100字范文 > 大鹏半岛 Dapeng Peninsula英语短句 例句大全

大鹏半岛 Dapeng Peninsula英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-29 03:44:55


大鹏半岛 Dapeng Peninsula英语短句 例句大全

大鹏半岛,Dapeng Peninsula

1)Dapeng Peninsula大鹏半岛

munity characteristics of soil ciliated protozoan atDapeng Peninsula.;大鹏半岛土壤纤毛虫的群落特点

2.Investigation of spermatophyte resources ofDapeng Peninsula in Shenzhen City;深圳大鹏半岛种子植物资源调查

3.The Characteristics of Spermatophytic Flora fromDapeng Peninsula,Shenzhen;深圳大鹏半岛种子植物区系研究


1.Review and Reflection of Urban Design of Dapeng Peninsula in Shenzhen City深圳大鹏半岛城市设计的回顾与反思

2.Investment controlling theory and practice for the branch water supply project in Dapeng Peninsula;大鹏半岛支线供水工程投资控制理论与实践

3.Research on the Branch Line of Water Supply Scheme in Dapeng Peninsula of Shenzhen City深圳市大鹏半岛支线供水工程方案研究

4.Character Changes Analysis on Landscape Ecological Pattern in Dapeng Peninsula,Shenzhen深圳大鹏半岛景观生态格局特征变化分析

5.Analysis of Ecological Expense and Design of Relevant Countermeasures on the Economic Development of the Dapeng Peninsula;深圳大鹏半岛经济发展的生态代价分析及相关对策设计

6.California peninsula is the biggest peninsula on world.加利福尼亚半岛是世界上最大的半岛。

7.a peninsular region of eastern Canada.加拿大东部的一个半岛。

8.Dalian is in the south of the Liaodong Peninsula.大连位于辽东半岛南部。

9.Qingdao Pengyuan Natural Pigment Research Institute青岛鹏远天然色素研究所

10.Wales is a principality of the United Kingdom on the western peninsula of the island of Great Britain.威尔士是英国大不列颠岛西部半岛之一地区。

11.Policy Regulation of Boundary Powers on Korean Island and Peaceful Reunifying of Korean Island after Cold War;冷战后朝鲜半岛周边大国的政策调整与朝鲜半岛和平统一

12.There was a big battle at the north of the Liaodong Peninsula.在辽东半岛的北边有过一场大战。

13.Shell hills, the accumulate stone tomb and large stone canopy culture in Liaodong Peninsula;辽东半岛的贝丘、积石冢与大石棚文化

14.The Roman Conquest and Ruling Policy toward Italian Peninsula;罗马对意大利半岛的征服及统治政策

15.Characteristics and Causes of a Severe Rainstorm in Leizhou Peninsula雷州半岛一次特大暴雨的特点及成因

16.The roc flutters with the wind and soars high into the heaven--Discussion on the image of the roc in Li Bai s poems;大鹏一日同风起 抟摇直上九万里——试论李白笔下的大鹏形象

17.Located in northern Europe, Denmark consists of the mainland of Jutland and406 islands.北欧国家丹麦由主要大陆日德兰半岛和406座小岛组成。

18.the extinct Germanic language of medieval Scandinavia and Iceland from about to 700 to 1350.一种绝迹的西德语分布于大约700到1350年斯堪的那维亚半岛和冰岛。



1.The roc flutters with the wind and soars high into the heaven——Discussion on the image of the roc in Li Bai s poems;大鹏一日同风起 抟摇直上九万里——试论李白笔下的大鹏形象

2.Li Bai s Confucian Thought Represented inRoc Figure;从大鹏形象看李白的儒家思想表现

3.Zhuang zi’s roc image is difficult to understand due to the grotesque of his language and writing style.庄子塑造的大鹏形象因其语言的奇特诡异和行文的汪洋恣肆,给后人的理解造成了困难。

3)Italian Peninsula意大利半岛

1.The Romanization in theItalian Peninsula;意大利半岛的“罗马化”进程


1.The benthic fluxes of nutrients(NO2-N,NO3-N,NH4-N,PO4-P,SiO3-Si)in the sediment-water interface in fish cage area ofDapengao were measured by the laboratory incubation experiments with HgCl2,and a function method with dependence of the exchange rate was developed.在滴加HgCl2的状况下,应用实验室培养法研究了大亚湾大鹏澳网箱养殖海域各营养盐(NO2-N、NO3-N、NH4-N、PO4-P、SiO3-Si)在沉积物—海水界面上的交换通量;并根据改进的连续函数法计算了各营养盐在沉积物—海水界面上的交换速率。

5)Dapengao Cove大鹏澳

1.Variation characteristics of DO levels in cage-culture waters ofDapengao Cove,South China Sea;大鹏澳养殖水域溶解氧的变化及其与生态结构的关系

2.h-observation at fixed site were conducted monthly in the area of fish cage-farming inDapengao Cove in August to October 1998.根据1998年8~10月每1次对大亚湾大鹏澳网箱养鱼水体26h定点连续观测,采用国内常用的营养状态质量指数 (INQ))法,并选用COD、TIN、PO4-P和Chla为评指标,分析了各网箱水体的富营养化程度,讨论了A网箱INQ 值的周日变化;用质量平衡法估算了网箱养鱼水体的氮、磷负荷量。

3.The impact of cage fish farming on the sediment environment was investigated for 8 voyage numbers in the cage fish farm and its vicinity area(as control area)in Dapengao cove of Daya bay from June 2001 to October on a seasonal basis.为了评估大亚湾大鹏澳海水鱼类网箱养殖对养殖区及其邻近海域(对照区)沉积环境的影响,于2001年6月—10月按季度对该养殖海域进行了8个航次的调查。

6)Dapeng Bay大鹏湾

1.Integrated analysis of the marine geological environment and hazards in theDapeng Bay;大鹏湾海洋地质环境与地质灾害综合分析

2.Dapeng Bay Water Environment Capacity Analysis on The Base of Delft 3D Model;基于Delft 3D模型的大鹏湾水环境容量分析

3.Fouling organism in marine cage culture area inDapeng Bay, South China Sea;大鹏湾深水网箱养殖区的污损生物研究


