100字范文 > 生态风险 Ecological risk英语短句 例句大全

生态风险 Ecological risk英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-19 16:50:56


生态风险 Ecological risk英语短句 例句大全

生态风险,Ecological risk

1)Ecological risk生态风险

1.Persistent Organic Pollutants(POPs)distribution and potential ecological risk on sediment in Lake Taihu and slurry stockyard;太湖底泥和疏竣堆场中持久性有机污染物的分布及潜在生态风险

2.Evaluation on the potential ecological risks of heavy metal pollution in sediments in the main course of Haihe River and Dagu Drainage Outlet;海河干流、大沽排污河沉积物中重金属污染及潜在生态风险评价

3.Effects of road on landscape and its ecological risk assessment:A case study of Lancangjiang River valley.;道路对景观的影响及其生态风险评价——以澜沧江流域为例


1.The Study of Regional Landscape Ecological Risk Assessment and the Environmental Risk Management Countermeasure;区域景观生态风险评价及生态风险管理研究

2.The Ecological Risk and Risk Management Countermeasures of Qian-da Lake Scenic Area;千岛湖风景区生态风险及风险管理对策研究

3.Study on the Ecological Risk Analysis and Ecotourism System Management;生态旅游系统管理中的生态风险研究

4.Analysis and Assessment on Ecological Risks in Scenic Spot;旅游风景区生态风险分析与评价研究

5.Changes of Land Ecosystem Value and Ecological Risk in Yulin City of Northern Shaanxi Province陕北榆林市土地生态价值及生态风险动态分析

6.A Study on Ecological Risk Analysis and Ecotourism System Management;生态风险分析在生态旅游系统管理中的应用

7.Ecological Economy:from Introspecting Traditional Economy to Facing Ecological Risk生态经济:从反思传统经济到面对生态风险

8.Ecological Risk Assessment for the Wetland Aside Xizang Railway;青藏铁路沿线湿地生态风险评价研究

9.Ecological Risk and Environmental Optimization of Higher Vocational Education Development;高职教育发展的生态风险与环境优化

10.A Research of Ecological Risk on International Division of Labor;关于国际分工引发的生态风险的研究

11.The Ecological Risk Assessment of Qiandao Lake Area;千岛湖区域生态风险评价研究(摘要)

12.A Study of Ecological Risk Assessment of Mathematical Model and Its Application生态风险评价的数学模型及应用研究

13.A Study on Assessment of Ecological Risk of Water Environment in Suzhou High-tech District苏州高新区水环境生态风险评价研究

14.Assessment of Ecological Risks on Regional Landscape Patterns of Hydropower Station基于景观尺度的水电站生态风险评价

15.Base Ecological Risk of PAHs in Water of Yangtze River Estuary长江口水体中PAHs的基本生态风险特征

16.Ecological Risk Analyse of the Tail Water Diversion of Xuzhou徐州市尾水导流工程的生态风险分析

17.Study on the Ecological Risks and Countermeasures of Food Security粮食安全的生态风险及防范对策研究

18.Pollutions and Risks of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Aquatic Environment水体中多溴联苯醚污染及其生态风险


ecological risks生态风险

1.The function of Bt transgenic corn in IPM system and itsecological risks;转Bt基因抗虫玉米在害虫综合治理中的作用及生态风险

2.Assessingecological risks of DDT and lindane to freshwater organisms by species sensitivity distributions应用物种敏感性分布评估DDT和林丹对淡水生物的生态风险

3.But,on the other hand,theecological risks appear,little by little,as the rapid development of tourism .随着我国旅游业的迅速发展,其所面临的生态风险也逐渐显现。

3)ecological risk assessment生态风险

1.The method of regional landscapeecological risk assessment;景观生态风险评价的方法研究

4)Ecological risk生态风险性

1.The concentrations of five heavy metals involving Zinc(Zn),Copper(Cu),Cadmium(Cd),Lead(Pb) and Chrome(Cr) in sediments of Panlong river were determined and their influences on the water quality and the around environment were evaluated by the ecological risk index of Hakason.盘龙江底泥重金属总的潜在生态风险程度在大部分河段为低度污染或中度污染,但镉(Cd)对盘龙江水域和周围环境具有较大的生态风险性。

5)aqua-ecosystem risk水生态风险

1.Application of Ivermectin in aquaculture and correspondingaqua-ecosystem risk;伊维菌素在水产养殖中的应用及其水生态风险

6)ecological risk source生态风险源

1.Based on the program of ecological risk assessment, this paper analyzed the steps ofecological risk source and conceptual model of coastal mudflat development: problem plans and forms, receptor analysis and ecological endpoint choosing, risk source analysis, conceptual model, exposure–hazard analysis.沿海滩涂开发生态风险源可归纳为4个大类:土地平整与植被破坏、农田水利道路建设、作物种植、居民点兴建与扩张,其中草滩地、苇地、滩涂垦殖、坑塘填埋以及沟渠路建设将是其主要风险源。


