100字范文 > 散步 Walking英语短句 例句大全

散步 Walking英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-05 20:04:14


散步 Walking英语短句 例句大全



1.the paper finds that with the aging of population,there has been more and more senior citizens in towns joining in walking since 1978.改革开放以来,随着老龄化社会的到来,越来越多的城镇老年人投入到散步这一队伍,这一社会事实已经不仅仅是一种老年人的体育锻炼方式,更是一股社会潮流,有效地推进和谐社会的建设。


1.I make it a rule to take a short walk after lunch.我习惯在午饭后散散步。

2.What do you say to a walk?去散散步你说怎么样?

3.Can you come out with me for a walk?你能跟我出来散散步吗?

4.Suppose we went for a walk.咱们出去散散步怎么样?

5.Let" s go out for a walk.我们出去散散步吧。

6.Why don" t you go for a walk ? It" ll give you an appetite for your lunch.你怎麽不出去散散步? 散散步午饭时就有食欲了.

7.go for a walk, swim, run, etc去散步、 游泳、 跑步等

8.To take or display on or as if on a promenade.带…散步招摇地带着某人散步

9.On sunday I always stroll along the beach.星期天我常在海边散步。

10.Would you care for a walk?你对散步有兴趣吗?

11.promenade one"s child along the seashore带着孩子在海滨散步

12.The penguins are walking at the playground.企鹅在操场上散步。

13.walking dress散步服装, 出去穿的衣服

14.eat, sleep, walk, etc out of doors在户外吃、 睡、散步等.

15.strolling happily arm in arm臂挽着臂愉快地散步.

16.We go for walks in the fields occasionally.我们偶而去田野里散步。

17.To take a walk every day is good for you .每天散步对你有好处。

18.speak, take aim, walk with great deliberation从容不迫地说、 瞄准、散步.


take [go for] a [one"s] constitutional散步,去散步

3)go for a walk; take a stroll散步;漫步

4)stepped dividing逐步离散

1.The intervalstepped dividing method for dynamic responses is presented.对非线性结构中的不确定性参数用区间表示,提出用区间逐步离散法求解结构动力响应。

2.Intervalstepped dividing method for dynamic responses is presented.对线性结构中的不确定性参数用区间表示,提出用区间逐步离散法求解结构动力响应。

3.The uncertain parameters of a structure are described with interval numbers,a generalized eigenvalue interval equation is discussed,and intervalstepped dividing method is presented,where the independent uncertain parameters are endowed with the values of a divided interval,and the solution of an uncertain generalized eigenvalue equation is transformed into the corresponding certain one.将结构系统中的不确定性参数用区间数来表示,对获得的广义区间特征值方程的求解方法进行了讨论,提出了一种区间逐步离散的方法。


6)synchronous scattering同步散射

1.Barium sulfate particlesynchronous scattering spectral determination of sulfate ion in cement sample;硫酸钡微粒同步散射光谱法测定水泥样品中硫酸根离子


