100字范文 > 离散 Discrete英语短句 例句大全

离散 Discrete英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-16 10:03:47


离散 Discrete英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on Digital Simulation Machining Technology of Spiral Bevel Gear’sDiscrete Surface;螺旋锥齿轮离散齿面数字仿真加工方法研究

2.Novel discrete solitons in light-induced photonic lattices;光诱导光子晶格结构中新型的离散空间光孤子

3.Walsh function description of discrete formation model;离散地层模型的沃尔什函数描述法


1.discrete-time approximation离散时间近似(法)

2.Discrete Real Time Mobile Ambients;离散实时Mobile Ambients

3.Ge has separating function, and it seems to be a mark of separating.“格”具有离散功能,可看做离散标志。

4.synchronized discrete address beacon system同步离散地址信标系统

5.random access discrete address system随机存取离散地址系统

6.discrete Laplace transform离散的拉普拉斯变换

7.discrete event simulation package离散事件仿真程序包

8.discrete random nonlinear system离散随机非线性系统

9.finite and discrete mathematics有限数学和离散数学

10.continuous discrete hybrid system simulation连续离散混合系统仿真

11.continuous discrete hybrid system mode连续离散混合系统模型

12.fast discrete cosine transform快速离散余弦变换编码

13.discretization of continuous time system连续时间系统离散化

14.maximization over discrete离散集合上的最大化

15.generating function for a discrete probability distribution离散概率分布生成函数

16.incoherent scatter ionospheric sounding非相干散射电离层探测

17.experimental intensity of scattered ion散射离子的实验强度

18.scattering ion energy ratio散射离子的能量比值



1.An Algorithm for theDiscretization of 3D Parametric Curves;三维参数曲线的离散算法

2.Space discretization of the numerical simulation forthe flow field around Chinese-made bus body;国产客车车身周围流场数值模拟的空间离散

3.Study on discretization model of coupling dynamics system consisting of hub-flxible beam中心刚体-柔性梁耦合系统离散模型的研究


1.Mixing anddispersion of pollutant under the action of water waves;波浪作用下污染物的混合和离散

2.A new approach ofdispersion with force density method in form-finding analysis of cable and membrane structures;索膜结构力密度法找形的一种离散方法

3.Based on the error comparison and analysis of the estimation methods of the river period fluxes,the contributions of the time-averageddispersion fluxes to the measured period fluxes of river cross sections are discussed.通过对河流时段通量所采用的估算方法的误差比较分析 ,说明了实测河流断面时段通量中时间平均离散通量的贡献 ;并讨论了污染源的点源、非点源类型的差别对选择年通量估算方法的影响。


1.On the Mutual-Transformation of the Continuity and the Discreteness in Mathematical Analysis;数学分析中“连续”和“离散”两类问题的相互转化

2.On the basis of analyzing the advantages and disadvantages,this paper emphasizes on this problem and uses two typicaldiscreteness and concentration hydro-junction to summarize the key layouts.围绕此问题,将枢纽布置概括为“离散”和“集中”两种型式,在分析其优缺点的基础上,提出采用“离散”型布置对于泄洪及减少施工干扰等有较大优势。

3.As for meaning, it is mainly decided by their embodied features of quantity, namely feature of unfixed quantity anddiscreteness.限制量词重叠的语义因素主要来自量词语义本身的数量特征:非定量性和离散性。

5)subdivision[英]["s?bdi,vi??n][美][,s?bd?"v???n, "s?bd?,v???n]离散

1.Generalizedsubdivision of tensor product Bézier volumes;张量积 Bézier 体的广义离散

2.The second equivalent form of the 4-order H Bézier-like curves is proposed to solve the unstable problems insubdivision calculation whenα→0~+.给出了4阶H Bézier-like曲线的第二种等价表达式,解决了当α→0~+时如离散计算中出现的不稳定性问题,并提出了构造与多边形各边都相切的平面分段4阶HBézier-like曲线的简便算法。

3.If the method is combined with thesubdivision method of curve,the rational spline curve with higher-order continuity is presented which is the approximation of offset curve.该方法与离散算法相结合,可得到等距曲线的高阶连续的有理样条逼近曲线,最后,通过数值实例与已有方法作了比较。


1.Facing identity crisis and perplexed by their cultural and social contexts, Chinesediaspora subjects in America are eager to seek a new identity and a sense of belonging which can match their special circumstances.在美国生活的华裔离散群体因其生活环境的特殊性,对其处境感到迷惑不解,迫切需要寻求一种新的身份属性和归属感。

2.After analyzing correlated and ever-changing factors like the literary mindset and cultural mentality,the writer comes to the conclusion that their overseas experience and literary creation have undergone stages as Diaspora,Migration and Affiliation Disorientation.本文选取具有文学发展标示性意义的美华女性作家——於梨华与严歌苓为研究对象,通过对她们在创作心态和文化心理等方面互相联系并不断嬗变因素的分析,认为她们的去国经验和跨域书写,历经了"离散"、"迁移"与"错位归属"几个层面的历史嬗变。


