100字范文 > 侵染性克隆 Infectious clone英语短句 例句大全

侵染性克隆 Infectious clone英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-30 05:48:32


侵染性克隆 Infectious clone英语短句 例句大全

侵染性克隆,Infectious clone

1)Infectious clone侵染性克隆

1.Full-length sequence analysis of CMV-PGs genomic RNA3 infecting Pinellia ternate and constructing infectious clone;侵染半夏的黄瓜花叶病毒RNA3全序列分析及侵染性克隆构建


1.Genetic Diversity of Grapevine Viroids and the Construction of Their Infectious Clones葡萄类病毒基因多样性分析及其侵染性克隆的构建

2.Construction and Biological Activity of HSVd Infectious Clones啤酒花矮化类病毒侵染性克隆的构建及其生物学活性

3.Cloning the 5"-End Sequence and Construction of Full-Length cDNA Infectious Vector of Sclerotinia Sclerotiorum Virus SsDRV核盘菌病毒SsDRV的5"末端克隆及侵染性全长cDNA克隆的构建

4.Study on Gene Cloning and Expression of Infectious Extracellular Proteases from Nematophagous Fungi;食线虫真菌侵染性胞外蛋白酶的基因克隆与表达

5.Construction of Infectious cDNA Clone of Cucumber Mosaic Virus Strain M and 3a Gene Expressed in Escherichia Coli;黄瓜花叶病毒M株系侵染性cDNA克隆的构建及3a基因的原核表达

6.The Genome Sequence and Construction of Full-Length Infectious cDNA Clone of Hypovirus CHV1-EP721;低毒病毒CHV1-EP721基因组序列的测定及侵染性全长cDNA克隆的构建

7.Cloning of cDNAs Induced by Soybean Cyst Nematode Race 4 from Infected Soybean Roots;受大豆孢囊线虫侵染诱导表达的cDNA的克隆

8.Cloning and Function Analysis of Viral Double-stranded RNAs Detected from the Infected Vicia faba侵染蚕豆的双链RNA病毒的克隆及其功能分析

9.Development and Cloning of FMD Vaccine口蹄疫感染性克隆疫苗的制备与发展

10.The Expression Pattern of Defense Response Gene Transcript Accumulation and Cloning in Wheat Leaves Infected by Puccinia Striiformis Westend F.sp Tritici;小麦受条锈菌侵染后防卫基因的表达特征及其克隆

11.Establishment of an in Vitro Cell Culture System Transfected by Full-length HCV cDNA Genome;丙肝病毒全基因组cDNA克隆侵染细胞培养体系的建立

12.Study on Cytology of Infection of Persimmon by Colletotrichum Gloeosporioides and Cloning Its CGTA1 Gene;胶孢炭疽菌侵染柿树的细胞学研究及CGTA1基因的克隆

13.Influence of Infection by Paulownia Witches broom-phytoplasma on Enzyme Activities of Paulownia in Vitro Cultured Plantlets and the Clone of Related Gene Fragment;植原体侵染对泡桐组培苗酶的影响及相关基因片段克隆研究

14.The Pilot Study of HCV Infectious Clone Transfected Tupaia in Vivo;HCV感染性克隆体内转染树鼩的初步研究

15.Genetic Variation and Clone Diversity of an Invasive Species Eupatorium Adenophorum;入侵植物紫茎泽兰遗传变异及克隆多样性研究

16.Construction of Infectious Clone of Porcine Circovirus Type 2 and Cloning and Expression of ORF1;猪Ⅱ型圆环病毒感染性克隆的构建及其ORF1的克隆表达

17.Cibacron HW dyes汽巴克隆HW染料(适用高、中温染色的活性染料,商名,瑞士汽巴)

18.Cloning of Sex-linked Gene of the Tufted Deer and Identification of Its Sex Chromosomes;毛冠鹿性连锁基因的克隆与性染色体鉴定研究


infectious cDNA clone侵染性cDNA克隆

3)infectious cDNA clone construction侵染性克隆构建

4)HSVd infectious cloneHSVd侵染性克隆

5)full length infectious cDNA侵染性全长cDNA克隆

6)infectious molecular clones侵染性全长分子克隆


