100字范文 > 《列女传》 Biography of Women in Ancient China英语短句 例句大全

《列女传》 Biography of Women in Ancient China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-21 10:31:53


《列女传》 Biography of Women in Ancient China英语短句 例句大全

《列女传》,Biography of Women in Ancient China

1)Biography of Women in Ancient China《列女传》

1.The Academic Summary from 1988 to ofBiography of Women in Ancient China;《列女传》研究综述(1988-)

2.On the Source of Materials and the Way of Processing in Liu-xiang s New Recount, Collection of Stories andBiography of Women in Ancient China;刘向《新序》《说苑》《列女传》材料来源及加工取舍方式探索


1.The Academic Summary from 1988 to of Biography of Women in Ancient China;《列女传》研究综述(1988-)

2.On the Female Ethics in Liu Xiang"s Biographies of Chaste Females论刘向《列女传》中的女性伦理思想

3.The Novel Character of LiuXiang s Three Books;刘向《新序》《说苑》《列女传》的小说特征

4.The Characteristics of 《Xinxu》、 《Shuoyuan》and 《Lienüzhuan》;关于《新序》、《说苑》、《列女传》的性质

5.The Invisible Silence in History--A Gender Study of LienvZhuanThe Invisible Silence in History--A Gender Study of LienvZhuan;沉默在历史背后的聒噪——《列女传》的社会性别研究

6.On the Source of Materials and the Way of Processing in Liu-xiang s New Recount, Collection of Stories and Biography of Women in Ancient China;刘向《新序》《说苑》《列女传》材料来源及加工取舍方式探索

7.Liu Xiang s Non-official Biography;刘向《列女》、《列士》、《孝子》三传考论

8.Analysis of Women s Chastity View in Yuan Dynasty Through Biographies of Chaste Female in the History of Yuan Dynasty;从《元史·列女传》析元代妇女的贞节观

9.On Early Education Stories of "The Collected Biographies for Women"论《列女传·母仪传》早期教育故事

10.He began what is now called the Gardnerian Tradition of Wicca.他开始的是叫做加德列的女巫传统。

11.Female Field of Vision Embedded in the Translating of The Sing-song Girls of Shanghai;《海上花列传》英译本中女性视阈的体现

12."The Brothel"--From The Biography of Prostitutes in Shanghai to Crumbs of Ligumaloes theFirst Incense Burnt“妓女的宅子”——从《海上花列传》到《第一炉香》

13.Affirmative Disavowal: A Look at the Circumstances of Women in the Qing Dynasty throughthe Phenomenon of Female Suicides Recorded in the Draft of Qing Dynasty, Biographies of Chaste Female;被肯定的否定——从《清史稿·列女传》中的妇女自杀现象看清代妇女境遇

14.Natural Instinct lost--Analyses Women s Chastity idea of Ming Dynasty through the Phenomenon of Chaste Women Recorded in the History of Ming Dynasty, Biographies of Chaste Female;迷失的本性——从《明史·列女传》中的妇女守节现象析明代妇女的贞节观念

15.The Brick and Stone Relievo of East Han Tomb Based on The Legend of Huayang Ladies;四川东汉墓秋胡戏妻画像砖、画像石与常璩华阳列女传

16.Rethinking Women′s Social Position at the Basic Level in Traditional Society;传统社会基层女性社会地位的再思考——恩施双龙土家族村女性研究系列论文之二

17.Reportray the history of female;重塑女性的历史——新历史主义视界中的女性历史传记系列丛书《花非花》

18.Dawan Commentary Section of the Historical Records《史记 大宛列传》


Lie Nu Zhuan《列女传》

1.For a long time,it has been a controversial issue that whether Liu Xiang s works of Xin Xu,Shuo Yuan,Lie Nu Zhuan,Lie Xian Zhuan are"novels"or not.刘向的《新序》、《说苑》、《列女传》、《列仙传》等书是不是“小说”,学术界久有争论。

3)"Female Homecoming"《续列女传》

1.In the Song dynasty,some scholars classified "Female Song"on the basis of"Female Homecoming",which is not correct.《列女颂》是汉代看图作颂风气下的产物,宋人以《列女颂》为依据划分《续列女传》的作法是不周密的。

4)Biography of Women列女传

1.Extending in the Theme of Women Made in the BookBiography of Women试探刘向《列女传》对题材的拓展

5)Historical Novel about Ancient Various Female《列女传演义》

1.According to two seals behind the preface ofHistorical Novel about Ancient Various Female, we can deduce that the Suzheng Tang was owned by Feng Menglong, a famous writer in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.根据《列女传演义》“东海犹龙子”序后的“龙子犹印”、“素政堂”两枚印章,推知“素政堂”即冯梦龙所有之堂。

6)Liu Xiang "Female"刘向《列女传》


