100字范文 > 机械论世界观 mechanistic world view英语短句 例句大全

机械论世界观 mechanistic world view英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-07 12:04:57


机械论世界观 mechanistic world view英语短句 例句大全

机械论世界观,mechanistic world view

1)mechanistic world view机械论世界观

1.However,how to understand a metaphysical pursuit of modern rationalists in a pure epistemological frame? A profound problem met by rationalists is:how to insure freedom of human will at the same time of accepting amechanistic world view?To solve the problem,both Spinoza and Leibniz choose to throw away absolute objectivity of space,debasing the extensional world into a phenomenal world pre.传统哲学史教材将近代哲学概括为认识论哲学,然而,在认识论架构中如何理解近代理性主义者的形而上学追求?近代理性主义者面临的一个深刻的难题是:在接受机械论世界观的同时如何确保人的意志自由。

2.Based on the study of history for the human consumption perspective,this article points out the essence of the evolvement of the human consumption is a process thatmechanistic world view has been developing into an ecological one.通过总结人类消费观演变的历史轨迹,指出人类消费观演变的实质是由机械论世界观走向生态世界观的过程,并由此得出了可持续消费观是人类消费观演变的必然归宿的结论。

2)mechanical world outlook机械世界观

1.Under the influence of many factors,a new world outlook which is quite different frommechanical world outlook has gradually shaped in the present world.基于各种因素的影响,不同于机械世界观的新世界观已在现代世界逐步形成。

3)mechanized world机械世界


1.This concept of the represented model has no widespread counterpart in the mechanical world.而在机械世界中,并不普遍存在着类似于这种表现模型的概念的情况。

2.accused the west of dumping out-of-date machines on third world countries.控诉西方向第三世界倾 销淘汰的机械.

3.Engineering Application of Electronic Informationization in Agricultural Machinery;世界农业机械电子信息化的工程应用

4.Development of Logging & Transportation Machinery and Its Logging Style in the World世界采运机械的采伐方式及发展进程

5.Theory of Body Mechanism(ToBy):Infant s "Mechanics Module" About Physical Objects;实体理论机制:婴儿关于物理世界的“机械模块”

ment on the Strategy to Developing Chinese Mining and Processing Equipment Industry in View of the Development Trends of the MPE;从世界矿山机械发展趋势谈我国矿山机械的发展策略

7.The invention of machinery had brought into the world a new era- the Industrial Age. Money had become king.机械的发明带领世界进入新纪元─工业时期,从此,金钱统治世界。

8.I strive automatically to bring the world Into harmony with my own nature .我机械地努力使这世界跟自己的性情协调一致。

9.With the experience of a world leader in thermal turbomachinery凭借热涡轮机械技术方面世界领先的经验

10.Effect of joining the world trade organization on the coal mining mechanical enterprises of our country;加入世界贸易组织对煤矿机械制造业的影响

11.The Curriculum and The Reform of Teaching Content of"History of the Development of the World"s achinery"《世界机械发展史》课程设置与教学内容改革

12.The notion of robots taking on Brazil would be laughable if roboticists around the world were not so enthusiastically answering the call.若不是世界各地机械人专家的热情响应,要机械人挑战巴西队的想法必定让人笑掉大牙。

13.Optical and mechanical and chemical techniques worked together to provide the optimal images that reproduced the world in front of the camera.光学、械和化学工业共同努力,提供了对相机所面对世界的最佳还原。

14.A Small World Grows Tinier Micromachines may be the next industrial wave世界在缩微——微型机械可能成为下一个工业冲击波

15.Exporting analysis on the main production couneries and the district of wood processing machinery in the world;世界木工机械主要生产国家和地区出口情况分析

16.The Shock to China Mechanical Industry Caused by Entering WTO and the Developing Orientation of China Foundries;加入世界贸易组织对我国机械工业的冲击及铸造业的走向

17.The growing importance of digital photography reflects the trend to self-expression and the visual diary of the box camera.光学、机械和化学工业共同努力,提供了对相机所面对世界的最佳还原。

18.Work is done on the device and simultaneously Work is done by the device.对这种机械做功的同时,机械也对外界做功。


mechanical world outlook机械世界观

1.Under the influence of many factors,a new world outlook which is quite different frommechanical world outlook has gradually shaped in the present world.基于各种因素的影响,不同于机械世界观的新世界观已在现代世界逐步形成。

3)mechanized world机械世界

4)mechanical history of the development of the world世界机械发展史

5)the theorized weltanschauung理论化的世界观

1.It points out thatthe theorized weltanschauung and the realisti.理论化的世界观与人的现实的世界观是不同的。

6)world ideology and methodology世界观与方法论


