100字范文 > 耕地面积 cultivated land area英语短句 例句大全

耕地面积 cultivated land area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-05 03:17:01


耕地面积 cultivated land area英语短句 例句大全

耕地面积,cultivated land area

1)cultivated land area耕地面积

1.The results showed that: thecultivated land area,the total output and the quantity per capita of grain had been increasing,the pressure index of cultivated land had trended to decrease obviously between 1981 and ;but in the comin.研究结果显示:1978-,内蒙古耕地面积、粮食产量和人均占有量都有所增加,耕地压力指数呈现明显降低的趋势;但未来近十年内,耕地压力指数会增大,到,耕地压力指数将达到1,之后耕地压力指数进一步增大,遭遇耕地危机,严重影响粮食生产的发展。

2.The conclusions are as follows:① The pressure index in cultivated land in Shaanxi province is gradually increased,cultivated land pressure is mounting,because the cultivated land is greatly reduced and the population increases gradually;② Thecultivated land area ch.结果表明:虽然粮食单产和复种指数不断提高,但是由于耕地面积大量持续减少、人口的不断增多,1978~陕西省耕地压力指数较高,耕地压力较大,并且呈上升趋势;区间耕地压力差异不显著,但区间1996~耕地压力变化差异明显,陕北高原区>秦巴山区>关中平原区。

3.The surveys and prediction ofcultivated land area provide an effective way for cultivated land protection.耕地保护事关一个地区粮食战略安全问题,而耕地面积的测算与预测为耕地保护提供了决策支撑。


1.They decided to bring more land under cultivation.他们决定扩大耕地面积。

2.The crop acreage could be quadrupled.耕地面积可增加三倍。

3.The Minimum Area Per Capita of Cultivated Land and Its Implication for the Optimization of Land Resource Allocation;区域最小人均耕地面积与耕地资源调控

4.Analysis on the Deviation of the Farm Land Area Estimate Reported in Statistics of the Prefecture-Grade Cities in Guangdong Province;广东省各地市耕地面积统计偏差分析

5.Analysis on the area change of cultivated land and its driving forces in Zhanjiang;湛江市耕地面积变化及其驱动力分析

parative Analysis of the Models of Cultivated Land Change in Jiangsu;江苏省耕地面积变化模型的比较分析


8.The Research on the Computing Method of New Land Area in the Project of Land Exploitation and Arrangement;土地开发整理项目新增耕地面积测算方法研究

9.This has provided valuable data for extension of cultivable land.这样就提供了有关扩大可耕地面积的宝贵数据。

10.Cultivated Land Will Be Kept Above 128 Million Hectares到要确保耕地面积不低于12800万公顷

11.Building up Annual Series of Cropland Acreage in Sanjiang Plain in the Last 50 Years;三江平原近50年耕地面积动态变化序列重建

12.Change of Cultivated land Area and its Driving Forces in Jiangsu Province;江苏省耕地面积变化及其驱动力动态研究

13.The Research on the Relationship Between the Urbanization Level and the Changes of Cultivated Land in Lanzhou City;兰州市城市化水平与耕地面积变化的定量研究

14.Study on the Change of China′s Regional Cultivated Land Area in the Past Ten Years;近来我国区域耕地面积变化比较研究

15.A Predicative Study Cultivated Land Area in Sichuan Province Based on System Balance;基于系统平衡的四川省耕地面积预测研究

16.Study on the Trend and Driving Factors of Cultivated Land Area Change in Liaoning Province;辽宁省耕地面积动态变化及驱动力研究

17.Analysis of Correlation Between the Change of Cultivated Land and Urbanization Development in Hanzhong;汉中耕地面积变化与城市化发展相关分析

18.The Change of Arable Land Area in Japan since the 1960s and Its Policy Implications;20世纪60年代以来日本耕地面积变化及其启示


Cultivated area耕地面积

1.A nonlinear model about grain total output and cultivated area is set up.通过建立粮食产量与耕地面积间的非线性动力学模式,分析粮食产量与耕地面积之间的关系。

2.By analysis of the land used for urban construction for eight years and the decreasing cultivated land for ten years,employing mathematics model to infer cultivated area in ,it is concluded that the increasing of urbanization will definitely result in the enormous extention of construction land.通过对衡水市近8年来城镇建设用地、近耕地减少的情况进行分析,并利用数学模型对的耕地面积情况进行推测,得出了“城镇建设的加快必然引起建设用地大幅增加”的结论,并进而提出了解决这一矛盾的3种途径:即保护存量,走规范发展之路;盘活存量,走内部挖潜之路;提高存量使用标准,走高效发展之路。

3.Cultivated area increase by 51.近十年内蒙古东北部额尔古纳市、科右前旗、东乌珠穆沁旗等24 个旗市耕地面积增加了51。

3)Cultivated land耕地面积

1.With the combination of GIS technology and remotely sensed data,cultivated land changing trend in regional scale can be easily traced and inventoried in time.结果表明,在过去50多年里,三江平原耕地面积发生了显著变化。

2.In Beijing, the cultivated land area has decreased from 456,040 ha in 1981 to 287,633 ha in 2001.80年代年以来 ,北京市土地利用结构发生了巨大的变化 ,突出表现在耕地面积大量减少。

4)Arable land area耕地面积

1.Using GIS as an analyzing tool, the characteristics, reasons, and trends of spatial alternation of China s arable land area are studied based on the national grain production database(by county unit) in two periods (in 1985and 1994).本文以1985年与1994年我国各县粮食生产统计数据为依据,运用地理信息(GIS)为分析手段;从空间变化特征、变化成因及变化趋势三个方面,着重对1984年以来我国耕地面积的空间变化进行了定量研究。

2.The spatio-temporal change of arable land area in Sichuan Province is investigated based on the modification data of land use from 1996 to .据1996-1999年土地利用变更调查数据研究四川省耕地面积时空变化,结果表明耕地面积和人均耕地面积持续下降,所辖21个地区耕地面积呈不断减少趋势,减少幅度表现出一定区域性。

5)farmland area耕地面积

1.It reveals that the difference of the two kinds offarmland area estimates was mainly caused by the difference in the caliber of their measurement units and the difference in the coverage of the data applied in both kinds of estimation.深入分析耕地面积详查数据与统计数据的来源和计量单位口径以及数据覆盖范围,建立了详查口径耕地面积与统计口径耕地面积的关系方程。

6)total cultivated area耕地总面积


《中华人民共和国耕地占用税暂行条例》《中华人民共和国耕地占用税暂行条例》provisional regulations of the People"s Republic of China on farming land occupation taxzhonghua renmin gongheguo gengdi zhanyongshuizanxing tiaoli《中华人民共和国耕地占用税暂行条例》(provi-sional,酗ations of the people’5 Republie of Chinaon几口五ng land occuPation tax)中国征收耕地占用税的行政法规。国务院1987年4月1日发布。耕地占用税是国家对占用耕地建房或者从事其他非农业建设用地行为而征收的一种税,开征此税的主要目的是保护耕地。该条例的主要内容包括:①除外商投资企业外,凡是占用耕地建房或从事其他非农业建设的单位和个人,均是耕地占用税的纳税人。②耕地占用税按纳税人实际占用耕地的面积和规定的每平方米税额计算征收。每平方米税额是以县为单位加以规定的:人均耕地在l亩以下(含1亩)的地区,为2~ro元;人均耕地1~2亩(含2亩)的地区,为1.6~8元;人均耕地2~3亩(含3亩)的地区,为1.3~6.5元;人均耕地在3亩以上的地区,为1~5元。各地适用税额,由省级人民政府在上述规定的税额幅度内,根据本地区情况具体核定。③凡部队军事设施、铁路线路、学校、医院等设施或单位经批准占用的耕地,免征耕地占用税;农村居民占用耕地新建住宅,按规定税额减半征税;农村革命烈士家属等新建住宅照章纳税确有困难的,可申请减征或免征耕地占用税。 (衷泽军)
