100字范文 > 扶义 Rational and Principle of Reasoning英语短句 例句大全

扶义 Rational and Principle of Reasoning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-08 16:43:12


扶义 Rational and Principle of Reasoning英语短句 例句大全

扶义,Rational and Principle of Reasoning

1)Rational and Principle of Reasoning扶义


1.Moving by Support of Ration and Action by Reasoning--Exploration to Ancient Chinese Reasoning“扶义而动,推理而行”——引譬、援类再探讨

2.Convention on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations扶养义务法律适用公约

3.He has an obligation to support his parents.他有扶养他父母的义务。

4.The Rotary Volunteers program through Rotary International provides two resources to support Rotarian volunteers.扶轮义工计划透过国际扶轮提供两种资源来支援扶轮社员义工们。

5.If you desire peace, cultivate jus tice.所以,如果想得到和平,就得匡扶正义。

6.Article20 Husband and wife shall be under the obligation of supporting each other.第二十条夫妻有互相扶养的义务。

7.Article14. Husband and wife shall have the duty to maintain each other.第十四条夫妻有互相扶养的义务。

8.Doctors should heal the wounded, rescue the dying, and practice humanitarianism.大夫要救死扶伤,实行人道主义。

9.Adult offspring have the obligation to provide for their parents.成年子女对父母有赡养扶助的义务。

10.Both were legally obliged to care for their children.双方都有法律义务扶养子女。

11.Promoting new socialist countryside construction by mental poverty supporting;以思想扶贫促进社会主义新农村建设

12.Clinical application of the theory of Fuyang in treating inflammation“容平”含义之再思与扶阳治燥法之应用

13.Article9 Legal fosterers of disabled persons must fulfill their duties towards their charges.第九条残疾人的法定扶养人必须对残疾人履行扶养义务。

14.RI President Boyd salutes the Rotaract Club of Panama for Leading the Way.国际扶轮社长白义德祝贺巴拿马扶轮青年服务团?带头前进?。

15.Innovating on the thoughts of helping the poor;探索创新扶贫新思路——谈小额项目对云南扶贫攻坚的意义和作用

16.If one party fails to perform this duty, the party in need of maintenance shall have the right to demand maintenance payments from the other party.一方不履行扶养义务时,需要扶养的一方,有要求对方付给扶养费的权利。

17.At the time of distributing the estate, successors who had the ability and were in a position to maintain the decedent but failed to fulfil their duties shall be given no share or a smaller share of the estate.有扶养能力和有扶养条件的继承人,不尽扶养义务的,分配遗产时,应当不分或者少分。

18.Boyd also acknowledged the challenges of keeping Rotary"s ranks going strong.白义德也承认保持扶轮阵容继续壮大的挑战。


supporting responsibility扶养义务

1.Thesupporting responsibility should not be legislated only according to the marriage law and also the objects of the main deserted behaviour should not be just confined to the family members.随着人类文明进程的推进,社会养老渐成趋势,扶养义务不应仅仅根据《婚姻法》来确定,遗弃罪的主体、行为对象也不应再局限于家庭成员。

3)mutual maintenance support obligation扶养的义务

4)married couple"s support obligation夫妻扶养义务

5)the connotation of married(couple s) support obligation扶养义务内涵

6)significance of tourism for supporting the poor旅游扶贫意义


