100字范文 > 高校公共音乐教育 College Music Education英语短句 例句大全

高校公共音乐教育 College Music Education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-17 01:52:34


高校公共音乐教育 College Music Education英语短句 例句大全

高校公共音乐教育,College Music Education

1)College Music Education高校公共音乐教育

1.The "Music Education" Concept of Confucius and Its Inspiration on the ChineseCollege Music Education in the Contemporary Institutions of Higher Learning;孔子“乐教”思想对当代我国普通高校公共音乐教育的启示


1.The Studies of the Application Value of Orff-Schulwerk for the Music Education in Public of Chinese Universities;奥尔夫音乐教育体系在高校公共音乐教育中的应用价值探究

2.The Form of Tang Dynasty Writers Music Quality and the Enlightenments to University Music Public Education;唐代文人音乐素质形成及对当今高校公共音乐教育的启示

3.The "Music Education" Concept of Confucius and Its Inspiration on the Chinese College Music Education in the Contemporary Institutions of Higher Learning;孔子“乐教”思想对当代我国普通高校公共音乐教育的启示

4.THE DRIVING FORCE OF MUSIC STUDYING IN ENVIRONMENT LAW;环境律中的音乐学习动力探视——唐代文人的音乐环境对当今高校公共音乐教育的启示

5.Build up the Speculation of the Multi-media Network Teaching Terrace in Public Music Education of Each University and College;在高校公共音乐教育中建立多媒体网络教学平台的构想

6.A Preliminary Study of "Constructing the Teaching Model of Song Composition in University Public Music Education"“构建高校公共音乐教育的歌曲创作教学模式”初探

7.The Research and Thoughts on the Problems in the Present Conditions of College Music Education in Our Country;对我国高校公共音乐教育现状中几个问题的调查与思考

8.Analysis and Consideration on Setting of the Course of Public Music Education in Four Universities of Jiangxi对江西省四所高校公共音乐教育课程设置的分析与思考

9.Ability-Oriented Education and Music Public Curriculum Reform in University Education;素质教育与高校音乐公共课教学改革

10.Personal Views on Constructing the Course of College Music Education for Non-majors in Ethnic Universities and Colleges;构建民族高等院校公共音乐教育课程

11.Discussion on Teaching method of Public Music Art in Colleges and Universities;高校公共艺术课音乐审美教育教法探索

12.On Public Music Education Development of Guangdong University and College since Reform and Opening改革开放30年广东高校的公共音乐教育

13.The Current Situation and Solution Research in Public Music and Art Education of Common Higher College of Guang Xi Province;广西地区普通高等学校公共音乐艺术教育现状及对策研究

14.The Situation and Study of Inheriting and Development of Chinese Traditional Music in Ordinary College Public Art Education;中国传统音乐在普通高校公共艺术教育中传承的现状与思考

15.National Music Education Should Be Enhanced In The Music Major Education Of College And University;高校音乐教育中应加强民族音乐教育

16.On improving teaching quality of public elective courses of music in colleges提高高校音乐类公共选修课程教学质量的思考

17.A New Reflection on the Tactics of Implementing Public Music Education in Colleges of Science and Technology理工科院校公共音乐教育实施策略的新思考

18.University Music Education Should Introduce the "Primitive Music";高校音乐教育应重视引进“原生态音乐”


The public art education of the average college and university普通高校公共艺术(音乐)教育

3)Evaluate the public music education in colleges高校公共音乐教育内容定位

4)music public curriculum in university education高校音乐公共课

5)public music education公共音乐教育

1.To draw the foreign language pop song teaching into the ordinary universitypublic music education, it both can cause the contemporary university students to feel the beauty of music, and may cause them to study foreign language in the music.在普通高校公共音乐教育中引入外语流行歌曲并施以一定课时比例的教学,既能使当代大学生一方面感受到音乐之美,另一方面又可使他们在音乐中学习外语,在学习外语中体验优美的旋律、多变的节奏,更能体验到非己的多元文化和多元文化之间存在的诸多文化差异,亦符合迁移学习理论的认知规律。

2.Public music education course is in each university and college of set up is to non- music the student of the profession carries on music of universal education, meaning lies in carrying on diversified expansion and disseminations to the our country and foreign country music culture.公共音乐教育课程在普通高校中的开设,是对非音乐专业的学生进行音乐的普及性教育,意义在于对本国和异国音乐文化进行多元化的推广和传播。

3.In each historic period of time, Zhejiang University excells not only in teaching and researching, but also in Public Music Education and dynamic campus musical activities.浙江大学是一所历史悠久、人文璀璨、英才辈出、享誉中外的著名高等学府,在各个历史时期,浙大不仅教学、科研齐飞,人才辈出,而且公共音乐教育历史悠久,校园音乐活动丰富多彩、十分活跃。

6)music education in colleges高校音乐教育

1.By expounding such issues as the connotation, the denotation and styles of the concept of traditional music, as well as the courses, content, methods and conception of traditional music involving inmusic education in colleges, this treatise analyzes the living condition of Chinese traditional music and the various reasons why it loses the right of speech and it is marginalized同时,本文在对当前大学专业音乐教育体制、体系及课程设置等问题分析的基础上,根据中国传统音乐的基本特征及其蕴含的文化意义,初步构建了中国传统音乐在当代高校音乐教育中的方策。


高校音乐剧◆原名:high school musical◆译名:高校音乐剧◆导演:kenny ortega◆演员:zac efron .... troy boltonvanessa anne hudgens .... gabrilla montez科宾·布鲁 corbin bleu .... chadmonique coleman .... taylor◆类型:剧情/喜剧/家庭/音乐◆片长:98分钟◆上映:◆国家:美国◆语言:英语◆链接:[[1]]◆评分:7.2/10 (2,845 votes)◆简介:《高校音乐剧》故事主角原本是两个表面毫无关系的高中生-学校篮球队队长 troy bolton 跟性格害羞、成绩优异的新生 gabriella montez ,他们两人本是两个不同世界的人,在除夕假期的一个卡拉ok比赛中,他俩发现原来彼此对唱歌都十分热爱,假期结束后,他们更发觉原来就读於同一学校!於是 troy 及 gabriella 打算参加试音,希望成为学校最新音乐剧的男女主角。gabriella 新认识的朋友 taylor mckessie 及 troy 的好友兼支持者 chad danforth 知道消息后均表示不赞成,chad 不希望见到自己的篮球偶像登上舞台,而 taylor 则担心自己带领的学术比赛队伍将失去一个重要的队员。一向都是学校音乐剧主角的 sharpay evans 及 ryan evans 亦担心自己在学校的地位将受动摇,於是联同 taylor 及 chad 想尽办法使 troy 及 gabriella 不能成为音乐剧的主角。虽然如此,但 troy 及 gabriella 并没有因此而放弃,反而更积极追寻自己的梦想,亦影响到其他同学向别人展示一些他们一直隐藏起来的才华!究竟最后 troy 及 gabriella 的歌唱梦想能否实现呢?《高校音乐剧》由 kenneth ortega 执导,於犹他州的盐湖城拍摄,两位主角 troy 及 gabriella 分别由 zac efron 及 vanessa anne hudgens 演出,主角们的好友 chad 及 taylor 则分别由 corbin bleu 及 monique coleman 担任,sharpay 一角由在迪士尼影集【小查与寇弟的顶级生活】中扮演 maddie fitzpatrick 的 ashley tisdale 饰演,其他演员包括 lucas grabeel 、alyson reed 、bart johnson 、chris warren jr. …等。 几位年轻演员都因为演出本片而炙手可热,本片所引起的风潮可见一斑!
