100字范文 > 产酶条件优化 fermentation condition英语短句 例句大全

产酶条件优化 fermentation condition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-28 23:19:54


产酶条件优化 fermentation condition英语短句 例句大全

产酶条件优化,fermentation condition

1)fermentation condition产酶条件优化


1.Optimization of producing conditions of β-mannan mannohydrolase of Irpex lacteus乳白耙菌β-葡甘聚糖酶产酶条件优化

2.Screening and Classification for Cold-Adapted Lipase-Prodcucing Bacterium and Optimization of Its Fermentation Conditions;低温脂肪酶产生菌的筛选、鉴定及产酶条件优化

3.Isolation,Identification of Chitinase Producing Microorganism and Optimization of Its Fermentation Conditions产几丁质酶菌株的分离与鉴定及产酶条件优化

4.Screening of a Mould Producing Chitosanase from the Soil and Optimization of Producing Enzyme Conditions土壤中产壳聚糖酶霉菌的筛选及产酶条件优化

5.Optimizations of the Fermentative Condition and Application of Aminopeptidase by Bacillus Subtilis Zj016;细菌氨肽酶的产酶条件优化及应用研究

6.Screening of High Lipase Producting Microorganisms ,Production of Lipase Fermentation & Purification of Lipase by ATPS;脂肪酶高产菌株筛选、产酶条件优化及脂肪酶大量纯化研究

7.Screening of a Strain with High-yielding Chitosanase, Optimization of the Enzyme Production and the Analysis of the Product;壳聚糖酶高产菌株的筛选、产酶条件优化与降解产物分析

8.Screening of high-yield strains of cholesterol oxidase by ultraviolet mutation and optimization of fermentation conditions胆固醇氧化酶高产菌株的诱变选育及产酶条件优化

9.Optimizing producing conditions of chitin deacetylase甲壳素脱乙酰酶产生菌产酶条件的优化

10.Optimization of Fermentation Conditions for Producing Lipase by Serratia marcescens产脂肪酶粘质沙雷氏菌发酵产酶条件的优化

11.Screening of sialidase-producing microorganism and optimization of sialidase production产唾液酸酶微生物的筛选及产酶条件的优化

12.Identification of A Xylanase-Producing Fungi and Its Orthogonal Experiment of Fermentation Conditions木聚糖酶高产菌株的鉴定及产酶条件的优化

13.Optimizing Conditions for the Production of Agarase from Paenibacillus sp. Strain MY03;Paenibacillus sp. MY03菌株产胞外琼胶酶的条件优化

14.Optimization of fermentation condition by alkaline cellulose-producing strain Mys-5产碱性纤维素酶Mys-5发酵条件优化

15.Optimization of Fermentation Process on a Fibrinolytic Enzyme and Primary Analysis of the Enzyme Property;纤溶酶产生菌的发酵条件优化及酶学性质初探

16.Fermentation Condition Optimization and Gene Cloning of Lipase from Burkholderia sp.ZYB002Burkholderia sp.ZYB002产脂肪酶条件优化及脂肪酶基因克隆

17.Breeding of Aminoacylase Producer and Its Conditions Optimization in Fermentation;产氨基酰化酶菌株的选育及发酵条件的优化

18.Study on the Fermentation of Lignin Peroxidase of Penicillium sp.P6;青霉菌P6产木素过氧化物酶的发酵条件优化


optimizing enzymatic hydrolysis酶解条件优化

3)production condition optimization生产条件优化

4)fermentation conditions产酶条件

1.Study on Salt-enduring Unhairing Proteases Producing Strain─Ⅱ Thefermentation conditions of the salt-enduring strain;耐盐脱毛蛋白酶产生菌的研究──Ⅱ耐盐菌产酶条件的研究

2.Aspergillus niger strain An-238 producing high xylanase was isolated and its solid statefermentation conditions were studied.筛选了 1株高产木聚糖酶的黑曲霉 (Aspergillusniger)An 2 3 8菌株 ,研究了其在固态培养基中的产酶条件。

3.GH196 producing xylanase was isolated from a rotted bamboo, and its submergedfermentation conditions were investigated.GH196,研究了其液体振荡培养的产酶条件。

5)enzyme production conditions产酶条件

6)enzyme production condition产酶条件

1.Isolation and identification of esterifying enzyme-producing bacteria from Luzhou-flavor Daqu and relatedenzyme production conditions浓香型大曲中酯化酶细菌的分离鉴定及产酶条件研究

2.Its most suitableenzyme production conditions were: 30 ℃,initial pH 7.从长期受农药杀螟硫磷污染的土壤中分离到一株高效降解菌株,研究了其最适产酶条件:培养温度为30℃,培养液起始pH为7。

3.Its most suitableenzyme production conditions: 35℃, initial pH value 7.从受阿维菌素长期污染土壤中分离到一株高效降解菌株,研究了其最适产酶条件:培养温度35℃,培养液起始pH值7。


