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神游 spiritual journey英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-22 22:04:04


神游 spiritual journey英语短句 例句大全

神游,spiritual journey

1)spiritual journey神游

1.Both Qu Yuan s "spiritual journey" and Zhuangtse s "pleasant journey" are romantic.屈原的"神游"与庄子的"逍遥游"都是具有浪漫色彩的奇特的精神之游。


1.Qu Yuan s "Spiritual Journey" and Chuangtse s "Pleasant Journey";屈原的“神游”与庄子的“逍遥游”

ments on Li Bai s Lyrics;挥斥幽愤神游八极——李白入朝前后游仙诗述评

3.The odyssey in mind and reality --a brief analysis of three consciousness in “RAINY ROAD IN THE WIND”;身游与神游——解析散文集《风中雨路》的三个意识

4.On the Humanistic Spirit of Making Spiritual Tours in the Fairyland Manisfested in "Reading the Shan Hai Jing" by Tao Yuanming;论陶渊明《读山海经》神游仙境的人文精神

5.I allowed myself, as I sometimes do, to wander out of myself.我听任自己忘我神游,有时我就是如此。

6.3 times per minute when people play games...而聚精会神的玩游戏时,

7.the pull of the wandering life漫游生活之令人神往

parative Study of Myths and Legends in Context of Cross-cultural Communication in Tourism;从旅游地神话传说看旅游跨文化传播

9.In its northern districts the peasants have prohibited the incense-burning processions to propitiate the god of pestilence.北乡各区农民禁止家神老爷(傩神)游香。

10.On Ecotourism Supporting Tourism Sustainable Development Of Shennong Jia论生态旅游促进神农架旅游业可持续发展

11.On the Paladin Tradition and the Making of Cao Zhi s Swordsman Temperament;论游侠传统与曹植游侠精神气质的形成

12.Criticism on Anti-play-spirit of Kindergarden Education;游戏精神的缺失:幼儿园教育中的反游戏精神批判

13.The Recreational Words and the Relexed Life -On the Recreational Spirit in Fangfang s Novel;游戏的文本与游戏的人生——论方方小说中的游戏精神

14.He is a nighthawk, always hanging around in the night clubs.他是个夜游神,常在夜总会流连忘返。

15.he missed the bell in his occupation with the computer game.全神贯注于电脑游戏使她没听见铃声。

16.Sleepwalking is one of the disturbances of consciousness that fall in the scope of psychopaths.梦游症是精神病中意识障碍的一种。

17.The central attraction of the resort is the Magic Kingdom.游乐场最令人神往的景点是魔幻王国。

18.A wandering in mind or thought.游移不定思想散漫,神思恍惚


the Deities Parade游神

1.The Evolution ofthe Deities Parade of Johor Ancient Chinese Temple of Malaysia and Its Relation to the Integration of Chinese Community马来西亚柔佛古庙游神的演化及其与华人社会整合的关系

3)trudge works and journey works行游与神游

4)spirit of playing游戏精神

1.Thespirit of playing is children s spirit, and soaks through children s life.游戏精神就是儿童的精神,并渗透、贯穿于儿童生活的全部过程之中。

5)game spirit游戏精神

1.Game Spirit of Children Literature;论儿童文学中的游戏精神

2.With the review of the new journals from the popular culture perspective,two inner contradictions of the fresh popular journals are revealed——game spirit and consumption cultural value orientation with unique journal philosophy.文章从大众文化的视角对我国近年来涌现的新锐杂志进行透视,分析新锐杂志的两个内在矛盾———游戏精神和消费主义的文化价值取向以及独特的办刊理念。

6)mobilized nerve游离神经

1.Experimental study on the effects ofmobilized nerve in ultrastructure alterations;游离神经对其超微结构影响的实验研究


神游1.谓形体不动而心神向往,如亲游其境。 2.犹言神交。谓以精神相交。 3.人死的讳称。
