100字范文 > 排种器 metering device英语短句 例句大全

排种器 metering device英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-11 22:48:07


排种器 metering device英语短句 例句大全

排种器,metering device

1)metering device排种器

puter simulation of seed-injuring process of ball-spoonshaped inner-cell vertical-platemetering device;球勺内窝孔垂直圆盘排种器伤种过程计算机模拟

2.Photoelectric controlledmetering device of electromagnetic vibrating type;光电控制电磁振动排种器的研究(英文)

3.Design of synchronization flexible belt protecting device formetering device机械式排种器同步柔性皮带护种器的设计


1.pneumatic high-speed seed metering device for precision planting气动高速精密排种器

2.Detection Method to Quality of the Seed Metering Device of the Precise Sowing Based on the Machine Vision;精密排种器排种质量的机器视觉检测方法

3.Pattern Recognition Based on Machine Vision Testing Seed Metering Device for Precision Planter;精密排种器视觉检测的排种模式及识别

4.Test and Study on Seeding Performance of Rape No-tillage and Direct Seeding Device;油菜免耕直播排种器排种性能的试验研究

5.A Method of Machine Vision to Detect the Performance of Metering Mechanism for Drill;条播排种器性能检测的机器视觉方法

6.Testing Technique of Precise Seed-metering Device Based on Virtual Instrument基于虚拟仪器的排种器性能检测技术

7.An elasticity-material turning disc friction seeding apparatus is introduced in the paper.本文介绍了1种多功能排种器—弹性材料转动盘摩擦式排种器。

8.The Research of Seeds Equipment Forprecision Seeding-Machine Automatic Monitor System;精密播种机排种器自动监测系统研究

9.Design of synchronization flexible belt protecting device for metering device机械式排种器同步柔性皮带护种器的设计

10.Influence of seeds spatial distribution on suction performance of precision vacuum seeder种群空间分布状态对排种器吸种性能的影响

11.Research on Associated Pneumatic Precision Metering Device for Rapeseed联合气力式油菜籽精量排种器的研究

12.The Control System of Seed-metering Device Laboratory Table Based on RS485基于RS485总线的排种器实验台控制系统

13.Design and simulation processing of outer-fluted feed mold外槽轮式排种器模具设计与仿真加工

14.Parameters Study on the Vibrant System Electromagnetic Vibrated Seeding Apparatus电磁振动排种器振动系统参数的确定

15.Skewed Slot Wheeled Seeding Mechanism Working Length Comparative Trial Research斜槽轮式排种器工作长度的对比试验

16.CFD Simulation and Improvement of Air-stream Distributive Metering Device气流分配式排种器CFD模拟与改进

17.Study of Precise Seed-meter Test System Based on the Virtual Instrumentation;基于虚拟仪器的精密排种器检测系统研究

18.Principle and Computer Analysis on Mechanical Precision Metering Device for Tomatoes;机械夹持式番茄排种器排种机理研究及计算机分析


seed-metering device排种器

1.Optimization of parameters of air-blowing vertical-rotor type precisionseed-metering device;气力轮式精密排种器参数优化

2.Experimental study on optimizing structural parameters of 2B-JP-FL01seed-metering device;2B-JP-FL01排种器基础结构参数优化的试验研究

3.In this paper, the atlthors analyse the technical characteristics of variousseed-metering devices for precisionplanter and some technical means to realize high filling frequence, also introduce theoutline of test techniques used to studyseed-metering device and give a general review ofthe theoretical study on the seed-metering divice of precision planter.精密播种是中耕作物播种机发展的主要趋势,其关键部件──排种器的研究现已取得较大进展。

3)seed metering device排种器

1.Calibration method of camera system for propertyofseed metering device;排种器性能检测中摄像机系统的标定方法

2.The Development and Research of Analysis and Design Software for Precision Seed Metering Device Based on Re_development of AutoCAD;基于AutoCAD二次开发的精密排种器分析设计软件开发研究

3.The Development and Research of Analysis and Design Software for Precision Seed Metering Device Based on Discrete Element Method;基于离散元法的精密排种器分析设计软件开发研究


puter simulation of seed-injuring on wheat precisionseedmeter;小麦精密排种器伤种的计算机模拟

2.Research of seeding principles of centralized typeseedmeters and its development;探讨集中式排种器的排种机理及其发展

3.Detection of a Precision Seedmeter Performance Using ImageProcessing Technology;用图像处理技术检测精密排种器性能

5)seeding apparatus排种器

1.In order to improve the seeding uniformity of electromagnetic vibratedseeding apparatus, an indoor physical experiment was carried out on the main affecting factors for the seeding consistency by means of the quadratic general rotary unitized design.为了提高电磁振动排种器的排种均匀性,利用二次通用旋转组合设计方法,对影响电磁振动排种器排种均匀性的主要因素进行室内物理模拟试验;采用数理统计分析、数学建模及计算机优化方法,建立了相应的数学模型,分析了结构因素和物理因素对排种器均匀性的影响,并得到了主要影响排种均匀性因素的优化参数,为电磁振动排种器的设计和研究提供了重要依据。

2.In this article,the simulation model of seeding plate subsystem of electromagnetic vibratedseeding apparatus was built with automatic dynamic analysis of mechanical system software ADAMS and with finite unit analysis software ANSYS.本文采用机械系统动力学自动分析软件ADAMS和有限元分析软件ANSYS建立电磁振动排种器排种盘子系统的仿真模型,并用ADAMS/V ibration模块对仿真模型进行模态分析,求出系统的固有频率,并验证了仿真模型的正确性,为后续的排种盘子系统的结构参数优化设计奠定了基础。

3.In this article, the virtual model of electromagnetic vibratedseeding apparatus was built with automatic dynamic analysis of mechanical system software ADAMS and finite unit analysis software ANSYS.采用机械系统动力学自动分析软件ADAMS和有限元分析软件ANSYS,建立了电磁振动排种器的虚拟样机,通过仿真试验研究了连接弹簧的物理参数电磁振动排种器的影响。

6)seeding unit排种器

1.To the sowing machine, theseeding unit is a key component, which plays a crucial role in sowing quality.对播种机来说,排种器是它的核心部件,它对播种的质量起决定性作用。


