100字范文 > 科技异化 alienation of science and technology英语短句 例句大全

科技异化 alienation of science and technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-06 23:54:45


科技异化 alienation of science and technology英语短句 例句大全

科技异化,alienation of science and technology

1)alienation of science and technology科技异化

1.This article studies the phenomenones from thealienation of science and technology, pointing out that alienation is not science and technology itself but the misuse and abuse of it.本文考察了科技异化的种种表象,指出科技异化不是科技本身的异化,而是对科技人为的误用、滥用甚至恶用的结果。

2.On the day of thealienation of science and technology getting more serious, clarifying the relationship between science and value would help people to understand the reason of thealienation of science and technology.在科技异化现象日趋严重的今天,从理论上厘清科学与价值的关系有助于人们正确理解科技异化现象及其原因所在。

3.The issue onalienation of science and technology has been discussed for a long time .对科技异化问题的探讨由来已久。


1.Alienation from Zhou Yi;《周易》对抑制“科技异化”的启示

2.The Political,Economic and Ideaistic Factor of Sci-technological Alienation;导致科技异化的政治、经济、观念因素

3.The Alienation of Science and Technology of Capitalism and "Two Inevitabilities";资本主义的科技异化和“两个必然”

4.On Contemporary Price of Technological Alienation and Its Countermeasure Analysis;论科技异化的当代代价及其对策分析

5.From Alienation of Science and Technology to Human Nature of Science and Technology--an Ethical Meditation and Moral Reconstruction of Postmodernism for Science and Technology;从科技异化到科技人化———西方后现代主义对科技的伦理反思与道德重塑

6.Alienation of Science-technology and Libernation of Nature科技异化与自然的解放——马尔库塞的生态思想论析

7.Cultural Difference and Science & Cultural Innovation-An Interview on Professor Yang Zhenning文化差异与科技文化创新——杨振宁教授访谈录

8.Dissimilation and Logical Origin of Moral Education in Scientific Times:Meditation on the Book Development of Modern Science and Technology and Reconstruction of Moral Education科技时代德育异化及其逻辑之源——读《现代科技发展与道德教育重建》

9.Heidegger s Criticism on Alienation of Science and Technology and Its Significance;海德格尔对科学技术异化的批判及其意义

10.Culture difference between China and western countries and its effect on the development of science and technology;中西方文化差异及其对科学技术发展的影响

11.Science and Technology·Ideology·Consumption Alienation--Also on Marcuse s "Technocracy";科学技术·意识形态·消费异化——兼评马尔库塞的“技术统治论”

12.The process of economic globalization and world multi-polarization is being accelerated, and modern science and technology are developing day after day.经济全球化和世界多极化正在加快发展,科学技术进步日新月异。

13.The Logical Point of Habermas"s Criticism of Science and Technology--From the Alienation of Science and Technology to the Non-politicization of Society哈贝马斯的“科学技术批判”的逻辑指向——从科学技术异化到大众社会“非政治化”

14.Interaction between Culture, Education and Development of Science and Technology;科技文化与科技教育、科技发展的互动

15.Genetic Variations and the Phylogenetic in Some Species of Sparidae Revealed by RAPD Technique;用RAPD技术研究几种鲷科鱼类的遗传变异和系统进化

16.The Research on Differentiated Training Students of Local Undergraducate College of Educational Techonoloy;地方本科院校教育技术学专业学生差异化培养的研究

17.The Differential Maketing Strategy Study of Yueyang Kangda Hongyue Science and Technology Ltd., Co;岳阳康大宏岳科技有限公司差异化营销策略研究

18.Discourse on Humans Alienation by Science and Technology & Re construction of Humans Value World by Education;论科学技术对人的异化与教育对人的价值世界的重建


the alienation of science and technology科技异化

1.The paper definesthe alienation of science and technology,analyses its reasons and lists its manifestations and analyses the problem from three aspects.在明确科技异化概念的基础上,剖析科技异化的根源,罗列科技异化的种种表现,并从三个方面分析科技异化问题,认为只有正确看待科技异化,才能走出困境,使科技真正造福于人类。

2.The concept ofthe alienation of science and technology is the explication and development of that of Marx alienation.“科技异化”概念,是对马克思异化概念的引申和发展,科技异化是与“科技代价”、“科技负面效应”、“科技价值两重性”既有区别又有联系的不同概念,不能混淆。

3.Meanwhile,the alienation of science and technology is becoming more serious, even threatening the protection of the utilization of ecological environment and the survival and development of human society, therefore, discussion on the question ofthe alienation of science and technology has great significance to our times.现代社会,科学技术影响的深度和广度日渐提高,同时,科技异化现象也不断加重,甚至威胁到生态环境的保护和利用、人类社会的生存和发展。

3)technical disassimilation科技的异化

4)dissimilation science and technology科学技术的异化

5)sources of S&T alienation科技异化根源

6)Analysis of the Alienation of Science and Technology略论科技异化


