting symptoms.腹部胀满或疼痛和黄疸是本病的症状。

14.To study the effect of caress on defecation and jaundice of newborn.探讨抚触对新生儿排便和黄疸的影响。

15.Hemolytic icterus occurs in the neonate of the horse and swine.溶血性黄疸发生于马和猪的初生幼畜。

16.The onset of this disease may resemble the prodromal period of icteric hepatitis.它的发病与黄疸型肝炎的前驱期相似。

17.Terminal can have hepatomegaly, icteric, bloated, ascites.晚期可有肝肿大、黄疸、浮肿、腹水。

18.A 50-year-old woman presented with persistent jaundice 2 weeks.1例50岁女性表现为持续黄疸2周。



1.Study of Anaemia andIcterus Nosogenesis of Piglet Eperythrozoonsis;仔猪附红细胞体病贫血和黄疸机制的探讨

2.Nursing Experience of Blovelight Treatment to NeonateIcterus;新生儿黄疸兰光治疗的护理体会

3)infant jaundice婴儿黄疸

1.Retrospective analysis ofinfant jaundice;婴儿黄疸的临床回顾性分析研究

4)postoperative jaundice术后黄疸

1.Reasons and treatment ofpostoperative jaundice following choledochotomy for gallstones extraction;胆总管切开取石术后黄疸不退或加深原因分析及对策


1.Among the 35 children,22 cases were admitted due to "kernicterus" and "bilirubin-encephalopathy" during neonatal period with etiological diagnosis mainly as ABO hemocytolysis or infection.35例患儿中21例因"核黄疸"、"胆红素脑病"住院治疗,主要病因为ABO溶血症和感染;就诊时间以及高胆红素血症干预时间为生后2d至生后1个月,中位值7d;血清总胆红素(TSB)范围400。

2.Objective To study the characteristic findings on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in children with cerebral palsy (CP) induced by chronic kernicterus.目的探讨慢性期核黄疸所致脑性瘫痪的磁共振成像(MRI)特征。

6)Icteric index黄疸指数


