100字范文 > 政治学范式 politics paradigm英语短句 例句大全

政治学范式 politics paradigm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-01 17:11:46


政治学范式 politics paradigm英语短句 例句大全

政治学范式,politics paradigm

1)politics paradigm政治学范式

2)the canonical form of political philosophy政治哲学范式

3)political paradigm政治范式

4)the category of political science政治学范畴


1.An Analysis of the Field of Political Science--Political Culture and Political Consciousness;政治学范畴探析——政治文化与政治意识

2.the other lies in the realm of psycho-politics.另一条属于心理政治学的范畴。

3.Categories of Ideological Political Education: Meanings, Characteristics and Functions;思想政治教育学范畴:涵义、特征及功能

4.The Object of the Education of Ideological Politics:An Important Category in the Education of Ideological Politics;思想政治教育客体:思想政治教育学的重要范畴

5.Subjectization and Scientification of the Category and System of Pedagogy of Ideological and Political Education;论思想政治教育学范畴体系的学科化和科学化

6.Self-education:An Important Category of Modern Ideological Education;自我教育:现代思想政治教育学的重要范畴

7.Research on Several Basic Economic Categories of Traditional Political Economics;传统政治经济学若干基本经济范畴探析

8.Logical Structure of Basic Categories in Ideologicaland Political Education;试论思想政治教育学基本范畴的逻辑结构

9.In-self and For-self: Main Part of Ideological and Political Education自在与自为:思想政治教育学的重要范畴

10.The Ruling Shape:A New Category in Party Politics Research;执政形态:政党政治研究的一个新范畴

11.Public Choice has discussed every category of political science from the angle of economics.公共选择理论从经济学角度探讨了政治学的各个范畴。

12.Categorical Theory of Ideological Education and Its Related Studies;思想政治教育学范畴论及其相关研究的现状视域

13.Some basic categories for the pedagogic of ideological education and its constructive principles of system;论思想政治教育学基本范畴及其系统的建构原则

14.Democracy is part of the superstructure and belongs to the realm of politics.民主属于上层建筑,属于政治范畴。

15."Reds" is reserved for politics.Reds(红人)只是在政治范畴中被保留下来,

16.On Ideological and Political Work Incorporated into Enterprise Culture;试论将思想政治工作纳入企业文化范畴

17.Socialist Political Civilization: A New Realm of Historical Materialism;社会主义政治文明:一个历史唯物主义的新范畴

18.To Rule With Severe Laws and to Rule Without Severe Laws;有为而治与无为而治:学校管理的一对基本范畴


the canonical form of political philosophy政治哲学范式

3)political paradigm政治范式

4)the category of political science政治学范畴

5)the province of politics政治学研究范围

6)administration law model行政法学范式

1.In Views on Public Administration and the Change of Administration Law Model,professor Shi you-qi combs the evolution relation between administration laws and the public administration overall and systematically from the point of view of modern public administration reform and development,from the degree of the change of theadministration law model.石佑启教授的专著《论公共行政与行政法学范式转换》从现代公共行政改革与发展着眼,从范式转换的高度全面而系统地梳理了行政法与公共行政的演进关系,概括了传统的行政法学范式及其面临的挑战,进而提出必须突破传统的理论框架进行范式转换,从而勾勒了在现代公共行政背景下的新的行政法学图景,为进一步完善行政法学理论体系,促进行政法治制度创新,更好地解决公共行政变革中产生的法律问题,提出了诸多富有创建性的观点,填补了行政法学研究上的一些空白。


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