100字范文 > 孟子思想 Mencius thought英语短句 例句大全

孟子思想 Mencius thought英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-20 03:39:01


孟子思想 Mencius thought英语短句 例句大全

孟子思想,Mencius thought

1)Mencius thought孟子思想

2)Mencius" People-oriented thoughts孟子民本思想

1.The aim of Mencius′ People-oriented thoughts is to set up his ideal peaceful harmonious society,for which he put forward suggestions and measures concerning politics,economy put forward suggestions and measares concerning politics,economy and culture.孟子民本思想的终极目的是实现天下太平,建立一个他所理想的和谐社会。


1.People-oriented Concept and Mencius′ Humanistic Thought“以人为本”与孟子民本思想之比较

2.Taking People as This Thought of Mencius and the Comparison with the Contemporary Democratic Idea;孟子民本思想及其与当代民主思想之比较

3.Mencius "Priority of People" and Improvement of Administration Ability of the Party;借鉴孟子民本思想 提高党的执政能力

4.On Differences and Similarities between Karl Marx’s People- first Theory and Mencius’Humanistic Thought马克思“以人为本”与孟子民本思想之异同

5.Historical Enlightment of Mencius′s People-oriented Thoughts to Establishment of Harmonious Society;孟子民本思想对构建和谐社会的历史启迪

6.Humanism:a noble thought in the traditional culture and a selected path leading to a harmonious society--the elucidation on Mencius people-oriented thought and the core meaning of scientific development view;论科学发展观中的人本思想对孟子民本思想的继承和超越

7.Benevolent Government Philosophy and its Revelation;《孟子》的民本、仁政思想及其启示

8.The Intrinsic Attributes of the Thought of Minben in Mencius from the Perspective of Proposition Combination从命题组合看《孟子》民本思想的本质属性

9.Do the Thought of "the People are Foundation" and the Theory of "Working with Brain and Laboring with Body" Held by Mencius Contradict Each Other?;孟子的“民本”思想与“劳心劳力”说是矛盾的吗

10.The Democracy and Equality Interpretation of Mencius in the Later Period of the Qing Dynasty;孟子的民本思想和平等倾向在晚清的凸显与局限

11.Reinterpretation of the Succession and Development of the Confucian Ethnic idea by Mencius and Xunzi再谈孟子、荀子对孔子民族思想的继承与发展

12.The Modern Fate of Mencius" Thought about "the Nobility of the People"--The Value of "Citizen Participation"孟子“民贵”思想的现代命运——“公民参与”的价值

13.The Important Contribution of Mengzi Thoughts to the Construction of the Chinese People s Spirits;论孟子思想对构建中华民族精神的重大贡献

14.On Mencius’Thinking of Integral Reform-Benefiting Both the Ruler and the People and Developing a Relatively Balanced Society论孟子惠民利君与相对均衡的统合变革思想

15.The Analysis on Mencius Thought of Caring about Creature--Also on the Environmentalist Misunderstanding to Mencius Thoughts;“仁民而爱物”:孟子对“物我关系”的探讨——兼论环保主义者对孟子思想的误读

16.On Life as the Source of Comprehension and Interpretation:Mencius s Thoughts of Reading in View of Knowing One s Behaviour Through Discussing One s Livelihood ;注生我经:论文本的理解与解释的生活渊源——孟子“论世知人”思想阐释

17.Aesthetic Education:Evolution from the Instinctive Mind to the Perfect Mind--An analysis of Mencius Thoughts on the aesthetic educational psychology;美育:使本然之心向应然之心发展——孟子的美育心理学思想探微

18.The Comparative Research on Ideal Personality of Maslow and Mencius孟子与马斯洛思想中理想人格的比较


Mencius" People-oriented thoughts孟子民本思想

1.The aim of Mencius′ People-oriented thoughts is to set up his ideal peaceful harmonious society,for which he put forward suggestions and measures concerning politics,economy put forward suggestions and measares concerning politics,economy and culture.孟子民本思想的终极目的是实现天下太平,建立一个他所理想的和谐社会。

3)the educational ideology of Mencius孟子教育思想

4)Mencius thinking about management孟子管理思想

5)Mencius s Ideologies of Hermeneutics孟子的诠释思想

6)On the Educational Thought of Mencius孟子的教育思想


