100字范文 > 国庆节游江滩-国庆节简单英语作文带翻译


时间:2024-03-26 21:00:27



Wuhan Shenlong International Tourism Festival, a night of national day, I finish English after-school and mother ride to the beach to play. Along the way, a street lamp stands on both sides of the street, like a loyal Guardian ten guardian of the beautiful Jiangcheng. Pedestrians on the road with heavy traffic on the street. We managed to Beach Park, looking ahead, I was stunned by the scene, this really is an ocean of lights, light of the world, eyeful of colorful lanterns, Qianzibaitai, dizzying, the night marshland lit up, just like a fairy tale world.The door of the panda Park, only a few clever machines made several small panda friends and shouting, and clapping their hands and jump. You see, some in Gong, some on drums, and some are still blowing bubbles, each multicoloured bubble in the night by the colorful rippling.And then move forward, the lane on the right side of the mountain several gourd dolls in gearing up seem ready to a a valiant fight, a frame train surrounded by hills in the cheerful Mercedes Benz. We have not enough time to understand in detail, in front of a silver shining Dragon heaves in sight, the winding body station along the straight road, look carefully, it was found that was actually formed by the binding of tableware is really vivid, lifelike, so that we excited, exclaimed curious.A row of riverside Pavilion, the four beauties stand alone in the rain of the night, as if waiting for their friends.Walked, fragrance assail the nostrils, the original is all kinds of Chinese and foreign cakes here for visitors to taste and buy me greedy straight swallow saliva.The night is too late, we have to set foot on the way back, go to the gate, I say goodbye to the beach be reluctant to part.

武汉市神龙国际旅游节到了,国庆节的一个晚上,我上完英语课后就和妈妈坐车去江滩玩。一路上,一盏盏路灯站在大街两旁,像一个个忠诚的卫十守护着美丽的江城。 路上行人如织,车水马龙。我们好不容易来到江滩公园,放眼望去,我被眼前的景色惊呆了,这里真是灯的海洋,灯的世界,满眼的花灯五彩缤纷,千姿百态,令人目不暇接,把夜色的江滩映照得如同一个童话世界。门口的熊猫乐园里,几只乖巧的机器熊猫逗得几个小朋友又喊又叫,又是拍手又是跳。你看,有的在敲锣,有的在打鼓,有的还在吹泡泡,一个个五光十色的泡泡在五彩的夜晚翻飞着。再往前走,小路右边的山上几个葫芦娃娃在摩拳擦掌,似乎正准备着一场英勇的战斗,一架列车环绕着小山在欢快地奔驰着。我们来不及细细体会,前面一条银光闪闪的巨龙映入眼帘,弯弯曲曲的身子站在笔直的路旁,仔细一看,才发现竟是用餐具绑扎而成,真是惟妙惟肖,栩栩如生,令我们激动不已,惊叹稀奇。江边一排亭阁上,四大美女孤独的站在这下着小雨的夜晚,好像在等待着她们的朋友。走着走着,一阵阵香味扑鼻而来,原来是中外各式糕点在这里供游人品尝购买,把我馋得直咽口水。夜色太晚了,我们不得不踏上返回的路,走到大门口,我依依不舍地对江滩说声再见。
