100字范文 > 化学防除 chemical control英语短句 例句大全

化学防除 chemical control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-20 13:47:41


化学防除 chemical control英语短句 例句大全

化学防除,chemical control

1)chemical control化学防除

1.Study on turf weedchemical control in southern China;云南昆明草坪杂草化学防除效果研究

2.Occurrence of Thlaspi arvense L. in rape seed fields and itschemical control;油菜田遏蓝菜发生规律与化学防除

3.Turf weeds and theirchemical control on Sichuan International Golf Course;四川国际高尔夫球场草坪杂草及其化学防除研究


1.Occurrence Regularity and Chemical Control Measures of Weeds in Cotton Field in Hebei Province河北省棉田杂草发生规律及化学防除

2.Anhui Economizes Major Weeds Biology Property of Rice Field and his Chemistry and Prevents and Kill Off;安徽省稻田主要杂草生物学特性及其化学防除

3.The Study of the Weed Community and Chemical Control in Wheat Fields in Heze;菏泽市麦田杂草群落构成及化学防除技术研究

4.The Study of the Weed Community and Chemical Control in Wheat Fields in Taian;泰安市麦田杂草群落构成及化学防除技术研究

5.The Design of Weed Chemical Control Computer Expert System;杂草化学防除技术计算机专家系统的设计

6.A Study on the Occurrence Law of Gramineous Weeds in Turf and Their Chemical Control Technique;草坪禾本科杂草发生规律及化学防除技术研究

7.The Study of Techniques of Weed Control in Berberis Thunbergii Nursery in Tai an;泰安市红叶小檗苗圃杂草化学防除技术研究

8.Screening Test Study of Chemical Control Effect on Eupatorium adenophorum紫茎泽兰化学防除效果的药剂筛选试验

9.Study on Investigation and Chemical Control of Urban Green Space in Chengdu成都市城市绿地杂草调查及化学防除研究

10.Study on Biology, Ecology and Chemical Control Technique of the Alien Invasive Plant Parthenium Hysterophorus Linn.;外来入侵植物银胶菊的生物生态学特性及化学防除技术研究

11.Effects on Rice Yield of Inter-Planting Rice and Weed Chemical Control in Ultra-High Stubble Field of Wheat;超高茬麦田套稻技术对水稻产量的影响及其杂草化学防除

12.A Study on Occurance Rule of Weed Community and Chemical Control in Transplanted Rape Fields after Rice;稻茬移栽油菜田杂草群落发生规律及化学防除研究

13.Studies on the Occur-Harm and Chemical Conrtol of Lawn Weeds in Guangxi;广西草坪杂草的发生危害调查及其化学防除技术的研究与推广

14.Present Weed Situations and Chemical Weed Control Techniques in Sugarcane Fields of Yunnan;云南省甘蔗田杂草发生危害状况及化学防除技术

15.Studies and Establishment on Expert System for Identification and Chemical Control of Paddy Weeds;稻田杂草识别与化学防除专家系统的研究和建立

16.Study on the Investigate and Chemistry Controlling of Malignant Weed in Seed Product Field of Agropyron Mongolicum Keng蒙农1号蒙古冰草种子田杂草调查与化学防除研究

17.metal cleaning for rust prevention(chemical cleaning of steel products)防锈用金属除垢方法(铁德化学除垢法)

18.Study on the Control Effects of Four Chemical Herbicides on Weeds in Garlic Field4种化学除草剂防除大蒜田杂草效果的研究


Chemical control techniques化学防除技术

3)chemical phosphorus removal化学除磷

1.Thechemical phosphorus removal for anaerobic rich phosphate supernatant of municipal sewage treated by MB(A2/O) reactor was studied;and its mechanism and character of the process were analyzed.研究了MB(A2/O)反应器处理城市污水厌氧富磷上清液的化学除磷,并分析了过程机理及特性。

2.Therefore, a productive experiment ofchemical phosphorus removal by add.65mg/L,但出水TP仍无法达标,为此开展了向曝气池投加亚铁盐进行化学除磷的生产性试验。

3.The process of biological nitrogen removal and supplementalchemical phosphorus removal can be used to treat municipal wastewater with low carbon and high nitrogen and phosphorus to satisfy the discharge standards for both nitrogen and phosphorus.对于低碳、高氮磷的城市污水,可采用生物脱氮并辅助化学除磷的工艺进行处理,以使氮、磷同时达到排放标准。

4)chemical phosphorous removal化学除磷

1.The comparative test ofchemical phosphorous removal agent;化学除磷药剂的比较试验

5)chemical odor control化学除臭

6)chemical deoxygenation化学除氧

1.Naproxenum was studied by usingchemical deoxygenation liquid room temperature phosphorimetry.利用化学除氧 -微乳状液增稳室温光法 ( ME- RTP)对萘普生进行了研究 ,比较了萘普生在微乳状液体系和胶束体系中的室温光特性及其影响因素 。


