100字范文 > 身体围度 bodily circumference英语短句 例句大全

身体围度 bodily circumference英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-29 22:19:29


身体围度 bodily circumference英语短句 例句大全

身体围度,bodily circumference

1)bodily circumference身体围度

1.Analysis ofbodily circumference characteristics of Russ adults in Inner Mongolia;内蒙古地区俄罗斯族成人身体围度特征分析


1.Study on Figure of Chinese Male Bodybuilding Athletes中国男子健美运动员身体围度特征研究

2.Analysis of Body Circumference Characteristics of Buryat Mongolian Adults in Inner Mongolia布里亚特蒙古族成人身体围度特征分析

3.range of body movement身体运动范围 身体运动范围

4.Extension of a bodily joint beyond its normal range of motion.伸直过度身体关节超过正常运动范围的伸展

5.An Analysis of Bone Mineral Density and Body Composition in Peri-menopausal and Early Postmenopausal Women围绝经期与绝经早期妇女骨密度及身体成分分析

6.Research on the Current Situation of Body Figure among Excellent Teenager Athletes of Sport Dance in Guangdong;广东优秀青少年体育舞蹈运动员身体形态的现状研究——长度、围度、宽度

7.Now, let us synthesize the subtle bodies that surround the form.现在,让我们合成围绕在身体周围的精微体。

8.Assessment of severe malnutrition among hospitalized children in rural Kenya: Comparison of weight for height and mid upper arm circumference对肯尼亚农村住院患儿群体重度营养不良症的评估:身高别体重与中上臂围的比较研究

9.This car will turn in its own length.这种汽车可以在自身长度范围内掉头.

10.A line thought of as encircling the body at the waist.腰线假设围住身体腰部的线

11.drawn together or squeezed physically or by extension psychologically.聚拢在一起或身体、心理范围上的挤压。

12.not constricted physically or by extension psychologically.没有身体或心理范围上的挤压的。

13.Investigation on College Students" Height,Weight and Body Satisfaction大学生身高、体重及身体满意度调查

14.One"s health suffers from overwork.过度劳累有损身体健康。

15.Superlative drinking is harmful to the health.饮酒过度对身体有害。

16.Excessive drinking does harm to the system.过度饮酒对身体有害。

17.The Influence of Calisthenics Dance on Women Bone Density around Menopause;健身舞蹈对围绝经期妇女骨密度的影响

18.Imprisonment and Breakthrough--On the female body which be compared to a riddle and Helen Cixous s body writing theory;囚禁与突围——论“筛子”隐喻的女性身体与西苏的“身体写作”


circumference items躯体围度

1.The measurement of 400 women aged from 20~39 from China and Korea were taken through scanning with Martin′s measuring apparatus and Karada scan to obtain the basic statistics ofcircumference items and body fat rate etc,and analysis of variance of the data obtained was performed by means of SPSS(10.利用马丁测量仪和体重脂肪率计测仪,选择年龄在20~39岁之间的中、韩女性共400名,测出其躯体围度与体脂肪率等数据;通过SPSS10。

3)limbs girths肢体围度

4)index of body girth/statute体围/身高指数

5)range of body movement身体运动范围

6)Body measurements身体量度


