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篮球课程 basketball course英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-27 12:04:07


篮球课程 basketball course英语短句 例句大全

篮球课程,basketball course

1)basketball course篮球课程

1.The Construction of the Basketball Course for physical Training Major at a Teachers College;高师体育专业篮球课程建设的理论与实践

2.The Survey Study on the Teaching Condition of Basketball Course in Physical Education Major;体育教育专业篮球课程教学现状的调查研究


1.Teaching Innovation of Common Basketball Course in Colleges & Univtersities;高校体育共同课篮球课程教学创新的几点思考

2.The Survey Study on the Teaching Condition of Basketball Course in Physical Education Major;体育教育专业篮球课程教学现状的调查研究

3.The Experimental Study on Basketball Curriculum Structure’s Innovation in the Universities;普通高校篮球课程结构创新的实验研究

4.The Survey and Analysis about the Study State of which the Students Majoring in Physical Education Study Basketball Course;体育教育专业篮球课程“学情”的调查与分析

5.Research on the Establishment of Basketball Teaching Mode in Schools of High Education;对建立普通高校篮球课程教学模式的研究

6.An Experimental Study on the Application of Multimedia in the Teaching of University Basketball Course;高校篮球课程应用多媒体教学的实验研究

7.On the Optimized Teaching of Basketball among PE Majors in College;试论高校体育专业篮球课程的最优化教学

8.Teaching model of cooperati in the subject of basketball for P.E. majorsin higher teachers colleges;高师体育专业篮球课程的合作教学模式

9.The Theoretical Research on Application of Basketball Curriculum Content Resource in University and College普通高校篮球课程内容资源应用的理论研究

10.Development of the Basketball Course in Physical Education Institutes in China我国高等体育院校篮球课程发展的历史沿革

11.Influence of Basketball Courses on Mental Health of College Students篮球课程对大学生心理健康影响的实验研究

12.Researches on Feasibility of Improving College Students" Physical Quality through Basketball Teaching篮球课程促进拓展大学生素质的可行性研究

13.Research on Actualities of Basketball Courses and after Classes Sports Development in Beijing s Colleges and Universities;北京市普通高校篮球课程与课外篮球运动开展现状调查与发展对策研究

14.The practical study on the optimized teaching tactics of the optional basketball subject;篮球专选课战术教学过程的优化方案

15.Application of Advance Preparative Teaching Process of Speed Skating Teaching to Basketball Teaching;速滑课超前准备教学程序在篮球课中的应用

16.Study of Specialize in Basketball Course Process Testing Evaluation in Physical Education Major;体育教育专业篮球专修课程过程性评价研究

17.Analyse on the Curriculum Program Pecialized in Basketball of the Physical Education Major;体育教育专业篮球专修课程计划理论探析

18.The Construction of Common Teaching Content of Basketball Education Procession of Physical Education Major;体育教育专业篮球普修课程教学内容的构建


specialize in basketball篮球专修课程

3)the general course of basketball篮球普修课程

4)basketball class篮球课

1.Through investigating players′ injuring position and situation in thebasketball class,we analysed the cause and took some measures.对部分体育院、系的篮球课运动训练学生受伤情况进行调查和统计 ,对篮球运动教学训练中的损伤情况、损伤部位及原因进行了针对性的分析 ,并为篮球教学训练中预防受伤提出相应的措施。

2.In light of the limited time inbasketball class, some sport games should be adopted to finish the task in class, as it helps cultivate morality, improve psychological quality, activate mental activities, develop intelligence, raise interest, lift the excitation of the central nervous system, grasp basketball knowledge and skills, foster creativity and self-performance in students etc.篮球课教学的时间是有限的,在有限的教学时间内很好地去完成任务,应多采取一些体育性的游戏,它有利于培养学生的道德情操和提高学生心理素质;启发学生思维活动,促进智力发展;提高学生学习兴趣;有利于促进中枢神经系统兴奋性的提高;有利于篮球基本知识、技术和技能的学习与掌握;有利于培养学生创造能力、自我表现能力。

3.According to experimental researches on girl studentsbasketball class at college, the author cultivates and improves the girl students interest and study initiative by way of explaining, demonstrating, playing games and flexible competition rules in thebasketball class so as to lay a solid foundation for their li.针对普通高校女同学爱静不爱动的生理心理特点,在篮球课上采用讲解、示范、游戏和灵 活的比赛规则来培养和提高女同学对篮球运动的兴趣,增强学习的主动性,为终生健康体育打下良 好基础。

5)basketball teaching篮球课

1.Research of experimental application of stratification teaching method in universitybasketball teaching;分层次教学法在高校篮球课中应用的实验研究

2.In thebasketball teaching,that the uses of the teaching method are good or bad can not only finish the teaching task and come to the teaching obje cts,but also improve the students intelligence levels and have some effect on th e teaching ability.在篮球课教学中,教学方法运用的好坏,不仅关系到教学任务的完成和教学目的的实现,而且对学生智力水平的提高和基本教学能力的培养产生一定影响,文章阐述的是启发式教学方法在篮球课教学中的运用。

6)basketball lesson篮球课

1.Traditionally a teaching pattern is used inbasketball lesson as "teacher shows the way as an example, students follow the example and do the activity", but there are shortcomings.篮球课采用传统的“教师讲解示范 ,学生模拟操作”教学模式有不少欠缺和不完善的地方。

2.The teaching quality is affected by many factors in which increasing the attraction ofbasketball lesson is the most important one.篮球课的教学质量是受诸多因素影响的 ,其中提高篮球课的吸引力教师是关键。



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