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体操普修课 gymnastics course英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-05 13:51:58


体操普修课 gymnastics course英语短句 例句大全

体操普修课,gymnastics course

1)gymnastics course体操普修课

1.Expioration of the teaching reform of the preparationingymnastics course;体操普修课准备部分教学改革初探

2.To fine out the sports injury mechanism of students ingymnastics course,the students of physical education department were investigated.为了解体育系学生在体操普修课中发生运动损伤的机理 ,对广州体院体育系 3个年级的学生进行了调查研究。


1.An Assumption on the Structure of Gymnastic Required Course in Department of Physical Education in Teachers University;师范院校体育系体操普修课设置构想

2.Study of the model of gymnastic course for all specialties offered by the physical education specialties of institutions of higher leaning in Zhejiang Province;高校体育专业教育体操普修课程模式

3.New explore on teaching competition in gymnastic general class in PE department of teachers college;高师体育系体操普修课竞技体操教学比赛新探

4.Reformation of the exam pattern of general gymnastics course --“Replacing exam with competition”;体操普修课考核方式的改革——“以赛代考”

5.A Study of Guiding Ideology of Gymnastic Courses in Universities;普通高校体操普修课程指导思想的探析

6.Gymnastic courses innovative ideas in PE institutes--On fitness gymnastic course;体育院系体操普修课程创新构想——关于健身体操课程的研究

7.Structure of System of Gymnastic Authorized-Courses on Physical Education in University建构高校体育教育专业体操普修课程体系

8.The Teaching Actuality on Gym General Lesson of Henan Colleges PE Department;河南省高等院校体育院系体操普修课教学现状

9.An Experimental Study on Constructivism in the Required Gymnastic Course of P.E. Department;体育院系体操普修课“建构性学习”的实验与研究

10.Experimental Research on Curriculum Reforms of General Gymnastics of PE Colleges and Universities;体育院校体操普修课程改革的实验研究

11.An Experimental Study of Cooperative Learning for General Gymnastics Course in the PE Departments and Institutes;体育院系体操普修课合作学习的实验研究

12.On Design and implementation of the Teaching Program of the Generally Selected Course of the New Eurhythmics in Physical Education Departments and Colleges;体育院系艺术体操普修课新大纲的设计与实施

13.On Cultivation of Students Comprehensive Abilities in General Course in Gymnastics in Sports College;浅析体育院校体操普修课学生综合能力的培养

14.On general gymnastic course;重庆工商大学体育系体操普修课教学改革实践

15.Experimental Study on Subjective Mode of Teaching in Teaching of Gymnastics as an Obligatory Course;体操普修课程主体性教学模式的实验研究

16.Preliminary Study on The Teaching Innovation of Generally Reguired Undergraduate Gymnatics course in the physical Education of Higer Normal Oniversity;高师体育教育专业本科体操普修课程教改初探

17.The Current Situation of Generally Optional Gymnastics Course for PE Major and Countermeasures;体育专业体操普修课教学现状分析与对策

18.Analysis on sports injury of students of physical education department in gymmnastics course;体育系学生体操普修课中运动损伤分析



1.Simple Analysis of the Functions of Widely Use of Supplementary Exercise in the Course ofGymnastics;浅析广泛应用辅助练习在体操普修课中的作用

2.Gymnastics is one of the compulsory courses of P.体操普修课是高师体育院系体育教育专业的必修课之一。

3)gymnastics general training class体操普修技术课

4)gymnastic course for all specialties体操普修课程

1.Study of the model ofgymnastic course for all specialties offered by the physical education specialties of institutions of higher leaning in Zhejiang Province;高校体育专业教育体操普修课程模式

5)female gymnastics class女生体操普修课

6)Gymnastic Common Course体操普修

1.The Basic Research and Production on the Web-based Courseware of theGymnastic Common Course of P.E. Major in Normal University in China;我国普通高等师范院校体育专业体操普修课程网络课件的初步研究与开发


