100字范文 > 曲菌 aspergillus英语短句 例句大全

曲菌 aspergillus英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-25 02:06:53


曲菌 aspergillus英语短句 例句大全



1.Obstructing tracheobronchialaspergillus:analysis of 34 cases;阻塞性气管、支气管曲菌病34例分析

2.The identification method from genetic characteristics of Aspergillus and yeast in soy sauce completely broken the traditional method of microbial identification.从酱油酿造用曲菌及酵母遗传基因上的特性,来重新认识传统的发酵菌类,完全突破了传统的微生物鉴别法。


1.Establishment and Preliminary Application of Campylobacter jejuni Campylobacter coli and Salmonella;PCR-RDB方法检测空肠弯曲菌、结肠弯曲菌和沙门菌及初步应用研究

2.1.Construction of Strain with Disruption of pksCT Gene in Monascus M22 2.Study on the Proteome for Monascus Ruber1.红曲菌M22pksCT基因缺失株的构建 2.红色红曲菌蛋白质组学研究

3.A multiplex PCR and denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography method for identifying Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli多重PCR-变性高效液相色谱检测食品中空肠弯曲菌和结肠弯曲菌

4.Application of Molecular Markers for the Identification Strains in Monascus spp.;分子标记技术在红曲菌菌种鉴别中的应用

5.Survey of infectious status of poultry with Campylobacter jejuni in Shenzhen City深圳市市售家禽空肠弯曲菌带菌状况调查

6.Biogenesis and Pathogenicity of Escherichia coli Curli Fibers大肠杆菌卷曲菌毛的生物合成和致病性

7.Study on multiplex PCR assay for detection of Campylobacter jejuni,Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli O157空肠弯曲菌、单增李斯特菌和大肠杆菌O157多重PCR分子检测研究

8.Identification of Salmonella,Campylobacter jejuni and Enterohemorrhagic E.coli by Denaturing High-performance Liquid Chromatography变性高效液相色谱检测沙门氏菌、空肠弯曲菌和肠出血性大肠杆菌

9.An Experimental Study on the Polyvalent DNA Vaccine Against C.Jejuni;空肠弯曲菌多价DNA疫苗的实验研究

10.Here is an Aspergillus fungus ball in a dilated bronchus.可见扩张支气管内的曲霉菌真菌球。

11.Study of Experimental Fusarium and Aspergillus Keratitis in Rabbit Model;兔镰刀菌和曲霉菌真菌性角膜炎的研究

12.Studies on Biological Characteristics of Ustilaginoidea Virens and Evaluation of Rice Against the False Smut稻曲病菌生物学特性及水稻抗稻曲病评价研究

13.Screening of Aspergillus oryzae and A. sojae strains with high enzyme activity by induced mutation米曲霉与酱油曲霉高酶活菌株的诱变选育

14.Antifungal therapy in severe rhinosino-optical-otic and cerebral invasive aspergillosis caused by Aspergillus flavus黄曲霉致鼻-眼-耳-脑侵袭性曲霉病的抗真菌治疗

15.The research of proteinase produced by aspergillus jinye米曲霉菌今野菌株所产蛋白酶性质的研究

16.Yeasts took up 82.7%,mainly including Candida albicans(50.0%) and Candida tropicalis(23.1%).其中酵母类真菌为43株(82.7%),曲霉菌为9株(17.3%)。

17.Modulation of the Intestinal Flora of Bacteremic Mice by Parenteral Treatment with Ceftriaxone;头孢曲松钠对菌血症小鼠肠道膜菌群的影响

18.GROWTH CURVE OF Lactobacillus plantarum STRAIN P158 AND ITS BACTERIOCIN CHARACTERIZATION植物乳杆菌P158的生长曲线及其细菌素的特性



1.Bronchoscopic findings of tracheobronchialaspergillosis;气管支气管曲菌病的支气管镜表现


3)Campylobacter curvus曲形弯曲菌


1.Studies on Isolation and Purification and Identification of Monascus Strains;红曲菌株的分离纯化和鉴定

2.Application of SCAR molecular marker technology in identification of Monascus strains;红曲菌株鉴别中SCAR分子标记的应用

3.Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Analysis of Monascus Strains;红曲菌株的RAPD多态性分析


1.Isolation and Identification of Aspergillus Species from the Post Fermentative Process of Pu-Er Ripe Tea;普洱熟茶后发酵加工过程中曲霉菌的分离和鉴定

2.Aspergillus infection in lung transplant recipients:risk factors,treatment and outcomes;肺移植术后曲霉菌感染的分析

3.Clinical analysis of patients with diabetes and pulmonary and dental mixed infections with invasive Aspergillus and bacteria;糖尿病并齿龈肺部侵袭性曲霉菌细菌混合性感染病例分析


1.Study on Screening ofMonascus Strain with Producing Blood-Lipids Lowering and Its Biological Characteristics;降胆固醇红曲霉菌株的选育及其生物学特性研究

2.The influence of toluene,aether and tween-80 on the liquid fermentation ofMonascus GM011 was studied due to their capability of changing the cell membrane permeability.以吐温、甲苯、乙醚三种作为改变红曲霉菌GM011细胞膜通透性的有机溶剂,探讨其对红曲霉菌GM011液态发酵的影响,结果表明:甲苯对该菌的生长、Monacolin K和色素的产生均具有抑制作用,对菌体生长的形态的影响也最大,且这种抑制和添加量成正比例关系;吐温则可以促进色素产生和菌体的生长,但是对Monacolin K的产生却有抑制作用;而乙醚在所试验的添加浓度范围内,对菌体生长、红色色素色价、以及菌体形态几乎不产生影响,但是对Monacolin K的产生却有很大的促进作用。

3.This paper shows the application and function of monascus and monascus pigment is analysed on food processing, and it takes the important role as a physiological actual substance in monascus.阐述了红曲霉菌的应用和功能,同时也分析了红曲霉的重要有效生理活性物质红曲色素在食品加工中的功能及应用。


播散性曲菌病播散性曲菌病disseminated candiasis由曲菌属真菌引起的一种疾病。本病主要是由肺部的病灶侵入血循环而引起,也可以通过烧伤的创面、损伤的皮肤黏膜等进入血循环,随血行播散可累及到肺、胸膜、脑、肝、脾、心、肾、甲状腺、骨骼和皮肤等,也可引起心内膜炎。一些慢性肺部疾患,以及长期使用抗生素和糖皮质激素都是发生本病的诱因。其临床表现,随所侵犯的脏器不同而异,最常
