100字范文 > 乡政村治 Organization英语短句 例句大全

乡政村治 Organization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-21 09:01:08


乡政村治 Organization英语短句 例句大全



1.Organization Constructions of Village Political Power;“乡政村治”的政权组织建设


1.Exploring the Country-village Relationship Under the “Country-politiced and Village- governed” Pattern;“乡政村治”格局下的乡村关系探析

2.From "County Center Village Conduct" to "Town Center County Conduct"--Study on the New Model of Town and County Selfcontrol in the New County Construction;从“乡政村治”到“县政乡治”——新农村建设中乡村治理模式再探讨

3.Dislocation and Adjustment of Relations between the Township and Village in the Township Ruling and Village Governance;乡政村治格局中乡村关系的失调与调适

4.Concerning on the rural area s two extremes of "rural politics" and some suggestions about the adjustment;论“乡政村治”中乡村关系的两种极端走向及调适

5.The Conflicts between Township and Village under the Pattern of Villages Administration and Villagers Self-Government and Its Reason Ananlysis;乡政村治格局中乡村关系的矛盾冲突及原因

6.The Innovation of Rural Political System: Virtuous Connection in the “Village-Govern-Township-Politics”;农村政治制度创新:“乡政村治”的良性对接

7.Self-administrative Organization under the Model of in Self-administrating Villages浅析“乡政村治”模式下的自治组织

8.Social Transformation and China s Rural Power Structure;社会转型与中国乡村权力结构研究——传统文化、乡镇企业和乡政村治

9.Village Law under Township Administration:A Research based on Three Villages乡政村治下的“村法”研究——立足于对3个乡村的调查

10.On "the Township Regime and Villagers Self-government" in the Oppression Systems and the Reform of the Rural Governance;论压力型体制下的乡政村治—兼议体制改革中的乡村治理

11.Game Analysis of the Benefits in the Township and Village Governance Pattern of "County Government,Township Guidance,Village Autonomy";“县政·乡派·村治”乡村治理模式中的利益博弈

12.The Recent Development of Rural Democratic Politics in China;政治进步:中国乡村民主政治的新进展

13.Rural Political Gaming between Village Family and Villagers Autonomy;村落家族与村民自治在乡村政治中的博弈

14.Village Clan and Village Autonomy:Game Existence in the Village Politics;村落家族与村民自治:乡村政治中的博弈生存

15.Financial Base for the Reform of Rural Tax and Fee and Countryside Governance;农村税费改革和乡村治理的财政基础

16.From Villager Self-government to Township Government:the Second Institutional Innovation of Rural China Administration;从村治到乡政:乡村管理的第二次制度创新

17.Political Science In-depth Analysis of Rural Area Conflict, Manage in the Rural Area and the Construction of Democratic Politics at the Basic Level;乡村冲突、乡村治理与基层民主政治建设的政治学探析

18.On the State Regime Construction and Chinese Rural Politics Vicissitude;“国家政权建设”与中国乡村政治变迁


village politics乡村政治

1.Thevillage politics research is always a hot problem.乡村政治研究一直是学界广泛关注的问题,由村民自治所开启的中国乡村社会政治民主化进程中始终伴随着村落家族与村民自治的博弈。

3)"township government and village self-governance"regime"乡政村治"乡村管理体制

4)Rural political elites乡村政治精英

5)rural political relation乡村政治关系

1.Farmer is the biggest social group in our country;the degree to which farmers participate politics and the order directly demonstraterural political relation,and in a sense this also reflects our political civilization and harmonious society.农民是我国最大的社会群体,农民政治参与程度及其秩序直接显示乡村政治关系状况,在一定意义上也反映我国政治文明与和谐社会的状况。

6)rural community politics乡村社区政治

1.Reforms in rural political system brought about such changes inrural community politics as adjustment in grassroots organizational system, changes in power structure and replacement in personnel.村制变革引起乡村社区政治的变迁:基层建制的调整、社区权力结构的变化和人事嬗递。


木村秀政日本航空活动家。1906年4月 13日生于北海道青森县。1927年在东京大学航空科毕业后攻读研究生,以后在这个学校航空研究所任助教。1945年晋升为教授并获工学博士学位。1947年被日本大学聘为理工学部教授和学术会议成员。1957年担任日产 YS-11型运输机开发技术委员会委员长。1959年被选聘为以源田实为首的日本下一代战斗机访美考察团的民间顾问。木村秀政多年从事有关发展航空事业的活动,任日本航空政策研究会会长、运输省航空审议会委员、通商产业省航空机、机械工业审议会委员、航空振兴财团理事和日本航空协会副会长等。木村秀政的主要著作有《世界的航空技术》、《航空学辞典》、《世界航空史导论》,主编《世界飞机年鉴》。因发展日本航空事业的贡献而获紫绶章。
