100字范文 > 人学与社会学 human theory and sociology英语短句 例句大全

人学与社会学 human theory and sociology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-13 15:58:28


人学与社会学 human theory and sociology英语短句 例句大全

人学与社会学,human theory and sociology

1)human theory and sociology人学与社会学

2)humanism and social science人文与社会科学

3)personality and social psychology人格与社会心理学

1.This article reviewed current researches on the nature ofpersonality and social psychology according to bibliometric analysis on JPSP,and summarized the status and the trends of this field in aspects of research theme,number of studies included,statistical methods,theories,collaboration and distribution of authors.文章回顾了国外近年对人格与社会心理学领域所作的文献计量分析,从研究主题、方法与统计、理论、作者等方面总结了该领域研究的现状与趋势。


1.Chinanized Psychology Research and the Construction of Harmonious Society;构建和谐社会 呼唤中国化人格与社会心理学研究

2.The Status and Trends of the Researches in Personality and Social Psychology: Reflected in JPSP via Bibliometric Analysis;从文献计量看人格与社会心理学的研究现状与趋势

3.The Study on Relationship of Personality Traits Social Support and Mental Health of Higher Vocational College Students;高职学生人格、社会支持与心理健康的关系研究

4.The Relationship between College Students Mental Health,Personality and Perceived Social Support;大学生心理健康与人格、领悟社会支持的关系

5.The Relationship Between Social Support and Mental Health and Personality of College Students;社会支持与大学生心理健康及人格特征的关系

6.The Study of Relationships between Social Support,Personality and the Mental Health on College Students大学生社会支持、人格与心理健康的关系研究

7.The Study on Relationship of Mental Health and Self-esteem, Personality Trait, Social Support, Locus of Control of Higher Vocational College Students;高职学生心理健康与自尊、人格、社会支持及心理控制源关系的研究

8.Social Desirability of University Students and it"s Related Factors.大学生的社会期望及其与心理控制源、人格特征的关系

9.An Exploration and Analysis on the Role of Social Support between Personality and Mental Health;大学生社会支持在人格与心理健康之间作用的探析

10.A study on the correlations among the mental health, the social support and the personality character of physical education department undergraduates;体育专业大学生心理健康与社会支持人格特征的相关研究

11.The Psychological Unscrambling based on Personality and Social Prospect of the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo" Nest《飞越疯人院》的人格心理学解读和社会意义阐释

12.The Effects of Personality and Social Psychological Factors on Health of Senior;人格与社会心理因素对老年人健康的影响

13.Relationship between social support of the elderly and mental health as well as personality characteristics老年人社会支持与心理健康及人格特征的关系

14.Societ psychology, strictly speaking, deal with the behavior of people in group严格地说,社会心理学研究人们的群体行为

15.Social psychology, strictly speaking, deals with the behavior of people in groups.严格地说,社会心理学研究人们的群体行为。

16.How to consummates the society personality and psychology evolution of university students from impoverished families;如何完善贫困家庭大学生社会人格和心理发展

17.Study on the Relationship between Resiliency, Personality and Social Support in Parent-absent Children;留守儿童心理弹性与人格、社会支持的关系研究

18.A Research on the Relationship between Mental Health and Personality,Social Support of Judges;法官心理健康与人格特征、社会支持的关系


humanism and social science人文与社会科学

3)personality and social psychology人格与社会心理学

1.This article reviewed current researches on the nature ofpersonality and social psychology according to bibliometric analysis on JPSP,and summarized the status and the trends of this field in aspects of research theme,number of studies included,statistical methods,theories,collaboration and distribution of authors.文章回顾了国外近年对人格与社会心理学领域所作的文献计量分析,从研究主题、方法与统计、理论、作者等方面总结了该领域研究的现状与趋势。

4)Chemistry and Society化学与社会

1.Discussion on Cultivation of Scientific Literacy for Associate Degree Students of Liberal Arts in the Selective Classes──TakingChemistry and Society as an Example;选修课中培养高专文科生科学素养的探讨——以《化学与社会》为例

2.The Practice and Thought about Higher Normal Schools Offering ElectiveCourses ofChemistry and Society in Special Fields of Chemistry;高师化学专业开设化学与社会选修课的实践与思考

3.In this paper,the necessity was discussed for applying specialized courses,chemistry and society on bilingual teaching;the difficulties were considered as well as some solutions.该文论述了在普通师范院校内实施《化学与社会》双语教学的优势,并就其存在的困难提出了解决办法,同时分析了其可行性。

5)Medicine and society医学与社会

6)science and society科学与社会

1.The term public understanding of science(PUS) considers the relationship ofscience and society with a double focus.“公众理解科学”一词涉及科学与社会的关系, 有两个方面的含义。

2.The aim of the European Commission’s Science and Society Action Plan is to pool efforts at European level to develop stronger and more harmonious relations betweenscience and society.欧盟实施《科学与社会行动计划》的宗旨是促进科学与社会关系和谐发展,强化研究人员、企业家、决策者与公众之间的对话,拉近科学与社会的距离。


