100字范文 > 珍稀濒危生物 rare and endangered species英语短句 例句大全

珍稀濒危生物 rare and endangered species英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-20 01:14:21


珍稀濒危生物 rare and endangered species英语短句 例句大全

珍稀濒危生物,rare and endangered species

1)rare and endangered species珍稀濒危生物

1.Economic value evaluation of conserving therare and endangered species affected by the Three Gorges Project保护三峡工程影响的珍稀濒危生物的经济价值评估

2)endangered wildlife珍稀濒危野生生物

1.The legal means to protectendangered wildlife is the most important and the most effective means.而物种的保护却是一个复杂的工程,它涉及到多方面的内容,需要运用多种手段进行调控,其中法律手段是珍稀濒危野生生物保护最为重要、最为有效的手段。


1.The Legal Study of Chinese Endangered Wildlife Protection我国珍稀濒危野生生物保护法律研究

2.Studies on wildlife conservation strategies in Qilian National Region祁连山珍稀濒危野生动物保护战略研究

3.Study on Biological Characteristics of Rare Endangered Plant Gymnocarpos Przewalskii珍稀濒危植物裸果木生物学特性研究

4.Life-table Analysis of Malania oleifera,A Rare and Endangered Plant珍稀濒危植物蒜头果种群生命表分析

5.CMO is rare and endangered in our country.厚朴为国家二级珍稀濒危保护植物,国家二级保护野生中药材。

6.The Investigation and Protection on the Rare and Endangered Wild Plants in Bai ji yao zi;白鸡腰子野生珍稀濒危植物资源的调查及其保护

7.Biosystematics Study on the Endangered Tree Species Cercediphyllum Japonicum;珍稀濒危植物连香树的物种生物学研究

8.Reproductive Ecology Research on Rare and Endangered Species Kmeria Septentrionalis Dandy;珍稀濒危植物单性木兰生殖生态学研究

9.The Study on Soli Microbial Diversity of Rare and Endangered Pinus Bungeana Zucc.et Endl;珍稀濒危植物白皮松土壤微生物多样性研究

10.Studies on Conservation Biology of Dysosma Versipelis (Hance) M.Cheng;珍稀濒危植物八角莲的保护生物学研究

11.Endangered and Rare Species of Marine Medicinal Organisms and Their Protection in China中国海洋药用生物濒危珍稀物种及其保护

12.The Research on Population Ecology of Rare and Endangered Plant Taxus Chinensis (Pilger) Rehd.;珍稀濒危植物中国红豆杉种群生态学研究

13.Study on Population Ecology of Thuja Sutchuenensis--A Rare and Endangered Endemic Plant of China;我国珍稀濒危植物——崖柏种群生态学研究

14.The Climate Response of Rare and Endangered Plant Tsuga Longibracteata Growth;珍稀濒危植物长苞铁杉生长的气候响应

15.There were4 precious, rare and endan-gered species;2 indigenous species;92 timber species;235 medicinal plants58 wild orna-mental plants.该地有4种珍稀濒危植物、个特有植物、2种用材树种、35种药用植物、8种野生观赏植物。

16.rare and endangered species Breeding center珍稀濒危物种繁育基地

17.There are15 species of rare and endangered plants belonging14 genera of9 families in Gutianshan Nature Reserve of Zhejiang.在古田山国家级自然保护区中,有野生珍稀濒危植物15种,隶属9科14属。

18.Endangering Mechanism and Strategy for Conservation of Endangered Plant;珍稀濒危植物的濒危机制与保护对策


endangered wildlife珍稀濒危野生生物

1.The legal means to protectendangered wildlife is the most important and the most effective means.而物种的保护却是一个复杂的工程,它涉及到多方面的内容,需要运用多种手段进行调控,其中法律手段是珍稀濒危野生生物保护最为重要、最为有效的手段。

3)The wildly rare and endangered medicinal plants野生珍稀濒危药用植物

4)rare and endangered wild plant珍稀濒危野生植物

5)Rare and threatened terrestrial vertebrate珍稀濒危陆生脊椎动物

6)rare and endangered aquatic plants珍稀、濒危水生植物

1.A survey on the habitats ofrare and endangered aquatic plants in Hunan Province;湖南境内珍稀、濒危水生植物产地的考察


珍稀濒危药用植物中的珙桐珍稀濒危药用植物中的珙桐粼 珍稀濒危药用植 物中的琪桐 郭葵画
