100字范文 > 传输方式 transmission mode英语短句 例句大全

传输方式 transmission mode英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-13 04:51:48


传输方式 transmission mode英语短句 例句大全

传输方式,transmission mode

1)transmission mode传输方式

1.This paper introduces the definition of the stream media,expounds thetransmission modes,the protocols and the video formats of the stream media.介绍了流媒体的定义,阐述了流媒体的传输方式、流媒体传输中所需要的协议以及流媒体的视频格式。


1.Transmission of the data to all destinations.将数据传输到所有收信者(目的地)传输方式。

2.It does net work with frequency-hopping or infrared transmissions.不能用跳频或红外线传输方式工作。

3.Simplified Receiver Design for WLAN System with Packet Binary Convolutional Coding Transmission基于PBCC传输方式的WLAN接收机简化设计

4.Streaming technology in multimedia online education;多媒体网络教学中的流式媒体传输方式

5.In this system, the mode of hydrological information transmission is very important.水情信息的传输方式是该系统的重要部分。

6.Design and Implementation of Epass System Based on MQSeries Technology;基于MQSeries传输方式的电子通关系统的设计与实现

7.To Achieve the Comparison of the Model of Wireless Data Transmission by Utilizing the Available Network;利用现有网络实现无线数据传输方式的比较

8.Using MSTP to constitute WCDMA network;WCDMA传输中的MSTP组网方式

9.Accordin g to the difference of passing current and constructive mode of conductor, the conductor propagation is divided into three-phase, two-phase and single-phase propagation, etc.根据通过电流和导体结构方式的不同,导体传输可分为三相传输、二相传输和单相传输等。

10.The traditional method for ideological and moral education is to infuse.传统式的思想道德教育方法是灌输。

11.Protection Architectures Based on Synchronous Digital Hierarchy;基于同步传输机制的保护方式的研究

12.A Transmission Security Plan Based on Distributed System;一种基于分布式系统的传输安全方案

13.Data Transmission over SDH with Virtual Concatenation;SDH上虚级联方式的数据传输技术

14.Enhance the efficiency of data communication system with PWM technology;提高PWM方式数据通信系统的传输效率

15.Message Propagation of Sama Mechanism in Multithreading EnvironmentSama机制在多线程方式下的消息传输

16.Multi-channel data transfer method for divided-into-segment liquid level measurement device分段式液位测量仪多路数据传输方法

17.ATM (asynchronous transfer mode)异步传输模式,[台]异步传输模式

18.a communication system that transmits sound between distant points.在远距离点之间传输声音的一种通讯方式。


transferring method of COFDMCOFDM传输方式

1.The paper briefly introduces the digital broadcast of audio frequency and applied innovation technology of it such as the MUSICAM coding method,transferring method of COFDM and the difference of covering way from DAB to traditional audio broadcast.简述了数字音频广播DAB及其采用的创新技术,如MUSICAM编码方法,COFDM传输方式以及DAB的不同与传统音频广播的覆盖方式和数字化大潮中广阔的发展前景及对未来音频广播发射和接收的深远影响。

3)DMA transfer methodDMA传输方式

4)transport in AV modeAV方式传输

5)USB transfer typesUSB传输方式

6)transmission mode bit传输方式位


油气田开发方式(见油气田生产方式)油气田开发方式(见油气田生产方式)development pattern of oil and gas field:see recovery pattern of oil and gas fielda垃d gas月e卫d)、‘。尸卫Jlent见油气田小冰、*pa士teroof ojl
