100字范文 > 人工气候室 phytotron英语短句 例句大全

人工气候室 phytotron英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-04 04:45:32


人工气候室 phytotron英语短句 例句大全



1.The design and implementation of an intellectual testing expert system forphytotron;人工气候室智能测试专家系统的设计与实现

2.The master station software reliability design of automated measuring expert system forphytotron;人工气候室自动测试专家系统主站软件可靠性设计

3.Study on the structure designing parameter of natural lightingphytotron.;自然光照人工气候室设计参数初探


1.climatic chamber空调室,空调箱,人工气候室

2.The Design of Artificial Weather Room Control System Based on Fuzzy-PID;基于Fuzzy-PID的人工气候室智能控制系统设计

3.Study on Phytotron Identification Method of Rice Heat Tolerance水稻耐热性的人工气候室鉴定方法研究

4.Environment Controller for Monitoring System of Artificial Climate-Room人工气候室监控系统的环境控制器研究

5.biotron:a climate-control chamber used for studying a living organism"s response to specific environmental conditions.生物人工气候室:用于研究生物对具体环境条件的反应的气候控制室。

6.A climate-control chamber used for studying a living organism"s response to specific environmental conditions.生物人工气候室用于研究生物对具体环境条件的反应的气候控制室

7.Research on Unsteady Numerical Simulation of Influence of Solar Radiation to Environment Parameters in Phytotron;太阳辐射对人工气候室内环境参数影响的非稳态数值模拟研究

8.accelerated weathering method人工气候加速试验方法

9.Guidelines for Cooperation between States in Weather Modifications各国在人工影响气候方面的合作准则

10.Development of an Artificial Climatic Complex Accelerated Corrosion Tester and Investigation of Complex Accelerated Corrosion TestMethods人工气候复合加速腐蚀试验机的研究

parison of Micro-climatic Effects among Plantations in Hilly Area of Eastern Guangxi Province桂东丘陵地区人工林小气候效应对比

12.Similar design on accelerated test of artificial climate simulation人工气候模拟加速试验的相似性设计

13.a jimcrow waiting room黑人专用的候车室 (候诊室等)

14.Technology of Tank Tube Wall Construction of Climate Laboratory in 1000 kV A.C.UHV Test Base1000kV特高压交流试验基地环境气候实验室罐体筒壁施工技术

15.The Influence of Thermal Properties of Exterior Walls under the Action of Moisture Content when in Outdoor Climate室外气候作用下建筑外墙含湿量对热工性能的影响

16.Indoor Thermal Environment of Typical Middle School Classroom in Hot and Humid Climate District;湿热气候区典型中学教室室内热环境

17.Conference on Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas气候变化和致温室效应气体问题会议

18.Help Me, I"m Melting! Industry is talking about climate change. Why aren"t the presidential candidates?救救我,我正在溶化!--工业界都在讨论气候变迁了,总统候选人呢?


environmental chamber人工气候室

1.This paper presents the expert intelligent fuzzy controller for anenvironmental chamber.本文介绍了人工气候室专家模糊控制器。

2.As to theenvironmental chamber,the measuring & controlling units were scattered everywhere,its number is huge, and the mathematical module of control object was difficult to found.针对人工气候室测控单元数量众多且配置分散的特点以及控制对象难以建立精确数学模型的问题,提出一种基于CAN-BUS现场总线技术、单片机控制技术和专家模糊控制策略的人工气候智能控制器。

3.There is strong coupling in theenvironmental chamber, and the executive mechanism cannot be regulated continuously.本文介绍了一个人工气候室温度专家模糊控制系统。

3)artificial climate chamber人工气候室

1.The temperature control ofartificial climate chamber with relative great volume is a typical complicated control problem with long time-delay and non-linearity;so,it is very difficulty to analyze and synthesize by control theories based on models.具有较大容积的人工气候室温度控制是一个典型的大时滞、非线性复杂控制问题,应用基于模型的控制理论来进行分析和综合非常困难。

2.How to realize the temperature measurement with high precise and adjustment with large scale is the key technology in design ofartificial climate chamber system.如何对温度实现高精度的检测和大范围的调节是人工气候室监控系统设计的关键,针对人工气候室温度控制的特点,分析了通用桥式温度检测电路存在的干扰特性,通过单片机实现无触点开关的关闭控制,设计出含参照桥臂的改进型数字温度检测电路,并给出了一种测温电路误差校正的三拍算法,该方法在L RH 2 5 0 GSI型智能人工气候室的温度控制系统设计中得到成功应用,实验结果表明,基于改进电路结构的误差校正三拍算法为提高传统桥式测温电路的温度检测精度提供了一条有效的途径。

3.Some large multi-functionartificial climate chambers are constructing to fit the development of the power network in China, but the equivalent capability between the natural condition and simulating condition in theartificial climate chambers is the basic problem considered in the design of external insulation.为适应我国电网发展要求,我国正在建设多个大型多功能人工气候室,但人工气候室模拟环境与自然环境是否具有等价性是外绝缘设计关心的基础问题。

4)climate chamber人工气候室

1.resting,exercising and rainy procedures were carried out in aclimate chamber.为了了解在实际穿着过程中 ,防水透湿织物防水透气原理 ,本文进行了休息、运动及雨淋三种人体穿着实验 ,实验在人工气候室中进行 ,选择了三种防水透湿服和一件不透湿的一般雨衣来评估其穿着时衣服内的湿度变化。

5)artificial clamate laboratory人工气候试验室



