100字范文 > 传媒企业 Media Enterprise英语短句 例句大全

传媒企业 Media Enterprise英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-30 12:07:43


传媒企业 Media Enterprise英语短句 例句大全

传媒企业,Media Enterprise

1)Media Enterprise传媒企业

1.The Research on Incentive Mechanism of Key Employee inMedia Enterprises;传媒企业核心员工激励机制研究


1.Construction of Organizational Structure of Media Enterprise from Ecological View生态视角下的传媒企业组织结构构建

2.The Requirement Analysis and Decision-making Study on Informationalization of Traditional Media Enterprise;传统传媒企业的信息化需求与决策研究

3.Capital Management:Its Positive Influence on the Development of the Media Corporation;资本运营对传媒企业发展作用的实证研究

4.Constructing Core Competence of Media Enterprise with Human Captial基于人力资本构建传媒企业核心竞争力

5.On the Development Strategy of Media Corporations under the Condition of Market Economy市场经济条件下传媒企业的发展战略研究

6.Media Conglomerates Regional and Business Diversification and Their Influences on Firm Performance:Evidence from China我国传媒企业区域多元化及业务多元化对绩效影响的研究

7.Study of Traditional Telecommunications Enterprise to New Media Enterprise Strategic Transition传统型通信企业向新媒体企业的战略转型研究

8.A Study on the Behavior of Mass Media in Corporate Crises;传媒在企业危机事件中的传播行为分析

9.Models of Enterprises Media Communication Strategies Basing on Heredity Calculating Method;基于遗传算法的企业媒介传播策略模型

10.The Choice of the Enterprise-like Operation modes of the Radio and Television Medium Industry;浅议广电传媒业企业化经营模式的选择

11.The answer is not elimination of private enterprise in the media.答案并不在于消灭传播媒介中的私人企业。

12.A Tentative Discussion on Crisis Management of Modern Enterprises and the Media Communications;试论现代企业危机管理与新闻媒体传播

13.The analyse of some methods about making use of medium factor at the wet goods business enterprise;谈利用媒体因素在酒类企业宣传中的一些方法

14.Discuss the Relationship of Enterprise and Media on Information;试论建立在信息基础上的传媒与企业关系

15.Content Strategy of the Media of Newspaper Regarding Enterprise as Target Mainly;以企业为传播对象的报纸媒介内容策略

16.The Opportunities and Challenges Enterprise Marketing Communications Face in the Age of New Media新媒体环境下企业营销传播的机遇与挑战

17.Enterprises: How to Respond to Crises in the Age of Now Media新媒体环境下企业应对危机的公关传播策略

18.A Research into the Effect of Mass Media to the Reemployment of the Laid-off Workers of State-owned Enterprises大众传媒对国有企业下岗职工再就业的影响研究


media corporation传媒企业

1.Through capital management,themedia corporation will further develop.通过资本运营有助于传媒企业的发展。

3)Traditional Media Enterprise传统传媒企业

1.The Requirement Analysis and Decision-making Study on Informationalization ofTraditional Media Enterprise;传统传媒企业的信息化需求与决策研究

4)communications corporate culture传媒企业文化

5)Beijing CBD Media enterprises北京cbd传媒企业

6)Modern Media Enterprise System现代传媒企业制度


