100字范文 > 深度-浓度分布 the depth-concentration distribution英语短句 例句大全

深度-浓度分布 the depth-concentration distribution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-27 00:58:47


深度-浓度分布 the depth-concentration distribution英语短句 例句大全

深度-浓度分布,the depth-concentration distribution

1)the depth-concentration distribution深度-浓度分布

2)Concentration depth profile浓度深度分布

3)depth-concentration distribution浓度-深度分布

1.Thedepth-concentration distribution and energy gradient distributions were presented and discussed.简要讨论了强脉冲离子束与钛靶相互作用的理论模型,选取特定参数,应用数值计算的方法模拟计算离子能量为100 keV、300 keV和450 keV的H+、C+离子束与钛靶相互作用,给出了钛靶在辐照后离子浓度-深度分布、能量梯度分布等模拟计算结果。

4)impurity concentration profile杂质浓度深度分布

1.Theimpurity concentration profile depends on the speed of epitaxy growth,growth time and impurity diffusion coefficient.从理论上推导出掺杂外延生长时杂质浓度深度分布表达式——"修正的"余误差分布;并根据该表达式绘出不同扩散系数和不同外延生长条件下的杂质浓度深度分布图;讨论了由杂质浓度深度分布确定扩散系数的实验条件。

5)distribution of concentration浓度分布

1.An analytical solution is presented to determined thedistribution of concentration in a trapezoidal channel due to a stream of effluent discharging.从无限区域圆形瞬时源扩散的浓度分布公式入手,推导出梯形区域内瞬时线源扩散的近似浓度计算公式,进而得到了梯形渠道岸边排污的浓度分布公式。

2.When there is contamination resource around a building, there is dose relationship between thedistribution of concentration of contami-nation and the relative place between the contamination resource and the aerodynamic shadow zone.当建筑物附近有污染源存在时,污染物的浓度分布与污染源和空气动力阴影区之间的相对位置有着密切关系。


1.The use of C-V technique in slowing distribution of P-N junction;CV法测缓变PN结杂质浓度分布的研究

2.Numerical stimulation of the SO_2 concentration in the Expo Planning Area世博规划区SO_2浓度分布数值计算

3.The concentration values of the simulations were basically in agreement with the experimentally measured results of welding aerosol concentration.通过焊接气溶胶浓度现场实测,模拟值与其浓度分布基本吻合。


5.Concentrations and Distribution Characteristic of PAHs in Precipitation of Taian泰安降水中多环芳烃的浓度分布和来源分析

6.Analysis on Gas Content Distribution Law of 7601 Fully Mechanized Coal Mining Face in Wuyang Mine五阳煤矿7601综放面瓦斯浓度分布规律分析

7.Concentration Profiles in Fast Fluidized Bed with Bluff-Body内置钝体对快速流化床中颗粒浓度分布的影响

8.Effect of Ventilation on Indoor Polutant Concentration Distribution;通风对建筑物室内污染物浓度分布的影响

9.Research on Indoor VOC Distributionwith Air Cleaner;空气净化器存在时室内VOC浓度分布研究

10.Studies on the Concentration Distribution and the Toxicity Effect of Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide in Building Fire Smoke;建筑火灾烟气中CO/CO_2的浓度分布及毒性研究

11.Concentration and Distribution of the Air Bacterium Particles in Beijing Area北京地区大气细菌粒子浓度及其分布

12.Gas Concentration Distribution in an Entrained-Flow Gasifier气流床气化炉内气体浓度的分布规律

13.Analysis on distribution of salinity and fresh water concentration in Namtso Lake纳木错湖淡水浓度和湖泊盐度分布分析

14.We could find a significant effect on CCN concentrationwhen the aerosol distribution is different.气溶胶总浓度和谱分布特征明显影响着云凝结核浓度。

15.Temporal and spatial distribution of chlorophyll-a concentration and the relationships with TN, TP concentrations in Lake Ulansuhai, Inner Mongolia内蒙古乌梁素海叶绿素a浓度时空分布及其与氮、磷浓度关系

16.night-time ozone profile夜间臭氧垂直方向的分布 不同高度的臭氧浓度

17.Study on Concentration Depth Distribution of Ions Implanted into Plant Seeds with Low Energy;低能离子注入植物种子中浓度—深度分布的研究

18.Influence of concentration and particle size distribution on viscosity prediction of coal slurry煤浆浓度和颗粒分布对煤浆黏度预测的影响


Concentration depth profile浓度深度分布

3)depth-concentration distribution浓度-深度分布

1.Thedepth-concentration distribution and energy gradient distributions were presented and discussed.简要讨论了强脉冲离子束与钛靶相互作用的理论模型,选取特定参数,应用数值计算的方法模拟计算离子能量为100 keV、300 keV和450 keV的H+、C+离子束与钛靶相互作用,给出了钛靶在辐照后离子浓度-深度分布、能量梯度分布等模拟计算结果。

4)impurity concentration profile杂质浓度深度分布

1.Theimpurity concentration profile depends on the speed of epitaxy growth,growth time and impurity diffusion coefficient.从理论上推导出掺杂外延生长时杂质浓度深度分布表达式——"修正的"余误差分布;并根据该表达式绘出不同扩散系数和不同外延生长条件下的杂质浓度深度分布图;讨论了由杂质浓度深度分布确定扩散系数的实验条件。

5)distribution of concentration浓度分布

1.An analytical solution is presented to determined thedistribution of concentration in a trapezoidal channel due to a stream of effluent discharging.从无限区域圆形瞬时源扩散的浓度分布公式入手,推导出梯形区域内瞬时线源扩散的近似浓度计算公式,进而得到了梯形渠道岸边排污的浓度分布公式。

2.When there is contamination resource around a building, there is dose relationship between thedistribution of concentration of contami-nation and the relative place between the contamination resource and the aerodynamic shadow zone.当建筑物附近有污染源存在时,污染物的浓度分布与污染源和空气动力阴影区之间的相对位置有着密切关系。

6)density distribution浓度分布

1.Measurement of solid suspensiondensity distribution in the furnace of a 75t/h circulating fluidized bed boiler (CFB) with the water cooled square separator was conducted with the probe developed by Tsinghua University.针对75t/h水冷方型分离器循环流化床锅炉,利用自行设计的测试方法进行了炉内燃烧室不同位置的局部固体悬浮浓度的测量,确定了燃烧室近壁区沿高度方向及截面方向物料浓度分布,分析了测量结果,并根据测量结果,发展了炉内局部物料浓度的计算模型。


