100字范文 > 自由意识 consciousness of freedom英语短句 例句大全

自由意识 consciousness of freedom英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-23 22:30:26


自由意识 consciousness of freedom英语短句 例句大全

自由意识,consciousness of freedom

1)consciousness of freedom自由意识


1.source of feeling of free will自由意识的感觉源泉

2.Xiao Hong and San Mao: An Interpretation of Their “Women Awareness” and“Freedom Awareness”;萧红与三毛“女性意识”与“自由意识”解读

3.On Freedom and Will of Freedom-Abou t Conscious Activity and Moral Duty;论“自由”与“意志自由”──关于“意识的能动性”与“意志自由”问题

4.Human-being’s free full development: comment on The German Ideology;人的自由全面发展:读《德意志意识形态》

5.From “Nature” to “Freedom” --Laozi’s and Zhangzi’s life consciousness;从“自然”到“自由”——老庄的生命意识

6.endowed with feeling and unstructured consciousness.被赋予感觉和自由的意识。

7.an ideological belief in freedom of thought and speech.相信自由思想与言论的意识形态。

8.an involuntary movement(吃惊时等的) 无意识 [不由自主] 的动作

9.Live for the Liberty──On the Female Subjectivity in The Awakening;为自由而生──评《觉醒》中的女性主体意识

10.On the Application and Training of Chosing the Right Moment in the Wrestling;论自由式摔跤战机意识的培养与应用

11.Will of Liberty and the Trap: A Twoway Discussion of LU Xun s Life Consciousness;自由意志及其陷阱——对鲁迅生命意识的双向分析

12.The Spread of Female Consciousness of "the SHUN PAO·on FREEDOM";三十年代《申报·自由谈》对女性意识的传播

13.Reflecting College Humanistic Education through Culture Self-awareness;由“文化自觉”意识反思大学人文精神教育

14.On the Nature and Harm of Ideological Neoliberalism;作为意识形态的新自由主义的本质及其危害

15.Exclusion li Complement Between Gaining ScholanlyHonow li Freedom In Chinese Literature;中国文学功业意识与自由精神的相黜与互补

16.An Interpersonal Analysis of Natural Theories of Conciousness由《意识的自然论》看学术论文的语际功能

17.The Comprehension for the Necessity of Forming the Tension Between Academic Freedom and Utilitarianism in Universities;对大学学术自由和功利意识之间张力形成的认识

18.Anti-tradition: Paramount Experience of Liberal Will--On the Anti-trational Life Consciousness of LU Xun;反传统:自由意志的高峰体验——论鲁迅反传统的生命意识


freedom consciousness自由意识

1.Basing himself on thefreedom consciousness of nature, Xuwei would rather indulge himself than be restricted within the morality.基于“利人皆圣”的平等意识,形成了徐渭蔑视权贵、傲世独立的人格风范;基于“本体自然”的自由意识,形成了徐渭“疏纵不为儒缚”的人格特点;徐渭的狂狷人格体现在诗文创作中,则突出地表现为愤世嫉俗的反抗精神。

3)consciousness of female liberty女性自由意识

4)self-consciousness of individuality character个性自由意识

5)source of feeling of free will自由意识的感觉源泉

6)free will自由意志

1.“Free Will”——the Concept of “Nature” in “Discourse on Origins and Foundations of Inequality among Men”;“自由意志”——《论人类不平等的起源和基础》中的“自然”概念

2.The Intentionality and Behaviour Nature of Free Will——An analysis offree will in 《Principle of Statute Philosophy》;自由意志的意向性与行为性——《法哲学原理》中的自由意志分析

3.Ecological ethics attribution of moral ought:On the relations betweenfree will and moral ought道德“应该”的生态伦理归向——从自由意志与道德“应该”的关系出发


必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)realm of necessity and realm of freedomof口1 Iun Wongg口0 yU ZlyQU wangguo必然王国与自由王国(realmandrealm of freedom)necessity见必然与自由。
