100字范文 > 申办 bidding英语短句 例句大全

申办 bidding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-08 23:46:50


申办 bidding英语短句 例句大全



1.The authors analyze the successes of Chinabidding the Winter Olympic Games which has the effect on politics,economy and culture,and of Harbinbidding the Winter Olympic Games which has the social development to the whole north-east area,and put forward the best times,conditions,possibility ofbidding successfully and the prepared work.从中国申办冬奥会成功对中国政治、经济、文化的影响,以及哈尔滨申办冬奥会成功对整个东北地区的社会发展进行分析研究,并提出中国申办冬奥会的最佳时机、条件,申奥成功可能性及应做的准备工作。


1.Local governments raced to apply to build the new prisons.各地政府竞相申办。

2.Greece and Turkey have a joint bid,希腊和土耳其联合申办,

3.Jeff: We wish Beijing every success for its bid for the Olympics!杰夫:祝北京申办成功!

4.Why would the Olympic Games is hosted in Beijing?北京为什么申办奥运会?

5.Beijing"s bid report for the Olympic Games北京申办奥林匹克运动会申办报告

6.During this period, all the cities that apply to host the Olympic Games are bid applicants.在此期间,所有参与申办的城市都是申请城市。

7.Characteristics and Forms of Bidding for International MajorSports Competitions and Basic Factors of Success in Bid;国际体育大赛的申办特点、形式与成功申办的基本要素

8.we have of course arranged patent protection.理所当然我们已申办了专利保护。

9.The Irish-Scots bid is one of seven.爱尔兰?苏格兰是7个申办单位之一。

10.12. What are the rules for the bid cities?12.申办奥运会需要遵守哪些规定?

11.I"d like to apply for a membership card.我想申请办一张会员卡。

12.Applicants flood the office.申请者挤满办事处。

13.An enterprise as a legal person shall apply for making changes in its registration应当申请办理变更登记。

14.Application for Renewed Registration as a Textiles Trader续办纺织商登记申请书

15.Visa applicants will have to wait at least two weeks .申请办理签证者至少要等2周才能办好。

16.Office of Ombudsman and streamlining of appeals procedures监察员办公室和精简申诉程序

17.application for immigration pre-arrival clearance for vesse为船只预办入境检查申请书

18.You should always indent for your office requirements well in advance.办公室所需用品你应该及早提出申请。


apply for the qualification资质申办

3)competition for applying竞争申办

4)success in winning申办成功

5)bid for Olympics申办奥运

6)applying for the host of 16th Asian Games申办亚运


