100字范文 > 灵活性学习 behavioral flexibility英语短句 例句大全

灵活性学习 behavioral flexibility英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-10 23:24:45


灵活性学习 behavioral flexibility英语短句 例句大全

灵活性学习,behavioral flexibility

1)behavioral flexibility灵活性学习


1.Forebrain Overexpression of α CaMKⅡ Abolishes Amygdala Long Term Depression and Disrupts Behavioral Flexibilityα CaMKⅡ在小鼠杏仁核突触可塑性及灵活性学习中的作用

2.The Methods in Exercising Flexibility of Hip Joint in Sprint-Teaching;短跑教学中髋关节灵活性练习方法的探讨

3.This major provides learners with the ability to individualize their study paths for maximum career flexibility.通过主修,学生可以自由选择学习道路并在未来的职业选择中获得极大的灵活性。

4.Resilience. Resourcefulness and creativity. An aptitude for life-long learning.灵活应变和创作的能力是要不断学习的。

5.Increases alertness, stamina, motor learning, and motor performance.20分钟。这会增加灵活度、精力、学习力及效能。

6.On the Change from "Awkwardness" to "Skillfulness" in Foreign Language Learning;外语学习过程中的“死记硬背”与“灵活运用”

7."You get used to the flexibility of home schooling," she said.库洛维奇说:“我们习惯于家庭教育的灵活性。

8.Considering Mathematics Applied Problem Teaching In the View of Cognition Flexibility;从认知灵活性理论看数学应用题教学

9.A flexible format allowing users to drill on specific topics, work on specific lessons, or to take simulated exams.富灵活性,让使用者可针对某特定主题做训练,学习特定课程,或者参加模拟测试。

10.In this model,Computing is simple, learning is fast,complement in VLSI is easy and construction is flexible.该模型运算简单、学习速度快、易于大规模集成电路的实现,且具有相当的灵活性.

11.All of these programmes are designed on various study modes with lecture, tutorial, intensive seminar and group study.学习模式灵活多变,例如堂课、导修、密集研究及小组研习等,

12.Online education gives students enough flexibility.网上教育使学生们获得了许多灵活性。

13.Cognitive Flexibility Theory Applys to the Web Learning;认知灵活性理论在网络教学中之应用

14.On English Listening Teaching Based on Flexible Captions基于灵活性字幕的英语听力教学探讨

15.Creative teaching methods motivate students.在教学和激励学生方面有创造性和灵活性。

16.Teaching Flexibly According to Students Learning Styles--A preliminary study on the relationship between English teaching approaches and students learning styles;因材施教,灵活多变——英语教学方法与学习风格初探

17.Autonomous Teaching Activities for Non-English Major Class;自主性学习的大学英语课堂教学活动

18.A Research about Cognitive Flexibility of Students of Different Academic Achievement Types;不同学业成绩类型学生的认知灵活性研究


flexible learning灵活学习

3)Open and Flexible Learning开放与灵活学习

4)Teaching flexibility教学灵活性

5)learning in activities活动性学习

6)Comprehensive learning activity综合性学习活动

1.Comprehensive learning activity is important to improve the composition teaching of junior middle school nowadays there are some problems in traditional composition teaching.综合性学习活动对于改进初中作文教学有着重要的意义。


灵活1.敏捷﹔不呆板。 2.善于应变﹔不拘泥。
