100字范文 > 比较音乐学 comparative musicology英语短句 例句大全

比较音乐学 comparative musicology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-27 16:33:15


比较音乐学 comparative musicology英语短句 例句大全

比较音乐学,comparative musicology

1)comparative musicology比较音乐学

1.By using thecomparative musicology,he does some research and comparison between Hungarian music and the old orient music especially the Mongoliian music.匈牙利著名作曲家巴托克,一生热爱祖国,热爱民间音乐,他经常深入民间,收集、整理民间音乐,并运用比较音乐学的观点,对匈牙利音乐和古老的东方音乐尤其是蒙古族音乐进行对比和研究,并付之实践,撰写了多部重要的民间音乐论著。


1.The comparative study of music of different cultures.比较音乐学对不同文化音乐的比较研究

2.International Institute for Comparative Music Studies and Documentation国际比较音乐研究和文献学会

parative Research on the Development of Chinese and Japanese Primary and High School Music Education in Recent Modern Times;中日中小学音乐教育发展之比较研究

parative Analysis on Practical Teaching of Music Education in Higher Normal Colleges between China and Germany;中德高师音乐教育实习教学比较分析

5.Rational Comparison:Imagination Between Musical Creation And Teaching;理性比较:音乐创作与教学中的想象

6.Basic Conception of Yueji Music Philosophy and It s Relative Comparative Studies;《乐记》音乐哲学的基本理念及其相关比较研究

7.Then what kind of music do you prefer?那你比较喜欢哪种音乐?

8.I like popular music better.我比较喜欢流行音乐。

9.Two concert halls that just do not compare.无法比较的两个音乐厅

10.And Borodin always regarded music as a secondary pursuit to his medical practice and his laboratory experiments in chemistry.鲍罗了把音乐同他的行医和化学试验相比较总认为音乐是次要的。

parative Study on Cross-cultural Music in Minority Nationalities from the Angle of Ethnomusicology;民族音乐学视角下的中国少数民族音乐跨文化比较研究

12.The Comparison and Research of the Basic Ideas of the Chinese and Western Musical Aesthetics in Music Culture Spirits音乐文化精神观照下的中西音乐美学基本思想的比较研究

13.To Compare Research on the Music Study in the Middle School and Elementary One Between China and Japan;新世纪中日中小学音乐学习领域的比较研究

pare traditional Chinese music and modern Chinese music.比较中国传统音乐和中国现代音乐。

15.About HUANG Dao-zhou"s Music Aesthetics:A Comparison Between his Debates againt Ji Kang"s Sound,no Sorrow or Joy从《声无哀乐辩》与《声无哀乐论》的比较中看黄道周音乐美学思想

parison of Piano Teaching for Music Specialities between Chinese and Japanese Normal Universities--Study of Comparison with Music Department of Kyoto Universities of Education高等师范音乐专业钢琴教学的跨国比较——与日本京都教育大学音乐系的比较研究

17.The Comparative Study on Music Curriculum Standards in China and Japan s Elementary and Secondary Schools;中日两国中小学音乐课程标准比较研究

parative Research on the Curriculum Objective of School Music Education in Neoteric and Modern between China and Japan;中日近现代学校音乐教育课程目标的比较研究


Comparison music音乐比较

3)compared with music比较音乐

4)the school of Comparative Musicology in Berlin比较音乐学柏林学派

5)the comparison of the music morphology音乐形态比较

6)compare Chinese music with the Western one中西音乐比较


