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历史性 Historicity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-25 06:06:52


历史性 Historicity英语短句 例句大全



1.TheHistoricity of the Avant-Garde: Piranesi and Eisenstein;先锋派的历史性:皮拉内西和爱森斯坦

2.The Three Forms of Transgression - A Reading of TheHistoricity of the Avant-Garde: Piranesi and Eisenstein;“越界”的三种形式——对《先锋派的历史性:皮拉内西与爱森斯坦》一文的解读


1.Historicity and Ahistoricity in Absalom, Absalom!;论《押沙龙,押沙龙!》的历史性与反历史性

2."Historicity of Texts and Textuality of History":The Perspective of New Historicism in the study of Shakespeare;文本的历史性和历史的文本性——莎学研究的新历史主义视角

3.The Narrativity of History and the Historicity of Narrative: Hayden White s Poetics of History;历史的叙事性与叙事的历史性——海登·怀特的历史诗学

4.Historical textuality and textual history--Analysis of American Pastoral from new historicism历史的文本性与文本的历史性——从新历史主义角度分析《美国牧歌》

5.From Historic and University City译自《历史性的大学城》

6.The Nature of Historical Explanation The Difference between Speculative Philosophy of History and Analytical Philosophy of History on Historical Explanation;历史解释的性质——思辨历史哲学和分析历史哲学不同的历史解释

7.The Historical Investigation into the Controversial Historical Figure Teng Zi-jing;对争议性历史人物滕子京的历史考察

8.The Party s Progress Originated from History and Tested by History;党的先进性源于历史并为历史所验证

9.History s Function of Making Selection and Individual’s Role in History;历史的选择性及个人在历史上的作用

10.As far as historical development is concerned, its decisiveness means prerequisiteness and regularity, and its selectivity is that of the historical subject.历史发展的决定性即历史发展的前提性和规律性,历史发展的选择性即历史主体的选择性。

11.Female Statement in Historical Crevice --A Review of the Female New Historicism Novel;突入历史间隙的女性言说——试论女性新历史小说

12.The Historical Inertia of Literary Creation and the Inactivity of Literary Criticism;文学创作的历史惯性与文学批评的历史惰性

13.The Historical Glory Transmitted from the Fragmentary Remains of Valued Artworks--the Miuzhuan seal of the Han Dynasty:The rediscovery and multiplicity of history;吉光片羽透射的历史清晖——汉缪篆印:历史的去蔽与历史的多样性

14.“Present Organization” of Revolutionary History:An Analysis of Revolutionary Historical Novels in New China;革命历史的“现在性组织”——新中国革命历史长篇小说历史叙事分析

15.The exposure of man s characters between historical degradation and historical circulation --the investigation and evaluation on platonic historical outlooks;历史退化与历史循环中的人性突显——柏拉图历史观探寻与评析

16.The Historical Changes of Female Paintings--From the History of Ignorance to that of Creation;女性绘画的历史变迁——从失落的历史到创造的历史

17.Why Historical Materialism is Possible--Oneness of Double Meaning of "History" of Historical Materialism历史唯物主义何以可能——历史唯物主义之“历史”双重意义的统一性

18.A Brief Analysis on Historical Narration of Nature-evil Theory of SU Tong s Neo-historic Novel;浅析苏童新历史主义小说“性恶论”的历史叙事



1.Discussion on thehistoric space of neutral clothing;论中性服装的历史性空间

2.An Objective and Historical Review that Lu Xshun Embraced Dostoevsky;对鲁迅接受陀思妥耶夫斯基影响的客观性与历史性分析

3.From "Natural Used" Poems in Han Dynasty to "Interest" Poems in Tang Dynasty in Its Prosperous Period——On thehistoric of critical concept used in Analysis of Resources of Poetry Genre and Style by Xu Xue-yi从汉代诗歌的“天成”到盛唐诗歌的“兴趣”——略论许学夷《诗源辩体》辩体范畴的历史性


1.The political progressiveness is specific and historical——On the correlation between the amount of property and political progressiveness or not;论政治先进的具体性历史性——兼谈财产多寡与政治先进和落后的相关性

2.However,the concept of right does not maintain a rational existence under the historical circumstances of pre-industrial and post-industrial societies.总之,权利观念具有历史性。


1.There are four important dimensions in artistic interpretation, they are subjectivity, historicalness, dialo-gism and infiniteness.主观性、历史性、对话性、无限性是艺术解释活动中的四个重要向度,它们决定着解释的方向、结论以及解释的广度和深度。

2.The present academic dialogue is mainly on the following three aspects: 1st,an in-depth discussion of the most fundamental,core problem—"relationship between historicalness and literariness",2nd,an introduction to the newest findings and research information concerning Chinese literature and its history in the West,especially the latest development in the studies of Chinese literary history,e.深入讨论了中国文学史最基本、最核心的问题——"历史性与文学性的关系;"2。


6)history rationality历史理性

1.The west modern philosophy of science rationality has evolved from logic rationality tohistory rationality.西方现代科学哲学理性经历了从逻辑理性到历史理性的演进。

2.Mainly using the sight of practice, view of history and the method of unity of history and logic in Marxist, this thesis verifies the evolvement of the modern west philosophy of science rationality systematically and considers the west modern philosophy of science rationality processes three phases: logic rationality,history rationality, historical logic rationality.本论文主要运用马克思主义的实践观、历史观和历史与逻辑的统一的方法,系统地考察了现代西方科学哲学理性的演变,认为西方科学哲学理性的演变过程经历了三个阶段:逻辑理性、历史理性、历史的逻辑理性。


