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物种起源 origin of species英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-07 13:37:21


物种起源 origin of species英语短句 例句大全

物种起源,origin of species

1)origin of species物种起源


1.This is the story of the weeds: the origin of the species.这就是野草的故事:野草的物种起源。

2.Darwin On the Origin of Species was published in 1859.达尔文的《物种起源》一书发表于1859年。

3.Analogy and Its Argument Roles in on the Origin of Species;《物种起源》中的类比方法及其论证作用

4.Its title was the Origin of Species, written by Charles Darwin.书的名字叫"物种起源". 作者是查理士.达尔文。

5.But naturally, the Origin of Species was seen as a book written against religion.但是,"物种起源" 这本书很自然地被看作是一本反对宗教的书。

6.almost thirty years later, led to The Origin of Species.最终,这些思想使他在大约三十年后写成了《物种起源》。

7.The theory had been adumbrated very many times before the publication in 1859 of Darwin"s The Origin of Species.这一理论在1859年达尔文的《物种起源》发表之前已经多次被构画出来。

8.The Origin of Species《物种的起源》(达尔文著)

9.arising or occurring between species.起源或发生于物种之间的。

10.a scientific theory of the origin of species of plants and animals.动植物种类起源的科学理论。

11.The nascence of that kind of animal is unknown.那种动物的起源不为人知。

12.Although the origin of the first three foods is well understood,虽然前面三种食物的起源甚为明了,

13.In general, there are two main groups of theories about the origin of these substances, the inorganic and the organic one.总的来说,有关这种物质的起源可归结为两种主要的理论,无机起源论和有机起源理论。

14.Many species, for example, originate in small populations.例如,不少生物种就起源于一个很小的群体。

15.Nature,Characteristic and Origin of the Flora of Seed Plants in Xingtai Western Mountain Area;邢台西部山区种子植物区系的性质、特点和起源

16.Pheochromocytoma is a neoplasm of neural crest origin arising in the adrenal medulla.嗜铬细胞瘤是发起于肾上腺髓质神经嵴起源点的一种赘生物。

17.Forest plants of Yunnan were mainly originated from neozoic era, and some relic species were originated from the palaeogoic era to mesozoic era.云南森林植物(系指木本植物)主要起源于新生代,少数古老种起源于古生代至中生代。

18.fossil gymnospermous trees or climbing plants from the Devonian: seed ferns.裸子植物化石树或攀缘植物,起源于泥盆纪;种子蕨。


theory of origin of species物种起源学说

3)category origin品种起源

4)Population derivation种群起源

5)provenance of seed种子起源



