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文化模式 cultural model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-01 14:57:57


文化模式 cultural model英语短句 例句大全

文化模式,cultural model

1)cultural model文化模式

1.The author attempts to apply the mapping theory andcultural model into the teaching strategies of English reading comprehension.本文从认知的角度出发,探讨了隐喻的本质及其与英语阅读教学的关系,指出隐喻不仅仅是语言现象,也是认知现象,提出了应用映射理论和文化模式进行英语阅读教学的策略。

2.Moreover, thecultural model can also play an important role in judging basic level terms.造成判断标准和词汇现象矛盾的主要原因是词汇系统、构词方式、思维方式的不同;此外,不同的文化模式对判断基本层次范畴也有相当大的影响。

3.A explaining model is drawn out in first section: A inherent link exits among social development goal、social institution andcultural model.我国改革前的社会发展目标是追求单一的社会发展指标,属地管理和二元结构是其主要特征,城市保护主义或城市意识成为文化模式的主要特点。


1.the teenage subculture青少年的亚文化模式.

2.Historical and Cultural Origines of the Cultural Mode of "Chinese Cultures as Basis and Western Cultures as Subsidiary;“中体西用”文化模式的历史文化渊源

3.On Cultural Modes and Humanity Types;略论文化的模式和人文类型——读《人文类型》与《文化模式》

4.Problematic Human Behaviors in Sino-American Intercultural Communication and Tentative Probe into Possible Solutions;文化模式差异:中美跨文化交际行为模式的困境及出路初探

5.Transition of the Hui s Cultural Pattern:A Study on the Cultural Pattern of the Hui Communities in Mega-cities of China;回族文化模式转型论——基于对大城市回族社区文化模式变迁的思考

6.Hui Nationality culture pattern and direction in the changing society社会变迁中的回族文化模式及文化走向

7.Cultural Contents in Development with Constitution of New Cultural Mode;发展概念的文化内涵与新文化模式的构成

8.University Culture Business Culture and Community Cultural Interaction Mechanism;大学文化、企业文化、社区文化互动模式研究

9.Discussion on Psychological Consultative Modes:Multicultural Mode and Indigenous Mode多元文化心理咨询模式与本土化心理咨询模式

10.Philosophical Hermeneutic Mode in the Understanding of Intercultural Texts;论跨文化文本理解的哲学解释学模式

11.A Reflection on an Experimental Intensive English Learning Program;对强化式英语学习模式的思考(英文)

12.The Format System Mode of Constructing Enterprises Safety Culture;论企业安全文化建设的形式系统模式

13.A Culture-Oriented and Computer-Assisted Language Teaching Simulation Model;文化导向型模拟法外语教学模式初探

14.On a Valuable Managing Dominant Mode of Humanism for Culture Procreative Manner;论人文价值管理主导模式:文化生产方式

15.Research on the Dissemination of Chinese Traditional Oulture in Amusing Model;中国传统文化的传播娱乐化模式研究

16.Tibetan Bar: A New Mode of Urbanization for Conventional Tibetan Culture;藏吧:藏族传统文化都市化的新模式

17.A Study on Integration Modles of Economic and Cultural for County Region Development;县域发展的经济文化一体化模式研究

18.Study of the Garden-style Pattern of Shanxi Cultural Resources Development;山西文化资源开发的园区化模式研究


cultural pattern文化模式

1.As a kind ofcultural pattern, in these aspects of affirmation of approval subject, conversion of cognitive model and national culture-approval, media culture has subverted the traditionalcultural pattern of agricultural civilization and the industrial civilization, has realized transformation of modern human life style and cultural shape.随着人类社会步入传媒化阶段,媒介文化逐渐成为一种新的文化模式。

2.This article discusses the development model of the modern Olympic Games from the following patterns: ideology pattern,management pattern,active pattern,cultural pattern,business pattern & media pattern.本文从奥林匹克运动的思想模式、管理模式、活动模式、文化模式、商业模式、媒体模式6个方面论述了当代奥林匹克运动的发展模式。

3.Thecultural pattern that he advanced to try to solve the problems involving the interconnection of culture and reality is creative and original.梁漱溟提出的力图解决文化与现实社会存弊相连问题的文化模式有独创性,它为新儒学在当今的活跃开了一代风气,并赋予了儒学为核心的中国传统文化在现代社会中的世界意义。

3)cultural patterns文化模式

1.A view ofcultural patterns of technological development from the perspective of artifacts evolution;从人工物的进化过程看技术发展的文化模式

2.Environmental problems are closely related to man"s attitudes toward environment,which are determined by man"scultural patterns,i.环境问题的产生 ,与人类如何对待环境的态度有关 ,而决定人类在环境问题上的态度与行为的是人们所具有的文化模式 ,也即稳定的文化价值倾向。

4)Cultural mode文化模式

1.From the existing phenomenon and reality of innovation deficiency in science and technology, links between innovation deficiency and Chinese traditional cultural mode are analyzed.从中国科技创新乏力这一现象和现实出发,分析了中国科技创新乏力与中国传统文化模式的相互关联。

2.This demarcation provides a standard for study of evolution of cultural modes.马克思对人自身发展的这种划分为研究人类文化模式的演进提供了一个标准。

3.Over the past one century since the living of Korean people in China, the Korean people not only established the position of masters, but also created the characteristic culture of Korean people, formed the cultural mode with the foundation of Korean nationality s traditional culture, Chinese social main trend culture, modern culture spirit.朝鲜族在中国生存的一个多世纪里,不仅确立了自己主人翁的地位,而且还创造出了朝鲜族特有的文化,形成了以朝鲜民族固有的传统文化、中国社会主流文化、现时代文化精神为基本特质的文化模式。

5)culture mode文化模式

1.Then combining enterprise s life cycle theory,it points out under normal conditions,the selection ofculture mode in every stages of enterprises development.首先论述了企业文化的内涵,并总结了目前我国企业内部已经建立的五种企业文化基本模式,由此结合企业生命周期理论,指出在通常情况下,企业发展各阶段的文化模式选择,最后对企业文化模式的选择提出几点建议。

2.There are many characters in theculture mode of Guizhou.贵州文化模式存在自身的特点,其中一些消极因素所带来的惰性与锁定效应对贵州省区域竞争力产生不利的影响。

3.To deepen the reform,resolve the contradictions and promote economic growth,it is necessary for us to think profoundly about the reform from the perspectives of cognition path dependence andculture mode in combination with these theories.为了深化改革,解决矛盾,促进经济增长,我们有必要结合这些理论从认知路径依赖、文化模式层面对改革进行深入思考。

6)regional cultural pattern地域文化模式


