100字范文 > 体育休闲 sports leisure英语短句 例句大全

体育休闲 sports leisure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-14 03:23:55


体育休闲 sports leisure英语短句 例句大全

体育休闲,sports leisure

1)sports leisure体育休闲

1.Philosophical contemplation of the essence ofsports leisure——Also a discussion about the relations betweensports leisure and leisure sports体育休闲本质的哲学思考——兼论体育休闲与休闲体育的关系

2.Discrimination of Sports Leisure and Leisure Sports——and Deliberating with Boffin Ma Hui-Di体育休闲与休闲体育关系之辩——兼与马惠娣研究员商榷

3.Faced with the current status of developingsports leisure tourism professionals in the colleges and universities,the paper elaborates its significance and offers some measures about the establishment of this major,the practice teaching base and the faculty.针对高校体育休闲旅游专业人才培养的现状,论述了高校培养体育休闲旅游专业人才的重要性,并提出构筑该特色专业及其特色课程体系、建设实践教学基地、加强师资队伍建设力度和深度等对策。


1.Philosophical contemplation of the essence of sports leisure--Also a discussion about the relations between sports leisure and leisure sports体育休闲本质的哲学思考——兼论体育休闲与休闲体育的关系

2.Discussion on Sports and Recreation in the Perspectives of Sport Evolvement and the Characteristics of Sports;从体育运动的演变及休闲特征论体育休闲

3.Discrimination of Sports Leisure and Leisure Sports--and Deliberating with Boffin Ma Hui-Di体育休闲与休闲体育关系之辩——兼与马惠娣研究员商榷

4.Leisure,Recreational Sport,and Developing Trend in China;休闲、休闲体育及其在中国的发展趋势

5.Cultural Connotations of Leisure Sports from the Perspective of Modern Leisure现代休闲视域中的休闲体育文化意蕴

6.As an important part of leisure life, leisure sport is not only the result of leisure education, but also the uplift of leisure education.作为休闲生活重要部分的休闲体育不仅是休闲教育的结果,更是休闲教育的提升。

7.The Influence of Casual Cultural of Harbin City on Casual Sport Characteristic;哈尔滨市休闲文化对休闲体育特征的影响

8.Leisure Sport: Creating the Leisure Way of Human Being s High-quality Life;休闲体育:创造人类高质量生活的休闲方式

9.Thoughts on Leisure and Leisure Sports Activity Structure“Doing exercises”“Staying” Unbalance;休闲与休闲体育活动结构“动”“静”失衡的思考

10.Reflection on the Development of China Leisure Sports in the Leisure View休闲视野下我国休闲体育专业建设的思考

11.The Body-Oriented Leisure Sports--Leisure Sports and Bodily Culture in the Mass Culture休闲体育的身体诉说——大众文化视野下的休闲体育与身体文化

12.Rise of leisure sports and reform of college eduucation;休闲体育的兴起与高校体育教学改革

13.About the influence from leisure sports on the teaching mode of P.E.in university;休闲体育对高校体育教学模式的影响

14.Leisure Sports and the Development of Our Traditional Sports;休闲体育与我国民族传统体育的发展

15.Leisure Sports Calling Setup of Yoga Curriculum in Sport Institutes and Universities;休闲体育呼唤体育院校开设瑜伽课程

16.On Integration of Leisure Sports into the Course of Sports and Health;谈休闲体育如何融入《体育与健康课程》

17.How to Develop Leisure physical Education and its Fonction to the Construction of a Harmonious Society;休闲体育对构建和谐社会的作用及发展休闲体育的举措

18.From Games and Sports Activity Games to Leisure Sports--Disscusion on the Value of Leisure Sports;从游戏、竞技到休闲体育——兼论休闲体育的时代价值


leisure sports体育休闲

1.Main field ofleisure sports researches——Leisure sports researches under western sociological perspective体育休闲学研究主体领域分析——西方社会学视角下休闲学研究的启示

2.Effect of media on urban residents" values forleisure sports媒体传播对城市居民体育休闲价值观的影响研究

3.This article conducts a research on the behavior of the people of the leisure group playing baminton in Nanning by means of data-collecting,practical investigation,mathematical statistic and logical analysis and reveals the characteristics of the leisure people playing baminton and provides the reference for further understanding of the main behavior ofleisure sports.揭示出羽毛球休闲人群的行为特征,为深入了解体育休闲的行为主体提供了参考。

3)sports recreation体育休闲

1.Using the appraisal scale of synthetic social status,it measured the social status of Shanghai residents and made an analysis of thesports recreation manners of shanghai middle stratum.采用社会综合地位评价量表(SES)对上海居民的社会地位进行测量,从若干角度对上海中间阶层的体育休闲方式进行分析。

4)sport leisure体育休闲

1.Through using the method of literature review,expert interview and investigation,this paper makes analysis on factors influencingsport leisure consumption behavior.本文运用文献资料法、专家访谈、调查分析,对影响体育休闲消费行为的因素进行分析,从而制定相应的对策,为我国的体育休闲经济提供一些有用的、可行性的理论依据。

2.The construction of the city′ssport leisure outdoor activity space become very important because of the city′s progress and people′s pursue for health.城市化进程和人们对健康的追求使得城市体育休闲户外活动空间的营造变得十分重要。

3.By using the method of documentary and historical process analysis, this paper discussed the historical development of Americansport leisure, the writer thought thatsport leisure has gone into the life of American society by the help of industrial revolution; during the Great Depression,sport leisure got further development; modernsport leisuredeveloped steadily during War II.通过文献资料法和历史过程分析法,对近代工业革命完成后至二战体育休闲在美国的发展进行了简要的探索、研究。

5)leisure sport休闲体育

1.Study of the characteristics ofleisure sports activities of residents in cities and towns in the Pearl River Delta area;珠江三角洲城镇居民休闲体育活动的特征

2.Explore On Leisure Sport of Present Actuality of Modern Hangzhou;对现代杭州休闲体育的现状的研究

3.Construction of leisure education andleisure sport;休闲教育及休闲体育建设

6)leisure sports休闲体育

1.Advocating construction ofleisure sports place in comprehensive park;提倡综合性公园中休闲体育场所的建设

2.Rise ofleisure sports and reform of college eduucation;休闲体育的兴起与高校体育教学改革

3.Leisure sports and harmonious social dialectical relations research;休闲体育促进和谐社会的研究


洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心(Paul Ziffren Sports Resource Center, Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles)洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心(panl Ziffren SPorts Resource Center,Amateur AthletieFoundation or LoS Angeles)藏有历届奥运会的正式报告书、大量的国际奥委会出版物、布伦戴奇文献资料的缩微胶片、1984年洛杉矶奥运会和19%年亚特兰大奥运会的详细资料、一些申办城市的申办报告和1988年以来奥林匹克运动会的声像资料。通讯地址:2141 w.Adams Blvd.Los Angeles,CA900 18,USA;电话:213 730 9696:传真:213 7309637:电子信箱:[email protected]:因特网址:www.aafla.eom。
