100字范文 > 承载力指数 carrying capacity index英语短句 例句大全

承载力指数 carrying capacity index英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-23 22:44:15


承载力指数 carrying capacity index英语短句 例句大全

承载力指数,carrying capacity index

1)carrying capacity index承载力指数


1.An Empirical Study on Infrastructure Carrying Capacity and Carrying Condition of Beijing北京市基础设施承载力指数与承载状态实证研究

2.Application of differential evolution to optimize exponential curve model of ultimate bearing capacity of single pile差异演化算法用于单桩承载力指数曲线模型优化

3.Application of RAGA-based exponential curve model in prediction of pile limit bearing capacity基于RAGA的指数曲线模型预测基桩承载力

4.Different means to improve the load capacity were compared through load capacity coefficient.本文还以承载力系数为依据,比较了提高箔片轴承承载力的方法。

5.The Study on the Evaluation Index System of Urban Water Resources Carrying Capacity;城市水资源承载力评价指标体系研究

6.Study on the Effect of Piles and Soil in Composite Foundation;复合地基桩土承载力发挥系数的研究


8.Numerical Simulation on the Unidirectional Extruding Capacity of Downhole Casing井下套管单向挤压承载能力数值模拟

9.Numerical simulation analysis of effect of pile cap on lateral capacity of single pile承台对单桩水平承载力影响的数值模拟分析

10.PHC piles vertical static load bearing capacity test and comparative analysis of numerical simulationPHC桩竖向承载力静载试验与数值模拟分析

11.carrying capacity (of the Earth):the ability of Earth to absorb emissions and waste.(地球的)承载能力:指地球吸收废气和废物的能力。

12.Analysis on Power Grasp Ability Optimization and Carrying Capacity of Four-Fingered Humanoid Dexterous Hand Based on the Capacity of Heavy Load大载荷四指仿人灵巧手强力抓取能力优化与承载能力分析

13.Baiyang Lake Water Resources:Their Bearing Index Analysis and Protection Countermeasures;白洋淀水资源承载指数分析及保护对策

14.Study on the Space-time Variation of Comprehensive Land Bearing Index in Shijiazhuang;石家庄市土地综合承载指数时空变动规律研究

15.Analysis of Land Carrying Index of Different Form Styles of Small Town;小城镇不同空间发展模式的土地承载指数分析

parative Study on Comprehensive Bearing Index of Land associated with China s Major Cities;我国主要城市辖区土地综合承载指数及评价

17.Study on the Integrated Assessment System of Land Resources Carrying Capacity for Chongming Island;崇明岛土地资源承载力综合评价指标体系研究

18.Water Resource Bearing Capacity Evaluation Index System and Application Study;水资源承载力评价指标体系及应用研究


tourism bearing capacity index旅游承载力指数

1.Besides,we provide thetourism bearing capacity indexes(TBCI) and its calculating model in respect to the factors that influence TEBC.从影响旅游环境承载力的诸因子入手,构建旅游承载力指数(TBCI)及运算模式,从而表征其旅游业是否可持续发展。

2.Beginning with such factors as social cultural background, social economic background, ecological and social psychological background which influence tourism bearing capacity, the article puts out thetourism bearing capacity index and its arithmetic model of operation and gives out a case of its application.本文从影响旅游环境承载力的社会—文化环境、社会—心理环境和生态—经济环境诸因子分析入手,构建了旅游承载力指数(TBCI)及运算模式。

3)carrying index承载指数

1.The result shows:the ecological elastic index on the north slope of Qinling Mountains is above 50,the ecosystem itself has medium keeping and regulating ability;both water resource and land resource have higher carrying-capacity,but the land resource carrying capacity has more advantage,itscarrying index is above 70 while the water resource car.基于生态承载力理论,计算和分析了秦岭北麓的生态承载力状况,结果表明:秦岭北麓的生态弹性指数大于50,生态系统具有中等的自我维持与自我调节能力;水资源与土地资源均具有较高的承载能力,但土地资源的承载能力更具优势,承载指数大于70,水资源的承载指数则小于70;从资源的承载压力度来看,土地资源的承载压力比较小,水资源的承载压力则非常大,已超负荷。

4)synthetic ecological carrying capacity index综合生态承载力指数

5)comprehensive index of environmental carrying capacity环境承载力综合指数

6)index of water supply and demand水资源承载力平衡指数


迁移效率指数、偏好指数和差别指数迁移效率指数、偏好指数和差别指数迁移效率指数、偏好指数和差别指数迁移效率指数是用于测定两地间人口迁移效率的指标。它是净迁移对总迁移之比。计算公式为:EIM一摇寿纂拼又‘。。上式中,}人么夕一材方}为i、]两地净迁移人数;从少+材户为i、]两地总迁移人数;El入了为迁移效率指数。EIM的取值范围为。至100,如某一地区的值越大,反映迁移的的影响也越大。如果计算i地区与其他一切地区之间的人口迁移效率指数EIM厂,则:}艺材。一芝Mj、}EIM汀艺。+乏M,(j笋i)迁移偏好指数是从一个地区向另一地区的实际迁移人数与期望迁移人数之比。计算公式为:____M.___材尸2行一:一二子一一不石一二,么M“ 了厂‘.厂‘、八 }二不十二六二1、厂厂7上式中,M“为从i地迁到j地的实际迁移量;艺材。为总的人口迁移量;尸为总人口;M尸I,j为迁移偏好指数。通过计算迁移偏好指数,可以反映各地区的相对引力。迁移差别指数是反映具有某种特征的迁移人口与非迁移人口区别的指数。例如,专业技术人员的人数所占比重,各种文化程度人数所占比重等,以便研究人才流失和其他间题。计算公式为:M‘从IMD、一翌不丝xl。。 .义V‘ N上式中,M为迁移人数;M,为具有i特征的迁移人数;N为非迁移人数;N‘为具有i特征的非迁移人数;了八了D、为迁移差别指数。
