100字范文 > 登记效力 registration effect英语短句 例句大全

登记效力 registration effect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-18 09:49:04


登记效力 registration effect英语短句 例句大全

登记效力,registration effect

1)registration effect登记效力


1.On Effectiveness of Real Estate Register System in China and Its Amendament;论我国不动产登记效力及其制度完善

2.The Legal Choice of Real Estate Right Registration Validity in China;我国不动产物权登记效力的立法选择

3.The Choice and Perfection of the System of Land Registration Effectiveness;我国土地登记效力体系的选择与完善

4.A Study on Registration Effect of Alteration in Ship"s Ownership论我国船舶所有权变动中的登记效力

5.On the Rationality and Reestablishment of Rules for the Validity of Commercial Registration;试论商事登记效力的合理性与规则重建

6.Review on the Efficacy of Real Property Register System and Proposals to Consummate It;论我国不动产物权登记的效力和完善

7.The Validity of Contractual Land Operation Right Registration;论土地承包经营权中登记的法律效力

8.On the Validity of the Registration of Real Property in the Property Law;我国《物权法》中不动产登记之效力

9.Iscussion about the Effect of Pre-announcement Registration System in the Draft of Property Rights Law;论物权法草案中预告登记制度的效力

10.An Appraisal on the Demonstrative Effect of Registration System of Real Estate Right;我国不动产登记的公示、公信效力评价

11.Study on the effects of ships mortgage under the registration for bareboat chartered;论光船租赁登记下的船舶抵押权效力

12.Towards the Effect of Registration of Accommodation Leases and the Improvement of Its Legislation;谈房屋租赁登记的效力及其立法完善

13.On the Effect of the Registration in Mortgage--From a Case of Non-registrated Mortgage Contract;抵押权登记的效力问题——从一起未登记的抵押合同纠纷引发的思考

14.Such denunciation shall not take effect until one year after the date on which it is registered.此项退出应自登记之日起一年后发生效力。

15.The Validity and Civil Liability of the Defective Company Established Registration;公司设立登记瑕疵的法律效力与民事责任

16.The Significance of Registration and Its Influence on Validity of Related Contracts;登记的意义及其对有关合同效力的作用

17.On the Potency, Registration and Passing of Title of Real Estate Business Contract;论不动产买卖合同的效力、登记及所有权转移

18.The Legal Effect and Countermeasures of "Marriage Registration Regulation" Abolished Compulsory Pre-martial Check-ups;《婚姻登记条例》取消强制婚检的法律效力及对策


registration validity登记的效力

3)the effect of real estate registration不动产登记效力

4)effectiveness of the advance notice registration预告登记效力

5)invalid registration无效登记

6)the effect of pre-announcement registration system预告登记制度的效力

1.This system is explicit prescribed recently in the draft of Property Rights Law,but the prescription aboutthe effect of pre-announcement registration system is too simple and general.我国目前还没有对该制度作出明确的立法规定,新近的物权法草案中明确规定了这一制度,但是对于预告登记制度的效力这一核心问题却规定得过于简单笼统。


