100字范文 > 非能动 Passive英语短句 例句大全

非能动 Passive英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-08 11:39:08


非能动 Passive英语短句 例句大全



1.Design ofPassive Heat-switch between Pressure Tube and Calandria Tube of Thorium-based Advanced Nuclear Energy System;钍基先进核能系统压力管与排管之间的非能动热开关设计

2.Long-Term Effect Analysis of AC600Passive Containment Cooling System;AC600非能动安全壳冷却系统长期效应分析

3.The shuttle passive control system of pressure conduit;压力管道梭式非能动控制系统


1.Trial and Research on the None-Motile Alternately Working Two-Pot Device;非能动双罐交替工作装置的试验研究

2.Research of New Passive Residual Heat Removal System Projects of Marine Nuclear Power;船用核动力非能动余热排出新方法研究

3.Angular momentum can accompany nonrotational motion.非旋转的运动可能伴随着有角动量。

4.a person who possesses unusual innate ability in some field or activity.在某些方面或活动中有非凡能力的人。

5.Some of the cave-animals should be very anomalous.穴居动物可能会非常特别。

6.But innovation can take a nonprofit only so far.但是革新只能将非营利组织推动到此。

7.The kinetic energy may be written nonrelativistically as E=1/2mv 2.动能可以写为(非相对论)E=1/2mv 2。

8.The nonrelativistic formula underestimates the kinetic energy.非相对论公式对动能的估算偏低。

9.Analysis of the Non-Linear Impulsive Load"s Power Quality Disturbances非线性冲击负载的电能质量扰动分析

10.Non-isothermal cure kinetics of V-POSS/UPR and physical propertiesV-POSS/UPR非等温固化动力学与物理性能

11.Optimization design of PZT actuated deformable aspheric polishing lap基于PZT的非球面能动抛光盘设计优化

12.E: When I do all of these exercises, I am hardly to move, every tired.(当我做完所有的活动后,好像不能动似的,非常累。

13.Scrolling of any kind should also be avoided on kiosks except when absolutely necessary.另外,滚动操作也要尽可能的必要,除非是非常必要。

14.Mechanical Energy and Momentum of Wave Pulses in a Dispersion Less,Lossless Elastic Medium;脉冲波在非色散、非耗散弹性媒质中的机械能和动量

15.Kinetic performance of non-isothermal crystallization of amorphous Co-Cu-B alloy nanopowder非晶态Co-Cu-B纳米合金粉末的非等温晶化动力学性能

16.Study of propeller unsteady performance prediction in ship viscous non-uniform wake船体黏性非均匀伴流场中螺旋桨非定常水动力性能预报研究

17.Newton"s laws, concepts of momentum, energy, angular momentum, rigid body motion, and non-inertial systems.牛顿定律,动量的概念,能量,角动量,刚体运动,以及非惯性系。

18.Energy: Converting the motion of the sea into electricity requires a trade-off between efficiency and resilience- or does it?能源:海洋的动能转变为电能时效率和弹性不可兼得——非如此不可吗?



1.The none-motile alternately working two-pot device is a new type of the alternately working one, which is the individual invents of researcher Zeng Xiangwei.非能动双罐交替工作装置是一种新型的双罐交替工作装置,是曾祥炜研究员的个人发明。

2.A new none-motile control system for pigging pressure pipeline is proposed.分析了国内外清管器的研究和应用现状,提出了一种新的压力管道清管非能动控制系统。

3)Passive system非能动系统

1.Probability safety assessment has been widely used in nuclear plant safety research, but the reliability research of passive system is at a beginning level.非能动系统的失效不但要考虑常规可靠性分析中考虑的设备失效,还要考虑物理过程的失效。

2.In safety research of nuclear power plant,the reliability research of thermal hydraulic passive system bases on the numerical models.在研究核电站安全时,热工水力非能动系统的可靠性研究基于所建立的热工水力学数值模型。

4)passive resistance protection非能动保护

5)Passive Safety非能动安全

1.The passive safety system design principles for new generation advanced reactor are suggested,The management for administration and training is suggested to be adopted for preventing human error.以核电厂事故为例叙述了核电厂安全运行对策研究的重要性 ;介绍了代表新一代先进反应堆的非能动安全系统设计原则和针对人因差错应采取的管理和培训对策。

6)passive failure非能动故障


