100字范文 > 生物过程 biological processes英语短句 例句大全

生物过程 biological processes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-05 03:07:05


生物过程 biological processes英语短句 例句大全

生物过程,biological processes

1)biological processes生物过程

1.The distribution of POC in seawater is affected by many factors,such as physical,chemical andbiological processes.海水POC在海洋中的分布受各种物理、化学、生物过程等多种因素的影响。

2.It is very important to simulatebiological processes in the post-genome era, which support the research on medicine and pharmacy forcefully.在后基因组时代,生物过程的模拟是非常重要的,它可以有力地支持生物学家及其他研究人员在医学和制药等领域的研究。

3.In the post-genome era, how to efficiently process biological information has become one of the most important research topics in Bioinformatics; among them, the simulation ofbiological processes, recurringbiological processes through computer simulation, is one of the important aspects.后基因组时代,如何高效地处理生物信息成为生物信息学中一个重要的研究方向;生物过程模拟——通过计算机模拟,再现生物过程——又是其中的一个研究热点。


1.The term intrinsic bioremediation designates the biological processes that occur during bioremediation under natural conditions.固有生物补救指在自然条件下生物补救中发生的生物过程。

anism take in oxygen生物体吸进氧气的过程

3.A stalklike growth or process.茎状的生长物或过程

4.produced by living organisms or biological processes.属于生物或生物学过程所产生。

5.biophysics of neurophysiological processes神经生理过程生物物理学

6.production of a chemical compound by a living organism.由生物机体生成化合物的过程。

7.To produce(a substance) by metabolism.通过新陈代谢过程产生(一种物质)

8.Studies on Process Engineering of 1,3-Propanediol Synthesis by Bioconversion;生物法合成1,3-丙二醇的过程工程研究

9.the process of producing images of objects on photosensitive surfaces.在感光物质表面生成物体图象的过程。

10.Materiel balance calculation for biomass gasification(pyrolysis) process生物质气化(干馏)过程的物料衡算分析

11.Biochemie( biochemistry): The study of the chemical processes and substances occurring in living things.生物化学:对生物的化学反应过程和物质的研究。

12.Study of Microflora during the Production of Taibai Liquor;太白酒生产过程中微生物区系的研究

13.The Study on the Physical and Chemical Processes in Improvement of Alkaline Soil with Gypsum;对石膏改良碱化土壤过程中发生的化学过程和物理过程的研究

14."biorhythm:an innate, cyclical biological process or function."生物节律:内在的、循环性生物学过程或作用。

15.The application of mathematical principles to biological processes.生物数学应用于生物学过程的数学原理


17.The process of chemical and physical change in deposited sediment during its conversion to rock.成岩作用在岩石转化过程中沉积物发生化学和物理变化的过程

18.This process is called biomagnifications这种过程被称为生物放大作用。


bioprocess[英]["ba???,pr?ses, -,pr??ses][美]["ba?o,prɑs?s, -,pros?s]生物过程

1.Functional genomics and metabolic engineering:microbial strain improvement andbioprocess optimization;功能基因组学与代谢工程:微生物菌种改进与生物过程优化

2.Process analysis is a high dimension and pluralistic system with high variability, and its establishment and study in theory play an important role in simulation, prediction, optimization and monitoring inbioprocess.过程分析是一个高维多元的动态体系 ,该体系的建立及其理论研究对生物过程的模拟、预测、优化和监控起着重要作用 。

3)biological process生物过程

1.Probing chemical mechanism inbiological processes via single molecule fluorescence detection;生物过程化学机制的单分子荧光探测

2.In order to evaluate the effect of groundwater on hydrological andbiological process of soil plant atmosphere continuum in shallow groundwater field, two experiments were carried out at Yucheng Comprehensive Experimental Station and Tongzhou Experimental Station respectively.禹城综合试验站和南通农水科研站试验结果表明,潜水对土壤-植物-大气连续体的水分过程和生物过程都有着显著的作用。

4)biology process生物过程

1.Test result indicate,diving affect the water andbiology process of SPAC system.试验结果表明,潜水对土壤-植物-大气连续体的水分过程和生物过程都有影响。

2.This leads to the necessary of the software with the functions to model and simulatebiology processes in a system view.现在生物信息学已经成为了一门飞速发展的学科,前期研究人员注重对局部数据的处理与分析,随着这种局部数据的增加,人们把注意力移向了更高的层次,希望从系统的角度来研究分析生物学,所以针对生物过程的建模模拟工具成为了人们研究的重点。

5)microbial processes微生物过程

6)biological process生物学过程


